Best albums recorded in bedrooms

looking for some inspiration on what i can achieve with my cheap bedroom setup

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Focus on getting the most out of everything you have available to you and not on what other's have.

The only album I can think of off the top of my head that was recorded in a bedroom (or at least contains tracks mostly recorded in a bedroom) is I Sold Gold by Aqueduct.

>Epic wanted the band to record in Los Angeles with a record producer, but Scholz was unwilling and wanted to record the album in his basement studio, so he hired Boylan to run interference with the label. In an elaborate ruse, Scholz tricked the label into thinking the band was recording on the West Coast, when in reality, the bulk was being tracked solely by Scholz at his Massachusetts home. The album's contents are a complete recreation of the band's demo tape, and contain songs written and composed many years prior. The album's style, often referred to as the "Boston sound", was developed through Scholz's love of classical music, melodic hooks and guitar-heavy rock groups such as the Kinks and the Yardbirds.


Julia Holter's first two albums come to mind
This whole album was recorded with a cassette field recorder and put together in Audacity.

Just finished a mix and it sounds actually decent, feels good man.

Deathconsciousness and Giles Corey were recorded in a home-studio with very basic trial-and-error techniques

have this on vinyl, great album.

gonna keep throwing stuff at you

Everything Grimes has put out she did herself in her bedroom with pirated plugins, a synth and controller on a shitty macbook.

She also understood literally nothing about music and to this day is only just learning how to play instruments.

That explains why her music is shit.

be nice to grimesy

You can record vocals and guitars in a bedroom, just be sure to throw some clothes around on the floor to dampen the acoustics.

The more of a mess your room is, less of the room will be on your recordings.

For recording vocals you can always just cover yourself and the microphone with a blanket, though this requires a bit of practice but the end result will be almost as good as any vocal booth.

Drums and louder instruments requires rooms that can accommodate them.

Toro y Moi - Underneath the pine

Elliott Smith recorded his debut album in a basement filled with trash and to this day it remains one of the best of the decade.

Just write good music and the rest will fall into place.

literally i will record vocals in a closet occasionally if i really need to, honestly if you need a pop filter and a shock absorbing stand whatever you're a faggot perfectionist

>pop filter
A pop filter is necessary if you're thinking of singing loud, but a thin sock (summer ankle socks for example) or stockings over the microphone will do the trick.

>shock absorbing stand
Pretty much useless unless you're thinking about moving around or stomping your feet alot.

Im pretty sure mac degoofball records everything from his room

i record vocals on a boom style mic stand that i can swivel to right in front of the screen, vocals sound legitimately fine.


Youth Lagoon- The Year of Hibernation

well, depends on the mic. The shure sm7b for example is pretty much foolproof, non dynamic microhones tend to be a bit more touchy.

yes i use an SM57 occasionally, but a MXL large diaphragm condenser i purchased recently sounds great as well.

Does this count ?

Not the Boston story again dad

I would post mine but technically, as of last week, that would be a breach of contract.

Anything's possible these days. The technology is so accessable and available. For me, the hardest part was learning mixing, but that might just be me.

do know how many times Ive heard my dad say he was friends with mitch mitchel? fuckin dad stories man

Bomb The Music Industry! (Jeff Rosenstock) did most of his recording in bedrooms. I don't care too much for his stuff anymore but the Scrambles vinyl included a booklet describing some of the recording processes, but it's mostly just
>use a condenser mic
>experiment with mic placement
>toilet paper tubes are shock proof mic stands
>pantyhose stretched over clothes hangers are good pop filters
He's also pretty shit at programming drums, but he gets a good guitar sound.

Does basements counts?

bonus points if they are a good showcase of what you can achieve production wise

Salad Days was recorded in Mac's bedroom.

there is obviously a lot of music theory applied to her works even if she doesn't know it on paper



have you heard the new teen suicide album? it's fucking mindblowing

Pretty sure fall of troy's first thing was bedroom stuff



This album is brilliant.

Very interesting. Terrible band though


Surprised no one posted this yet


all from a comfy MpC

Some of Carrie and Lowell was recorded in a hotel, and you can even hear the fan in the background

This. Jeff is bae

>mfw want a mpc just too fuck around
>the fucking price

i wish i wasn't poor

the best record ever was recorded in a living room

oh user, it shows. it really shows

source on this?

The newer models go for like 650 or less used these days. If you can't afford that, you need to start working harder.

She reads in Russian? My useless power is to read Russian but I don't understand most of the words.

just get a mpd and a pirated copy of ableton/reason user. Will set you back $50

>got my mpc 1000 for 300

just save your lunch money user

>made in her bedroom with pirated sofyware

kek ok senpai.

Listen, I hate Grimes, but she probably just send him the project files and he mastered them. The album was still recorded at home

recording in your bedroom, and having an expensive home studio are different things chum

No i have no doubt she made the tracks in her room at home but then she sends her stuff to some of the best mixing and mastering engineers working.

Not really a "Bedroom" album is it.

True no-compromise bedroom masterpiece coming through

This is where The Pod by Ween was recorded


her early albums obviously

this is what it says for oblivion

"The album was recorded entirely on Apple's GarageBand, using vocal pedals, a sampler and a Juno-G keyboard.[15]"

lmao that dog is sad

You mean Smiley Smile, Wild Honey and Friends?

what do you need to record? just a good microphone?