Xfce won't stop screentearing

xfce won't stop screentearing

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just use windows

This honestly. Specifically Windows 10, don't listen to haters. It's the best desktop OS in history and it's constantly getting better.

# sbopkg -i compton
$ compton

cia niggers

That's why I switched to 3 with no de. Never looking back

>proprietary nvidia drivers

apt-get install compton

fucking nigger

Use Compton as your compositor, retard.

>using some 3rd party compositor to hide your problem
>not just configuring xorg to work as it should

integrated intel graphics, not nvidia

go away microcuck

Get used to it. Little bit of screen tearing never hurt ya. It builds character

its utter utter garbage, stuck in the 90s .. internally a mess .. bloated buggy shit.

ignore this microcuck thread stating "screen tearing" .. which doesn't exist .. these threads are standard anti-marketing

I have an onboard amd gfxcard on my Lubuntu machine. I was experiencing massive screentearing when watching videos on Netflix (no problems with mpv just videos in the browser). I thought I would need to install a compositor but found the following link:


I had to do some extra reading (found out there is a man page for my card 'man radeon'). But I got it working without having to install extra software.

Good luck

>integrated intel graphics, not nvidia
You need to add a couple of lines in some Xorg config file:
Describes it.

Issues like this will just just keep piling up on GNU/Linux, OP. I recommend you stop wasting time trying to make it work as a daily driver and join the #WIN10FAM instead.

OP the tearfree fix did it for me. Look it up.


Jup, not that guy. This works perfectly

This. I really think OP should just grab an official Windows 10 key and make the switch today!

>official Windows 10 key
Why even activate?

>just be cuck already

>something something rupies have been transferred to your account

>stuck in the 90s
says the guy who insists on doing everything via command line because "it proves I'm smarter"


Enable FreeSync, GPU composition (if for God's sake you shouldn't already) and system wide v-sync if FreeSync alone doesn't cut it because your shitty toaster is toast.


why is she crying? :(

she is too stupid to configure compton.


using commandline is just more a succinct and expressive way of computing. that and it encourages scripting for repetitive tasks. Nothing wrong with using a cli

I had the same problem, see this guy.
Compton stopped my 4K screentearing. Just installed and add to your auto start.

Just use Windows you fucking retard. It just fucking works.

this is the real answer

see the giant hearing aid? She is deaf, they are always sad.

shes got windows 10, she's had to get some work in for her demanding boss & her pc has rebooted itself, going into 'update' mode, She had no idea when it will finish. It is also becoming intolerably slow becaue the 90s filing system is 'fragmented'.

she was singing a sound about being raped and it brought back memories.

Xfce is a dead project.

Sadly. Compton does fix tearing though, none of the other changes made a difference in my dual head setup.

There's nothing wrong with CLI, just the vast majority of people that insist ever one knows they use CLI because CLI is "superior" You can have a bad CLI just easily as a bad GUI. Also nothing stopping people with GUI based IDEs from scripting.

winshit never had a cli of any worth
so people don't know about the cli
windows users are uneducated, expecting all these big buttons to solve everything @ a key press. highly unproductive


Stop using xfeces
MATE is better at literally everything while being just as light