What are the biggest scams/schemes in consumer electronics today?
What are the biggest scams/schemes in consumer electronics today?
Any and all Apple products.
gaming laptops
I'd say paying full price for Windows 10 os.
Checked and /thread.
GPUs, or at the least the artificial scarcity/pricing of them. It's all a fucking scam.
Releasing multiple garbage products so you don't have the ultimate products to settle on.
Smart home devices
>opening internet-based apps
Gayming and anime
>connexion speed is not relevant for a phone
>Fuck iPhones connection up with QoS
>Make ebin webms
HDMI cables
Antivirus software
I wanna agree with you but nah, I still use an ipod video as a portable media center for my car, and use a 2013 mbp for work. best laptop i've ever used.
buying anything you dont need
It isn't. GPU == buttcoin
tefal actifry
logitec wingman rumble pad
Flagship phones
Releasing new hardware year on year and artificially making reasons why the consumer needs it.
Conspiracy hat on, but I agree.
Both GPU manufacturers slowed down their production of their cards right as the crypto meme took off so they could sell the same stock for inflated prices.
Same as what they did a few years ago with HDDs. Tell the press a factory burnt down, sell all those 2TB HDDs that were $50 for $110 again.
The idea that there are only 2 valid competitors in every market.
Though this is a misconception that permeates everywhere.
It's not the manufacturers, it's the retailers who are charging huge markups.
Planned obsolescence is definitely the biggest scheme.
Want a phone? Enjoy no replaceable battery, glued in screen, software updates that slow everything down without the option to disable features that cause the slowness, no security updates sometimes only a year after release.
Want a laptop? Enjoy soldered RAM, proprietary screws, and a general lack of standardized hardware.
What do you use your phone for?
Everything related to gaming and flagship phones
> gaming pc parts
> crowdfunding
> Microsoft Office
> Photoshop's pricing
Selling linux to normies as free software while being full of blobs.
There's not really any artificial scarcity on GPUs. It may seem that way but AMDs latest numbers show that their GPU sales was up 8% between Q3 and Q4 2017 and their market share, believe it or not, is up. AMD is actually taking market share from NVidia.
So .. my local retail stores has absolutely zero mid or high end AMD cards and while there's plenty of those ancient architecture pascal cards from NVidia it's all listed at highly inflated prices (it's like buying a Skylake Intel CPU at twice the price at it's release). It's natural to assume it's there's artificial scarcity going on. But their numbers do show that they are making more GPUs than before & selling them. AMDs numbers also show that they are not making a anything extra on the inflated prices, btw. They are selling their chips at their original contracted prices to board partners (Asus/Gigabyte/MSI/etc).
>HDMI cables
Old brick store electronics stores are among the biggest scams/schemes and HDMI cables is a totally fine example. A $70 HDMI cable at one of those stores isn't better than a $10 HDMI cable. I've noticed all other cables as well as MicroSD cards and things like that are also going for 3-5 times what they are worth.
>not using mastodon
This, but sadly it exists in pretty much all economic sectors nowadays.
Inkjet printers