"Open-minded, green, feminist, fighting against injustice, loving life is how Gwen-Dragon, Vivaldi’s volunteer moderator, and top forum poster describes herself."
"Speaking to us on International Women’s Day, Gwen-Dragon says that gender equality in the tech industry did not come easily to what was once West Germany. That, she says, may be related to some myths girls learned at home and at school – like the myth that you need good mathematical skills and girls do not have them."
Vivaldi thread
omfg, someone pls nuke this fucking world..
actually, open the fucking borders. I want muslims to take over and throw those fucks off buildings
Fucking damn it
That's why I use Firefox masterbrowser.
>opera > vivaldi
>Vivaldi’s volunteer moderator
>and top forum poster
>gender equality in the tech industry did not come easily
>"tech industry"
I wouldn't mind these people nearly so much if they weren't invariably doing the most fringe, tangentially related social crap they could find within tech.
I don't want to be that guy but Vivaldi wasn't any better than Chrome in the sense of their "open sourced" but not foss.
Meaning you can't modify and or redistribute.
Basically it's the same license as Adobe Flash where only they can distribute it.
That's why we advocate as using anything as a alternative.
So XY mentally ill get to celebrate womans day? There's no way that monstrosity is an XX woman.
I love it, but only because it triggers the autists!
>watch hd porn on vivaldi
>100% cpu usage
well, into le trash it goes
>kick his ceo cuz he is not a faggot
nothing personel kid
Bitch looks like she has green all over her body. Take a fucking bath you disgusting pig.
I see no issue here. Stop the witch hunt Sup Forumstards, the real enemy is the 1%, not girls nor faggots.
is that a man or woman?
>volunteer moderator
he does it for free. ffs.
>When the best woman for the man is a man pretending to be a woman.
This thread is now about the most imporatant women in tech
The internet was a mistake. It's literally destroying normies.
>duh wun pahsent
So intelligent
the virus is in, bye vivaldi
all I care of is those sweet vertical tabs
Because worrying about faggots is obviously more important than worrying about the ones who control the industry, the government, the media, our jobs and our lives. Retard.
I want cute women in tech because they are cute and it's pleasing to look at them
actually it's around 2% but nice euphemism
>looking at women
Time to go to the diversity and inclusiveness re-education center.
rip vivaldi
this is how it starts. He had a few women working at him at opera too, regular women. Guess what happened to opera, guess what's going to happen now. I know a couple of those women
First FreeBSD, now Vivaldi.
Post-Modernism is attacking the software industry.
its not only software is almost everything, games, science, tv,etc
Mavis Beacon is not a real person. The original photo of Mavis Beacon was of Caribbean-born model Renee L'Esperance. She was introduced to Les Crane, the former talk-show host, while he was shopping at Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills. Crane, who was then a partner in Software Toolworks, invented the sobriquet.
Mavis Beacon's first name was taken from Mavis Staples, lead vocalist for the Staple Singers. The surname derives from beacon, as in a light to guide the way
>Mavis Beacon is not a real person
Vivaldi was really sluggish and CPU-intensive a few years ago but now I can safely say it's better than FF in that regard.
>triggered by someone's political beliefs
you are just as bad as them
>ctrl+f tranny
>0 results
Come on guys, it's rather obvious.
>Vivaldi’s volunteer moderator, and top forum poster describes herself
Does anyone have a janny pic edited to look like a tranny?
every. fucking. time.