Listening to music

>Listening to music
>girl comes up to me and asks what i'm listening to
>tell her i'm listening to new order
>asks me if i've heard of joy division
>tell her "sort of"
>kisses me on the cheek

She has shit taste
You're alright

Don't second guess it, just be happy, user.

lol I'm like you OP, I know/like New Order significantly more than Joy Division

sounds like one of those things that never happened but if it did it means you both have shit taste in music.

here's a story that actually happened
>listening to Webern
>girl asks me what i'm listening to
>tell her that I'm listening to five pieces for orchestra and that i might enjoy it just as much as Schoenberg
>she gives me a look that can only be described as when your dog does not understand your commands and simply contents itself to look dumbfounded
>she asks if i like 21 Pilots
>exasperated at another fruitless conversation, i try to excuse myself but find that i must sneeze
>sneezing into my sleeve, i see the all too common sight of blood
>i quickly calm the girl as she watches in horror and excuse myself to the restroom, where i thank the heaven's my failing health has gotten me out of yet another awkward moment with a plebeian

>listening to music
>girl comes up to me and asks what I'm listening to
>oh you speak spanish?
Every time.

>What are you listening to
>I slowed down a My Chemical Romance Song but just the drums and vocals, the rest of the song is normal speed but looped

>Listening to music in setagaya, Tokyo
>girl comes up to me and asks what i'm listening to
>tell her i'm listening to trey frey
>asks me if i've heard of anamanaguchi
>tell her "sort of"
>kisses me on the cheek
>notice a bulge in her skirt

>listening to music

If you think Lowlife is a good album kys

>liking Webern as much as Schoenberg
This is basically me though minus the elitism :/ why do nerds get nosebleeds?

Webern is more listenable than Schoenberg. Berg as well.

I agree, and he's one of my favorite composers as well, but I really like the structural rigor and romantic feel of Schoenberg

>what are you listening to
>progressive dreamfunk
>post avant jazzcore is better
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

>implying its not
>not spining on radians

>Watching anime
>girl comes up to me and asks what i'm watching
>tell her i'm watching Wakaba girl
>asks me if i've heard of Yuru Yuri
>tell her "sort of"
>sits next to me and leans on my shoulder

Funny, I've found Schoenberg to be more listenable than either of the other two. I'm pretty pleb when it comes to 20th century classical so not sure how much my opinion holds weight. I've only heard very select pieces by them.

Radians are patrician.

>this will never happen to you because you're too old
fuck me..

my work is the main reason for my nosebleeds. i work around flour and it dries the air and gets in my nostrils. well i have to get the flour out so i usually use a napkin to get it.

dry air and irritants cause nosebleeds and mine can go for 15 minutes and make a large mess. it's irritating that it can happen so sporadically though

as far as Schoenberg and Webern go i think that sometimes Webern can be more approachable in utilization of the 12 tone but Schoenberg isn't exempt from late romantic tonalism either. and i don't think berg ever really left Romanticism behind

i want classical music to be inclusive as well but it's all fun and games when we tell stories of normalfags being normal

>watching anime
>boy comes up to me and asks what i'm watching
>tell him i'm watching cardcaptor sakura
>asks me if i've heard of Princess Knight
>tell him "sort of"
>unsheathes next to me
What does it mean?

why didn't you release?

why are there so many fucking weebs in this thread

>Listening to music
>girl comes up to me and asks what i'm listening to
>realize this is my moment to shine and tell her that i'm listening to King krule
>Stutter out "kng krle"
>she covers her mouth with her palm giggling, and walks away"
Do you guys have problems talking straight in front of girls?

>see thread with anime pic
>get angry when everyone else posts anime pic
qual taste