Which one should I start first?
Which one should I start first?
None. Sites like that are cancerous. You'll learn more from a book than this gamified crap if you are a total beginner.
Any. They're all babby's first language.
Like said in As someone who learned to program by reading online tutorials and documentation, sites like codecademy don't really teach much. It's more or less "type this and this will happen" instead of explaining the idea behind it.
Codeacademy sucks. Get a book instead. The first language doesn't really matter either as most ideas are transferable.
ignore the fags screaming "get a book" granted you should have proper reading material. i understand the need for such sites, especially when you have a job, and no time to try and learn code in an unorganized fashion. Learn things in the order the site gives you.
This. Learn the syntax from the site and then jump ship. You'll learn by applying the knowledge and building things.
Would you recommend the "Automate the boring shit with python" book as a first book?
Yes. After that you will have a good picture of what coding actually is, what python is and what language you want to learn next.
I'd recommend the dummies books for any language if you're a complete beginner.
You can skip chapters if you feel it's too easy
that site sucks, the java tut is so shit, it teachs you nothing about java and oop and then begs for money. go on the install gentoo wiki and download the gentooman library. 32gb of books on every language and other shit
I read the dummies book on Python but they suddenly plunge you into exception handling and it was a really jarring change of pace
Don’t waste your time with sites like Codecademy. Install Phython3 and PyCharm, find a good online course, and follow along. Automate The Boring Stuff is a good one to start with. Completely free.
The author gave away the course for free, and I believe that you can still get the ebook for free, or just find it on libgen.
Or try this if you're new programming OP, and learning a first language.
Python is my last language. I make $1MM a year.
learn haskell
I know which you should end first.
None, you have to upgrade to pro to get the full course content, so you might as well just pirate a book.
Not OP but I lately got interested in learning how to program for videogames and saw this Humble Bundle. Do you recommend it?
Joking... Start with Python.
That book is good. I personally like Learn Python The Hard Way better but many soyeaters find it too abrasive.
>soyeaters find it too abrasive
dunno about the python one but the learn C the hard way sucks balls to be desu
Learn 2 Google.
Jk, start with Python, but I'd rather use a book. Codeacademy and similar websites force you to go at their pace.