Just made the switch from 16:9
Holy fuck why is this ratio not more popular?
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It's niche enough that no once cares to make panels for it anymore.
It's also close to the golden ratio
Dell 2413 reporting in.
1920x1200 at 24inch is glorious.
It is because of HDTV spec, when HDTVs became commonplace. It was cheaper for monitor manufacturers to use the same panels for both their smaller HDTVs and computer monitor line-up.
16:10 was the original widescreen ratio aspect for computers per-dating by a decade. It was a niche though limited by CRTs (shaping high-quality rectangular glass is easier said then done) and VGA/RAMDACs.
16:10 is getting popular again because of the office crowd who kept complaining that there's not enough vertical space.
Consumer displays are pretty much all 16:9 but when you go into the pro direction you can still find them like and some others like EIZO, NEC etc.
They never went away for enterprise... Neither did 5:4.
For everyone else though, it's dead and not coming back since it's too niche.
I myself moved away with my new monitor and don't really feel any worse for it - however, I gained vertical space rather than losing it.
Moved from 24" 16:10 (~93ppi) to 31" 16:9 (~91ppi) - effectively the same ppi, just more resolution on all sides.
Yeah I'm just happy that they're still available for enterprise equipment which I usually prefer over the consumer products because I usually don't need all the bullshit that comes with them (I also hate glossy displays). For me, 16:10 is just the most pleasant to look at. Can't exactly say why but it just feels right and comfy to me, so much that I always try to get one of those.
there's no point of it being like that. Just a meme ratio.
1200p is still available and affordable, but it's pointless because 1440p 16:9 gives you more workspace. And 1600p is unreasonably expensive.
>he ignores aesthetics
>dual monitor setup anyway making it 32:10
Glad you could make it.
Post your 16:10, lads.
i've been seeing a lot more 16:10 displays lately, for a while there were like only 2 of them on the market
this is also the best ratio for movies even though many say that its not. i like how the subtitles do not go on the picture and i can keep the status bar always visible.
>muh golden ratio pseudoscience
What a fucking pleb
Because 10:1 is better in nearly every way
Placebo meme. Screw that, it's not even placebo, because it's not supposed to improve anything. And it doesn't.
If you need more vertical space buy a bigger display. Simple as that.
it's math bro. doesn't get more real than that
>why is this ratio not more popular?
It's probably a question about availability for end-users. There basically aren't any.
Bothered to just check the listings at a bigger local retail store's webshop to provide some actual context. There's 117 1920x1080 montiors. There are 6 1920x1200. And those 6 are the only 16:10 monitors in the store. There is not a single 4k or 1440p monitor for sale (well, those would have to be slightly more than 4k and 1440p, but 1920x1200 is basically fHD+some more vertical pixels). So 16:10 isn't even an option unless you're willing to use very low resolution like it's the 1990s.
I have that as my vertical, I think. It's great.
>So 16:10 isn't even an option unless you're willing to use very low resolution like it's the 1990s.
Dell makes a 30 inch 2560x1600 display, it's really fukkin expensive though
It's not, the golden ratio is a lot more natural than 16:9. It's objectively better in every way because of that.
Strangely it's the only (LED backlight) TFT i've used that doesn't have that typical slight blue/violet LED tint that all others I tried have. You can see that particular tint in most cheap white LEDs and I'm really autistic when it comes to that. Calibration wouldn't help in that case if the pure white (so no filtering of the LCD is taking place) is off.
Might get another one of them.
Didn't know. Dell sell directly (if I remember correctly) so I wouldn't see those at local retailers. As said, they aren't any like at any retailer (but as you say, I guess you can order them some places).
>It's objectively better
Ignoring the golden ratio, it's pretty obvious that you're scrolling up and down when you're viewing a web page or working on a text document.
>it's pretty obvious that you're scrolling up and down when you're viewing a web page or working on a text document.
Yes, but the combined height of a horizontal taskbar, the browser's title bar, and eventual scrolling headers, the actual viewable space of a web page can't get down to almost half of the windows height. it's mostly a problem on poorly designed websites, but you don't have to worry too much about that with a 16:10 display.
16:9 is the meme ratio. just a shitty compromise between 4:3 and the most popular widescreen cinema ratios.
Picking a monitor over aspect ratio instead of objective qualities is worse than autism. It only matters when everything else is the same.
I prefer 8:5
Samsung 305t owner here.
It was a huge deal back then, when any display resolution beyond 1080p costed an arm and a leg. Now you can get a glorious 40" 4K *VA panel for under $500. 2160 vertical points @ 110 PPI is more than enough for me. And if we're talking about laptops, 4:3 looks like more convenient ratio.
16:9 is just 4:3 squared.
Just get 2 more
8:5 is nowhere near as good as 16:10.
I'm still using a 1600x1200 monitor. I prefer this ratio and it looks like it's difficult to find monitors like this today, so I hope this monitor will keep working for a long time to come
Dell 2407 master race. The performance is lacking, it being 10 years old. But the simple design and superb usability is beyond comparison.
Even thought the management of Dell decided to let the engineers create a fantastic panel, and when the reviews was done, they started ship the models with a cheaper, but still good, panel. (without public excusing or explaining, capitalist bastards.)
however, check the I/O. it even has PIP.
What the hell?
if one wants to buy a 16:10 screen today, what are the options?
dell u2415 is being praised everywhere, but that can not be the only one.
Probably my autism but I don't feel comfortable at 16:9 displays.
5:4 was kinda disgusting, 4:3 was ok, and 16:10 is pretty much perfect in my opinion.
nec and eizo. eizo even still produces their displays in japan, in case you're a weaboo.
also, check tftcentral for indepth tests.
This, if I would spend my days only looking at the swirl from golden ratio chart instead of stuff like Netflix I would definitely want a 16:10 ratio monitor.
But you know, I don't do that. If I want a larger monitor I just get a larger monitor and just get some extra on both sides compared to 16:10.
You are like a little baby
Got a pair of these. Amazing monitors
are yours a bit on the green'ish side of color balance?
whats that in real money?
I'm still using a 1440x900 16:10 monitor with a GTX-1070 because in no possible scenario am I regressing to trash 16:9.
Jumping on the first 1200p monitor I find.
Its not niche.
It was everywhere back in the day.
16x9 just overtook it because tvs.
nice. If I didn't rely on android apps I would have a blackberry passport
>not 3:2
It's like you enjoy being unproductive
Literally 3000x2000 resolution Surface book
>if I would spend my days only looking at the swirl from golden ratio chart instead of stuff like Netflix I would definitely want a 16:10 ratio monitor.
why are you talking like watching Netflix is a better use of your time then looking at golden ratio charts?
>not the huawei matebook x pro
I have two, one is slightly pink in hue.
What's the point of buying this over a large 4k monitor for less and being able to display the left window with other programs open next to it?
Weeaboo street cred
Made in Japan
its still better to have multiple monitors because scaling makes the window space similar to a lower res screen.
you can even go and look on old systems and how much shit they managed to fit on an 800x600 screen.
16:10 smartphone master race
It was weird going to a narrower phone after my Note. I certainly missed that extra width, but I get why they decided to go taller. Still, a pity. I guess only tablets are allowed a good aspect ratio screen these days.
Wish I could steal my 2,5k 5:4 from work without being fired kek
>appeal to nature fallacy
isnt that just a widescreen ratio that was popular before 16:9 replaced it? i have a 5:4 screen from 2004 and thats what it looks like.
32:20 masterrace
4:3 is king.
2:3 master race
If your monitor does not reflect the sacred proportions of the 24x36mm frame of a Leica negative it is trash.
>Can't exactly say why but it just feels right and comfy to me.
This to be honest, my shitty 900p 16:10 old screen felt more comfy than my newer 1080p 16:9 screen. What are the best 16:10 out there?
5:4 is closer to square than even 4:3.
you are nature you fruit
go 21:9 and you'll understand
Sounds like shit
Best ones are probably Eizo but also costly.
Also, watch out. If you buy a cheap model Eizo, they're still "Made in Japan" and if you're lucky 16:10 but most likely TN and not IPS.
"I PLAY PUBG AND WATCH MOVIES xDDD" - the aspect ratio
1:1 aspect ratio master race reporting in
Because VR is the future and it has no ratio since it's Fully Immersive
ya who would want a monitor thats good for watching movies
That's not a choice I would make.
But it's a choice I can respect.
nah just kidding, my sisters used to have a PC with a 1:1 monitor. they also watched animu on that. imagine the horror.
Oh, poor girls...
Use 4:3, 3:2 or 2:1 instead. Save your eyes. Use basic proportions.
What ratio do our eyes see? 2:1?
If it were more popular you'd lose the special snowflake effect so you'd hate it.
hollywood which is jews, so jews
literary the reddit of ratios
for starters your eyes don't see a square
I hate to show people a youtuber to get answer, but it'll be a lot quicker and more comfortable than giving you four papers to read through:
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Depends if you're Asian or European.
holy shit
Man, i'd love to pick up direct lit IPS 16:10 monitor. Would like for it to have Freesync/Gsync and a 100hz refresh but non exist
8:5 is better
They need to make IPS 4:3 again. Either in 1600 x 1200, or 3200 x 2400.
What monitor is this? Beauty
Actually I do not, just a whole lot of well documented opinions.
Obviously study of how people perceive things will rely on how people self-report they perceive things. So it's possible that I'm the only one with field of view the shape of oval while every other person in the history of mankind had field of view the shape of square and lied about it.
Looks like Dell u2410.
Roughly 4:3 apparently but it's important that you take into account peripheral vision and ease of neck rotation which favour wide displays.
It's a DELL U3011, friendo.
Does that look like a 24 inch?