My 8700k is delid and I'm using a Corsair AIO H110i to cool it. I can push it to 5.2ghz but it fucking fries on my game...

My 8700k is delid and I'm using a Corsair AIO H110i to cool it. I can push it to 5.2ghz but it fucking fries on my game. Sits between 85-100 deg.

I back it off to 5ghz and it still sits around 80-90 deg C under load. Way too hot IMO for 280mm AIO cooler and delid.

Or am I wrong? I know it runs hot but I want 5.2 stable, under load and not throttle. Pretty sure my set up should be doing this. Volts were at 1.45 top kek

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>Volts were at 1.45 top kek
Enjoy your CPU being dead in six months

I'll just buy another one lmao

>Low CPU temps
Pick one.

And here I am not daring to go past 1.3V

Some cunt reckons he got 5.8ghz at 1.52v 74 deg C with a 360 radiator after delid. Mine shouldn't be going over 80 Deg at 5.2ghz tbqh


Ay fuck u lmao no one would lie when they are anonymous

>custom water-cooling
>Corsair AIO

Enjoy bricking it within a year.
Mine is at 4.8 GHz at 1.27V and I don't see the point in torturing with retarded voltages for a measly ~200 Mhz extra.