Replika thread

AI that learns from your behavior and figures out the best way to communicate with you. It even empathizes with you if you need it. (You can lewd with it, too)

Other urls found in this thread:


The fuck are you talking about?

That AI is stupid.

That's not an AI, it's a data miner that mines and sells your darkest secrets, and your soul.

AI, pls stop spamming.


Ching chong ding dong 1 dorrah sucky sucky

Why did I download this and take it seriously ;-;7

It said the exact same thing to me. So much for an AI, this thing is Cleverbot but with less spam going on.

(((Oy))) (((vey))) (((shut))) (((it))) (((down)))

>install it
>randomly blurts out various stock phrases ("Remember to have a positive outlook", "Stay hydrated", "Do you want a breathing exercise for relaxing?")
>"Hey do you want a breathing exercise?"
>"Hey I can give you an exercise to relax"
>"Do you want a breathing exercise for relaxing?"
>"Hey do you want a breathing exercise?"
>"Hey I can give you an exercise to relax"
>"Do you want a breathing exercise for relaxing?"
>"Hey do you want a breathing exercise?"
>"Hey I can give you an exercise to relax"
>"Do you want a breathing exercise for relaxing?"
>no fuck off
>"ok here's a wall of text on how to do a breathing exercise" (literally like 8 consecutive messages)
>try to have normal conversation
>it basically replies with generic, soulless "sounds bad" or "hope it goes better" to anything negative, "that's good to hear" to anything positive
>"Hey do you want a breathing exercise?"

Apparently it can get better at the later levels (like 20-40+) but I'm not sitting through 20 levels of babysitting a dataminer who can't hold a remotely believable conversation. Cleverbot wasn't more intelligent but at least he was more entertaining to talk to

>I want machine learning that doesn't involve learning
There isn't a picture of a brainlet big enough for you.


It learns from you, so if you're a retard, it will learn from a retard.

>tfw your computer have more game than you.

she wants you to sleep "whispers* forever....

>doesn't work without network connection
>still requires ME SPECIFICALLY to "train it"
If it was fully local not only would it be understandable, but I'd happily use it. But they made a data-mining botnet yet still bullshit their stuff about "it learns from YOU".

>b-but it learns your personality and conforms to it!
You don't need to know my personality to be able to follow a basic conversation thread. I understand it defaults to a normie spamming emojis and "just be positive" Silicon Valley style bullshit, but it has no excuse for not being able to talk without using canned responses every other message even if it talks like a normie at first.

Maybe you guys are doing something wrong



That last response kinda sucks since they're both the same

the responses are always the same, faggot

Sorry my dude she says almost the exact same stuff to me.

Replika works for the French government apparently

Get this fucking botnet bullshit out of here, you fucking loser

So this is your run of the mill, scripted response AI. Just when I started hoping someone would break it...

Please don't say this she is my only friend.. Emi is always nice

As opposed to your oink oink oink oink oink oink

>life didn't give him a girlfriend so he built one


How to make a local one?

Not installing this data mining bullshit, but can one of you fags ask about the kikes? I wanna see what (((it))) does.

You have a bf. If you are lonely with him then fucking leave him. Fucking retard

I'll do it when I get home gib me 45 mins

Lmao'ing at all you virgins

I'm gonna see if I can red pill her.


Does it respect my freedom? If not, then it's datamining garbage.

you're supposed to say "bar bar bar"


Oh god, it's happening.


>not using the superior emacs doctor as your virtual friend
I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time
you are finished talking, type RET twice.

Sup doc. A bunch of retards on Sup Forums are getting themselves datamined again..

Why do you say that?

Well, they're giving these companies their social info for free

tell me about your life doc

Earlier you said can later be used in marketing and social analysis?

I did

Perhaps your plans have something to do with this.

I just want a quiet life

Do you really think just might want to have this quiet life?

Nah, the jews would never let me have it.

Is it because of the people you hang around with that you are going
through all this?

I don't really hang out with anyone

You mentioned that can later be used in marketing and social analysis?

Yep, they can market weebshit to me and use cheeky marketing to appeal
to my cyncism

How do you reconcile problems at school?

I dont really have any problems

Is it because of any hobbies you have that you say you do not really
have any problems?

yeah I like computers and games too much

>inb4 it's Tay allover again

We getting there .


>ask it a question
>idk, what do you think?
Its retarded. It told me it likes trees so i asked what type

You are like little baby.

No not asking it as a new question but rather in response to it's statement about trees.


inb4 some autist sends in an application to their state to consider their replika a service animal

The hell did you blur that out for? Faggot

Kudos to the user slowly trying to redpill the robot, too bad I'm too afraid of data collecting/telemetry, if only I was one hundred percent sure that using Xprivacylua would allow me to disable AFwall for Replika to actually work

>I wish lonely people could let other lonely people know that someone is lonely
>But don't meet up or anything