ITT: Your first "Wtf was this???" Album

>ITT: Your first "Wtf was this???" Album.

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Trout mask

And I still think its absolute fucking shit. Sure, its interesting, and makes you question what the fuck beefhart was even thinking, but that in ABSOLUTELY no fucking way makes it a good album. Its just free form jazz trying to be even more edgy than free form jazz already is. its fucking disgusting and needs to stop being shilled so god damn hard by memer drones desu

I wonder who's behind this post.

trout mask didnt really make me say "what the fuck" when i first listened to it, i just didnt really like it but i understood the artistic direction on my first listen and would go so far as to say it's actually quite good even if i don't enjoy it too much

This was right after my Ween phase.

i love it so much when this album gets mentioned here

what a wonderful album

Found this record when I was pretty young and it made me just go "what the fuck?", The Residents are still my favorite Avant Garde band tho.

Woah so randum XD xD

>trout mask replica is free form jazz
based retard

>not listening to Merzbox in the womb

And I loved it. Still do.

When Sup Forums tricked me into listening to The microphones...

I'm sure they wouldn't have recommended it if they knew you had shit taste

That Drugs in Tokyo bit


but the microphones are amazing

I really like it and I dont know what that says about me

Categorized under "so what's this all about"right next to Macintosh Plus.

Live changing moment, first time I heard this.

First time I listened to Trout Mask Replica I was pretty weirded out too. I then listened to it again and thought it was hilarious, still do.

I hated it at first, but something kept drawing me back in

Does Sup Forums even knows what happens when someone listens to a record of his favorite band for the first time ?

[spoiler] Shit hits the fan. [/spoiler]

more like shit hits the fantano


One of my favorites from them, but I got high off my ass and listened to it, and the chord progressions and notes seemed completely absurd and atonal. Especially on Eleanor Rigby and Here, There and Everywhere.

Also, And Your Bird Can Sing completely trips me out now, I cannot grasp the lead guitar, it's just too much for me now. I can barely listen to it.

I've been scarred since then, I still listen the album and hear it like that. And I love it.

Don't do drugs kids.


Had never heard mathcore before, loved the band after the first listen.

That's a tough one, the earliest one I remember is probably smile or smiley smiley


Hair loud and clear

Slint- Spiderland

I kept thinking "this is too weird for me to fully get it, im not this hipster yet."

I was a massive, massive pleb before when I first listened to this. It was my first shoegaze album, I listened to it through shitty apple earbuds and had the volume way too low. It sounded literally like just noise.

It wasn't until I listened to it with headphones and at a higher volume that I could pick up how cool it was, but even then it was hard for me to process. Eventually it became my favorite album

This was definitely my first "GOOD GOD WHAT THE FUCK"-core album

Others that warranted the same reaction:
>Can-Tago Mago
>Mercury Rev-Yerself is Steam
>The Velvet Underground-White Light/White Heat
>The Red Krayola-Parable of Arable Land

I thought it was so weird for the first two listens and then somehow it just clicked.

Thanks for the comment m8, it always helps when teens like you can contribute to a discussion.

A friend of mine sent me a Merzbow track in 9th grade just to scare me. A while after I heard it, it got me thinking, and I ended up taking the risk and listened to this album. It completely changed my life and I would probably be a much more close-minded person if I hadn't heard of it.

Why that one ? It isn't a very weird album. Even rock stars like Jimi Hendrix did more experimental stuff than that. It would have made more sense if it was Danse Manatee.


This one was essentially unlistenable.

This album got me into a lot of noise core too.

And I'll admit but &&&&&& when it first came out.

Go listen to some Robert Johnson and Muddy Waters then listen to it again.


It's just so weird. I never heard anything like it before.


Same, I fucking hated this shit at first. Now it's one of my favs

>Your first
Oh well. Here's your (You).
Replied/10 bait

I loved it on first listen, but it definitely freaked me out because I had only listened to basic rock music before I heard it at 15.

Yeah, but I hadn't listened to a lot of experimental stuff at the time. My favorite bands were Green Day and Muse. I remember checking out Animal Collective on Grooveshark after one of my dopey hipster friends from my art class had recommended them. MPP and Strawberry Jam definitely caught my attention (Cuckoo Cuckoo was their first song that really resonated with me), but I really lost my shit when I first heard Untitled. I had never heard anything so euphoric and whimsical, it was like a Disney movie gone mad. Keep in mind, I had no notion of "harsh noise" or really any kind of electronic music at all (I was listening exclusively to pop-punk just 6 months ago), so this was just something else entirely. I was never the same,

Gave this two listens in a row. Could not stop the tears flowing from boredom.

I had never heard of her before, so I didn't even know what genre to expect.

I was actually a little scared

I fucking hate it tho

It was a monumental, massive, opaque wall of fear and heavy. There are sill very few albums that match the constant weight of this album. I listened to it - on tape - in my car, over and over, for over a week straight. There was so much to find in the feedback, noise, and a bass tone that sounds like a giant gravel-smashing machine. Still in my Top 10.

Well, this one. I was what you'd call a "rockist" before, I thought all hip-hop sounds the same, etc. Then I saw this labelled as "experimental hip-hop" so I figured it might be interesting. I downloaded it, pressed play, and then
blew my mind, and opened it to other kinds of music


First time I delved into less conventional music. I couldn't really enjoy the seemingly random noises. Now I love it.

Fag The group is really bad I can't believe you would even longer work there even if you're wrong I look for new rap music and "

I listened to TMR with my dad when I was like 7 and it confused the fuck out of me. I listened to it over the years and it's only recently that I've come to appreciate it.
You should have seen my dad's smile when I opened it on vinyl for my 19th birthday at the start of the month

I was completely fucking blown away

This shit right here, still love it to this day

I've heard most Beefheart albums and that's the only one I dislike.