Did Sup Forums influence you/help you with anything IRL?


Other urls found in this thread:


Yes. It forced me to learn methods of finding and downloading porn, which extended into other areas of my life.

Being social here, motivates me to self-improve and to do stuff including university and work. Cringe or weird threads teach me what to avoid doing in real life. Also Sup Forums keeps me updated on news as I don't use normie news outlets. Not enough time, busy being cool.

It helps me not do anything I should be doing

Kind of got me a job and laid.

Made me try linux, as a result I now run my own server with nextcloud and teamspeak.

I wasn't gay before

Sup Forums tought me the value of human life is negligable at best.

Kept me sane by making me understand that everyone else is weird as well, you just have to be good at hiding it.

greentext time

Yeah, it helped me realize that 99% of millennials get their political opintions straight off of late night political (((comedian))) talk shows.

nobody gives two shits

>criticize millennials for getting their political opinions in a stupid way
>uses the (((jewish conspiracy parentheses))) Sup Forumstard meme seriously
you're a special brand of retard, arern't you?

Now I hate Jews

This site introduced me to my favorite show, which I can't talk about here because to do so would violate global rule 15.



Taught me English. Now I hate the language.
Made me switch to Linux. I love it.
Taught me about weird weeb shit - dunno if that's an improvement.
Taught me that being angry on the internet is dumb

Taught my how shitty my life is.

Influence? Yes.
Help? Fuck no.

I ended up regretting each and every advice.

Well at least Sup Forums isn't just one guy paid to tell you teleprompter jokes, Wich you damn well are approved by (((you know who)))

It made me be more humble in my opinions. Since you had to lurk more, I made sure to understand a culture before getting assblasted. Also since it's more international, it helps me understand a less ethnocentric point of view. The feels threads also helped me sometimes through rough moments of my life.
Also I became gay.

And that's bad how exactly?

Are you me or am I you?

But is it really a "theory" when every single one of the comedians are Jewish?

I think my experience is very generic when talking about Sup Forums culture. Last time I talked to someone from soc, I realized how much of an echo chamber this place can become.

I got into lifting, some new hobbies and some self improvement ( sadly this place made me little less social).
I got interested in politics and got better in forming my own opinions (after going through my Sup Forumstard phase).
Got into some new porn, not proud of all of it.
I avoid most normiestuff like television and social media and come here instead.
I was forced to work with linux in the past, but this board really made me appreciate it and has made me a lot more interested in technology in general.

I originally came here and used Sup Forums, /r9k/ and [s4s] which didn't help my school situation much, but I don't regret coming here.

Helped me develop a thick skin. It's kind of insane how fragile the average normie is.

it helped me be taken seriously. irl i would be ignored or ridiculed but when i posted here i would often be replied to according to the merit of my post. i wish i could have had Sup Forums when i was going to school b/c then i wouldn't have been so alone.

Showed me that almost half of my life was botneted and helped me escape it, i had to do some research myself though

This, frankly. I tend to forget that it is not The Law of the Internet that if you want to have a meaningful conversation, it's on you to ignore any insults and dumb shit thrown your way and to respond just to the substantial portion of the message.

>respond just to the substantial portion of the message
That's called cherry picking. You either respond, or don't bother.

Sup Forums made me accept being gay
Sup Forums made me love Linux and programming
Sup Forums made me love weapons and my rights
Sup Forums introduced me to redpills and Alex Jones
Sup Forums made it feel like I had friends.


Sup Forums made me slide down the loli slippery slope and now I crave for the 3DPD cunny. I wouldn't wish this fate upon anyone lads

If someone posts
>FreeBSD is faster than Linux, you faggot.
is it cherry picking to not respond to the
>you faggot

yes we do. Greentext needed

I'm married with 2 kids now because of a thread on Sup Forums in 2012.
So yeah.

Yes. Put them down first for being angry kids, then end them by disproving their argument part of the post as well.

Sup Forums helped me a lot: it gave me information about Bitcoin in 2012 and this:


and this is why I am still here, hoping to find the holy grail

I asked for some help here when I was trying to compile my own version of lede.

Not him but
>Go on fit
>Get big
>Get laid
>Go on Sup Forums
>Go to CS
>Get job
>Go to /biz/
>Make 20k off imaginary money
>Go to Sup Forums
>Look at pictures of feet
>Get foot fetish

Sup Forums has really helped me out

I loved that story also. have you read this?

>bought a memechanical four times the price of my membrane keyboard
typing experience is shittier than on IBM membrane keyboards that came with the cheapest Pentium-D OEM office computers 15 years ago that libraries use
>bought i3-6100, as a cheapest alternative to my Phenom II 955BE that broke "will be even better than that antique shit"
30-40% worse performance where those 4 "antique" physical cores matter vs. the 2 real +2 fake ones (HT)
>bought meme DAC because "mobo sound is shit"
more detail in the mid range, but highs are too raw, and lows are gone

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me thrice, never again, faggots!

Made me stop being a beta
Heavy influence in how I think and act now

Did that change also get you more pussy, or are you just a more assertive and angrier virgin? Asking for a friend...

How long have you been here?Honest question. Responding to insults only encourages flamewars and derails threads. People do it to manage their reputations, which is a moot point if you're anonymous. Posters who have a clue will realize the insults are worthless, and you don't care about those who don't.

You should read Harlan Ellison.

Since 2005. I always reply to insults. The only exception is when the comment is so saturated by insults, there's nothing to reply to at all.

Why do you do it? Does it make you feel good?

Like I said before, if you put them down first for their attitude, then point out where they are wrong, you invalidated their entire reason for posting. Angry faggots deserve nothing less than complete destruction.

Still virgin but now I have self confidence.
I use to worry about how other people looked at me and would avoid doing things because I was afraid of how I would look.
Now I care significantly less.
I feel much more free now that I'm not burdened with the social anxiety.

In my experience the opposite happens more often: the keep restating the same argument and posting more insults, to which you respond. Then the thread goes to shit. The is pretty much a summary of how Sup Forums works, for example.

>I use to worry about how other people looked at me and would avoid doing things because I was afraid of how I would look.
>Now I care significantly less.
Interesting how you say that Sup Forums was who made care less about these, if they are the very ones who usually bully you into not doing things, or doing things a different way.

I don't repeat responding in the same manner, I saved face once in public eye, I couldn't give two shits about subsequent angry faggotry, I just ignore them, which is again the best possible recourse because it makes them feel even more obosolete than they already appear to be.

Made me try Linux, now I love it.
Made me try mechanical keyboards, now I love it.

I guess I just don't share your idea that you have a face to save here.

I want to stroke my ego, sue me.

I met my gf on Sup Forums. Been together for 8 years.


thanks, I'll have a look

Unexpected end of story

Yes actually it got me interested in arch and gentoo.
So I started thinking of a way to get progressively to gentoo.
I hesitated between Calculate Linux and Sabayon, I went for the later.
I just installed it today and I had to leave just after so I did not get to test it yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
I installed

thanks, I'll have a look

You indeed installed.

nofap helped me control my porn addiction

Sup Forums made me realize I'm not into games anymore

Sup Forums and Sup Forums taught me how to tell apart shills, marketers, kids and idiots

I learned how to track, social engineer, psyop and dox people from Sup Forums which landed me a job in a national security agency.

So you basically became retarded?

Apart from specific things, I got used to asking specific and accurate questions, and provide sufficient information when I'm asking for help. Nowadays when I have a problem, by the time I'm about to hit submit, the problem and what I actually need to know has been broken down into such a trivially simple question that I can just google it myself.

>influence you
>help you

>grew up with a mother who was a gambling addict so barely ate most days and wore the same clothes all the time
>left hs at 16, i was embarrassed about being poor and had a sub 30% attendance
>left home at 17
>skip 9 years with periods of drugs, disgusting girlfriends, fighting, sleeping rough and lately minimum wage work
>4chans influence
entered Sup Forums 2 years ago and realised i was smarter than i thought, it was the first time in my life i came across people i didnt need to explain things 100 times to before they got it. taken a few meme online iq tests, they always put me in the 137-140 range, which id never claim as being legit on their own but i see anecdotal evidence of it when debating people and extrapolating ideas forward within threads.
>4chans help?
not only was it the first time that i had come into contact with smart people but Sup Forums was the first time id really interacted with people from middle class/wealthy backgrounds, which has made me bitter about how easy so many whinging faggots have had it and in their ignorance still find an outlet to bitch over self induced misery. helping others online with essay writing, building portfolios, job applications etc has left me frustrated at what could have been. i am now bitter, pretty ill tempered and have little tolerance of other people i used to call good friends. thats 4chans help for me so far, perhaps itll change to inspiration one day.
i was thinking about Sup Forums today before reading this thread, hence blog post

This to be completely honest.

While browsing Sup Forums I came across lots of other anons who were in way worse situations than me and yet made it out okay.
It's not uncommon to hear tales of rape, abuse, and poverty.
In contrast, I'm middle class and had none of those things happen to me.
If those anons can make it in life, I can too.
This realization really made me view trying to survive in society a different way and made me realize that it's okay to fail as long as you pick yourself back up afterwards

I've met some anons that have become really good, close friends.

This place is full of shit, but it has some stuff no other place has, it's really hard to talk to people about being a hikki for a year and your silly depression. But here you can find people that empathize with those things.

underrated post, three letter nigger

I spent years not watching anime, then I started watching anime because I watched Yuru Yuri after seeing a bunch of "Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~" threads

no regrets

Yes. I ask questions on friendly linux and /ohm/ on diy, got really helpful responses.

I've meet a few close friends thanks to this site. One of those friends even helped introduce me to a girl, that girl later stole my virginity [spoiler]And of course I later caught feeling for her and ruined things[/spoiler]

Hello Chaim

Oh yeah it got me to buy an onahole. It's nice

Helped me get memes. It also ruined my life. Thanks Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums introduced me to redpills and Alex Jones
I guess Sup Forums also makes you a retard.

are you from bant?

no, I only vaguely remembered that that's a board. I'd never been before just now. Do people yurupost there?

Gave me a thicker skin, I mean I started with this hellhole like 9 years ago in Sup Forums like most retards do.
Then I left the site because u///u scawwy, came back again for more, started browsing Sup Forums, learned the culture, memes and whatnot.
Jumped throughout most boards because of many interests which the boards helped to develop and I enjoy reading about user's shenanigans.
The downside is that during the Sup Forums phase, which still continues, it made me feel less empathy toward normie issues, though I feel for them because they don't know how bad things really are. Being said that I know how great they can be :)
However it seems that sometimes I have issues relating to most people because of that, but it's alright, I know that many anons share this same feel.
Thanks to this site I learned about of stuff, it's like highschool+ regarding science, geography and humanities, lol, there are a lot of bright people here.

Idk, I know I look like a retard typing this but at the end of the day I believe this website made me a more wholesome person.

He didn't say it was bad. I think you've got some self exploration to do, user.

Yeah there's a couple of akari posters that's why I was wondering

It definitely had an influence, it would be impossible not to, considering how much time I use the site. After going through the standard newfag phase of being a 16 year old browsing Sup Forums, I eventually decided to move on to other boards, Sup Forums being one of them. At the time I didn't know what I wanted to do after high school, but after spending a fair amount of time here, I decided to go for Software Engineering. At this point I'm almost done with the degree, and I'm going to be pretty much debt free thanks to internships and never spending money (who needs to go out with friends when I can pirate movie and browse Sup Forums?).

I don't know if I can blame Sup Forums for keeping me a shut-in, but I don't care since I feel it has been worth it. Sup Forums has also influenced through desensitization, giving me a thick skin, and learning all about logical fallacies. I've also come to realize how fucked up some people are, and that there are in fact people that share a weird sentiment I have.

This site helped me be more honest with myself (I never realized how much of an anti social shut in I am and I'm learning to accept it) and to be more forthright with others, as well as more aware of my depression which helps me control it. It also helped me develop my budding interest in computers, so we'll so how that goes when I go back to school.

Ive been programming for like 4 years and ive been reading stupid shit on g about it for years.

Seeing the other autists talk about it being a bitch is nice, cuz it is

Why is this weird expression so popular among women currently? It just makes them look like mouth-breathers.

For Sup Forums at least, I was influenced to buy a thinkpad, but I memed wrong and bought a new one.

For other boards, Sup Forums introduced me to different artists and genres I didn't know about, and Sup Forums got me into comics.


something something feminism something
fuck off sexist trash

Glow in the dark nigger get out

most reddit post of the day

No, fuck off back to Sup Forums

glad to know some people learn from the times they're inadvertently cringeworthy. Wish you luck with the self improvement

>trusting anything you hear on /gee/
Thinkpads are the only good choice that Sup Forums has ever taught me

>kikespiracy is still a thing in year of our l*rd 2018

I installed electronic security, a phone tracking system and bought a dog.

Some suggestions to be more of a man of culture but I don't think it influenced me anyhow.
Oh, and I got this nice question compilation.

this, i stopped giving a fuck about opinions.
Plus started using linux and bought elitebook.
And i wish i bought the crypto meme in 2012.