Fuck you Sup Forums. GOD gave ME divine intellect. I built TOS from the ground up...

Fuck you Sup Forums. GOD gave ME divine intellect. I built TOS from the ground up. I wrote a compiler and you're all a bunch of dumb nigger monkeys. Suck it!!

Other urls found in this thread:


My lord, b-but this is your fanbase

Is he still in jail, still NEETing with his parents, or did he die?

It's been a while for me.




Has he released any more videos from when he first came back while living with his sister?

The days of comfyness are over.

He has a sister? Is she hot?

>kills his own pets
>posts video of hitting his dog, and berating his own dog

I don't care if he makes his own OS. Fuck Terry he got what he deserved.

Where can I see this video?

haven't seen it, but probably here: templeos.org/Videos/

He's livestreaming right now and on irc.

Wtf, he's on the road again?

This one is really good.

That's a replay of an old stream.

Oh, good to know.

How do we fix the docile nigger cattle problem?

how do I get KT the Terrible's TempleOS shirt? I dont want to give some neet my money who is running a shop off his design

shut up and eat your cheese club goyim

we need official github please

He took down the videos he posted in January after he moved in with her. He's been MIA ever since.
I assume his sister is trying to tame him into not uploading his antics on the internet anymore. He's also under the supervision of a schizowrangler and has to report to a mental health clinic every month.
It looks like she let him keep his website, but only for the purpose of hosting the templeos files. The language on the homepage doesn't look like terry wrote it anyways.
I have no idea when we will hear from him next, but at least people backed up pretty much all of his old videos and streams.

Cia finally got to him

Damn Stacy trying to turn him into a normie


We need to raid the compound and liberate him.

Christcucks belong in the middle east

He's NEETing at his sister's.

agree, the messiah needs our help.

If he wrote a fucking compiler and an OS, why the fuck no one tried to help him get better of his schizophrenia? Nor his family, friends or people who knew the skills he has at programing.

Which one? the green old one on the top of the tower, the one on the little planet, or the useless twink?