Camel case? More like faggot case. How is "crcRead" better than "crcread"?

Camel case? More like faggot case. How is "crcRead" better than "crcread"?

Other urls found in this thread:

wheres php its supposed to be in god tier prove me wrong

>Camel case
Huh, that makes a lot more sense than what we call it here. I was taught that it was called "NerdCaps" when i was a student.

>shit tier
are you trying to bait me here my boy


>php is stored in the balls

fuck you I love camelCase reeeeeee


Use whatever convention you want, faggot. It's not like you're gainfully employed or working on projects with multiple contributors and long term maintenance concerns.

Functions in camelCase()
Variables with underscore_spacing


>shit tier


Go's best feature is that they clamp down on a standard syntax, ship with a standard formatter and linter, and treat case conventions as a warning for the linter.

Say anything you want about the language on a technical level, but on a syntax level I think they nailed it by not being very flexible. 1 standard, if you can read and write Go you can read and modify anyone elses Go code.

Is that cr cread or crc read or crc re ad.

Bad examples, but point is it just makes things easier to read.

OP? More like faggot.

How is sucking dicks better than posting content?

Doesn't it also give a warning if you do something sane like
func Foo()
instead of the garbage
func Foo() {
that Java devs love so much?

>lets just call good languages shit and hipster special snowflake starbucks tier languages good

The irony is that Rust fits that description about hipster snowflake languages perfectly.

What part of 1 formatting standard did you not understand. The point is not which standard it picks, the benefit in having 1 standard is that there's only 1 style of syntax you have to know and scan.

Fuck you func Foo() { forever, and I code mainly in C.

Rust is not shit tier you dumb OP. The rest is pretty accurate though.

It's crc_read. Now GTFO.

I'm here just to shit on your taste

>what if instead of 1 simple style standard we had a complex standard that allowed for multiple styles
Good intentions, bad in practice.

Any language with multiple styles would have been better if it started with a single simple style restriction.

why don't they just hard code naming requirements into the language in a compiler enforceable way

give arguments or you're a faggot.

Go handles exporting functions and variables via the first character of the name, lowercase is internal, uppercase can be used externally by other packages. The linter will complain about names but it won't fail to compile if you use your own scheme.

How would you deal with using libraries with different conventions from your own?
I initially started out using snake_case for a number of related C programs I'm writing, but as they involve creating/editing XML, I use a lot of libxml calls, which are all camelCase.
Is it better to give in and just use camelCase for my own functions too?

C code in linux, glibc and other gnu libraries looks awesome
there are clean folder structures,
every folde has a make file,
there is one or two headers in a folder,
almost every function/feature has a file,
and it all looks very well laid out

C code in most commercial software comes in a giant file looks like this in a nutshell:


//oh yeah macro me this:

static void
my_fucking_function (NSSimpleFuckup *fuckup,
NSVariant *state,
NSBigFuckup *omg_please_dont,
void *user_data)
//TODO: implement me senpai


C++ code sometimes looks even worse because of alle the templates that nobody asked for.

java code can be clean but mostly is fuckups and boilerplate caused by the lets-do-everything-in-java-because-x-platform clown school brigade and people that cant even write c

.net.. have you looked at the reference soure? mscorelib is full of fuckups and all if the core is rotten so are the fruits of the tree

rust seems like a cool clean code experiment but somehow their code seems to be 90% doc comments and 10% code. i think this could become something good in 10 years

oh yeah and iam a prgramatist, i code for what ever somebody pays me for as long as its not javascript/web shit because that jungle can go fuck itself to death

If you need to write wrappers or abstractions anyway, create those in your language style, not the style that the third party project uses, you may swap it out later and you'll likely only be calling its functions in your lib/program rarely in lower portions anyway.


Where's Julia? Its a respectable language & deserves love as well.

kebab-case-is-the-correct-case. It is no accident civilized people use dashes and not underscores in filenames. Sadly, besides Lisps only Perl 6 and Dylan properly support it.

>templates nobody asked for
Can we please stop associating C++ with C++ 98?

I use spaces in my filenames. Fuck the file police!

Not on the WWW, I hope. Even Gwern has quit it with the silly URLs with spaces.

Actually, you're right. For WWW I tend to use hyphens for image filenames because that's what Photoshop uses in place of spaces when I use Save for web, and I make it a point to have single word per level paths to otherwise.

If you just named your variables using emojis like normal civilized millennials then there wouldn't even be a problem.

20 seconds on Google.
a = [1, 'hi', 3.14, 1, 2, [4, 5]]

a[2] # => 3.14
a.[](2) # => 3.14
a.reverse # => [[4, 5], 2, 1, 3.14, 'hi', 1]
a.flatten.uniq # => [1, 'hi', 3.14, 2, 4, 5]

All of this behavior is good.

XSLT/XPath also mainly use this, although some people seem intent on changing it to

Define "millennial". I dare you.

turning my pig into a

class Pig

doesnt make my pig fly yet unless someboy invests resources to make it fly

but thats to much of a refactor for most commerical c++ code anyway

the code i most asoicate with c++ is desktop MFC application code that slowly has gotten replaced by websites and electron apps

projects that started with c++11 like unreal 4 looks quite sane to be honest.

only the second one is all that weird


it's not.
short 3-5 all lowercase names. If the language allows it, dash-var is great too.
Too bad that only lisp let you do this for what I know

c code in Plan 9 is even better

The program doesn't compile if you do that because it is part of the syntax to have all braces at the end of the line to make it easier to parse.


>C neettier
t. retard

you're a fucking illiterate.
the only weird one is the second one.

add C in job tier and you're fucking GOLDEN.

indian tier: java c#
reddit tier: rust
dead tier: perl

kebab-case best case
no lispfaggotry tho pls

dude nobody gives a fuck about perl and golang your image is shitty.

I use [Function group][function][overload], for example MemoryAllocate() or MemoryAllocateClean() so I lmao @ every language feature.
Also PascalCase best case, fuck you if you use arbitrary letters and acronym for naming functions.

>mixing types in the same array is fine
>calling methods as if they were member variables is fine
Hang yourselves.

What is crcRead? Does CRC stand for something?

Doing capital letter separation for acronyms is weird. E.g. in JavaScript there's an object called XMLHttpRequest. There's also a method called innerHTML.

So I'm not clear on what the rules are there.

Technically normal camelCase starts with a lowercase letter, and only words other than the first one are capitalized. When the first letter is capitalized as well, I think it's called PascalCase

Underscore for acronyms: XML_HTTP_Request, still it's better to use namespaces in this cases

but c# + .net core is amazing when you need to develop something fast or when you're HR limited. The only difference between that and c++ is negligible performance difference.

nothing wrong with both of those.


Not even close. It's a massive performance per watt increase which is why there's so much interest in native programming languages lately for cloud computing.

>better to use namespaces in this cases
This isn't really a case of namespaces, XMLHttpRequest is just the base functionality in JS.

JAVA will always get you a job at a bank you'll hate. Python is fun for data sci or baby's first CRUD app. shit list desu

I really enjoy python as a language desu. I did a bit of C and C++ at uni but I prefer coding in python. There’s some cool built in and 3rd party modules too which aid that process. If you are looking to write a short script or want to code without having to understand how a computer works then it’s great. It’s not a substitute for faster languages but it has its place.

>want to code without having to understand how a computer works
the real plague of modern times

Dude, there’s lots of people who need to code who aren’t involved in the tech industry. Biologist, economists and physicists etc just want to code for their needs and not have to worry about memory management or obtuse syntax.

>dude there's a lot of people who need physics who aren't involved in the math fields
lmao but computers are a thing for nerds, right? Have fun executing that simulation that would have taken 10 second but will rather take 4 hours because "I just need to write sum code"

This is by far the worst argument against any language in this thread.

Ruby is shit, but ya blew it.

Where does one use kebab case outside of lisps/schemes? XML need not apply.

Depends if that person has the time and skills to use harder languages. You have to compromise between the time taken to code, the time the code takes to run and balancing that with deadlines. Sometimes the ideal solution can’t be done and you have to compromise. Python allows you to code quickly and for proof of concept it’s fine. If you are working with others then you can get large projects done quickly but lone programmers have to be less ambitious. Especially if they haven’t studied computer science or are relatively new to programming.

Dylan, it's sort of a Lisp but with ALGOL-like syntax instead of ((()))

What's wrong with it?

literally designed for retards who can't program, Pike admits this

hes right though
nothing he states is disagreeable, you're just offended because you think you're better

>go offline
>can't access any of your files


what's wrong with having `[]` as some regular function?

>but somehow their code seems to be 90% doc comments
That's because the comments are also the tests

Of course. Who's gonna use arrays in a programming language anyway?

crc_read is the correct answer

snake_case master race

>any scheme
>god tier
Get out, you commie scum.

i don't see what's wrong with ruby's arrays other than they are mutable....

This I mix camelCase and snake_case throughout my code. Sometimes I'll name my arrays arrArrayName or sometimes arrayNameArr. Come at me.

>God tier = what I like/get money using it
>Shit tier = what I don't like/I don't get money using it

really makes you think

>Shit tier

>Rust is not shit tier
if it wasn't before, it sure is now:

Honestly, I'm just glad that SJW types are quarantining themselves in that containment language. It's already a failure but they keep doubling down on it. It'll set them back an entire generation in trying to subvert other projects since none of them will know anything about real languages.

>adding extra characters instead of easily reducing ambiguity by way of switching to a capital letter

Just came here to post that underscore spacing is aesthetic and very pleasing to write and read.


fixed that for you. No more extra characters.

eh they're good, but they arent forth

not even weird. [] is just a function.

Very little. The mutability is one issue, but you can just freeze it and be done with it. They're a general purpose array structure. Sure, lists or dicts or whatever the fuck else may be better in one regard or another, but ruby arrays are mostly good at most of what they do

its a retarded feature.

if you're going to be that fucking anal retentive about syntax, just store your program as an AST and let each programmer's editor dictate what it should look like


fag btfo