T-thanks drumpf

T-thanks drumpf

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Glhf to them
Nothing is going to happen

such a shame we can't pirate normie consumerist trash, what will we do now

You deserve what you get

nobodies gonna be able to completely eliminate largely seeded torrents. There's just too many darn people seeding them.

If they start arresting the seeders people will stop seeding

You're just not loyal enough.

How will they do that when the seeders aren't restricted to the US? Surely you can't expect the Swedish government to extradite one of their citizens for seeding a torrent.

Sorry I meant Swiss not Swedish

>t.make America great again

Go back 2 reddit kid


>Nothing is going to happen

Maybe not extradite, but punish under their own laws. Remember when TPB put up legal notices laughing at any movie studio who sent them a takedown letter? Soon after the US basically forced sweden to enact stronger copyright laws. The same would happen today against swedish seeders if they were where americans got their copyrighted content from. Not just sweden either, the US can make demands from the government of pretty much any first world nation, because they view it as a fairly insignificant issue that puts them in the good books of the US government. Not saying this will happen under Drumpf, but looking to the future I think this is how it will go down

The swiss are cucked by the US government too

oh no now I have to torrent my anime like a normal person

>90% of the population is arrested for piracy.
>Country collapses and Hollywood loses even more money since their consumers are in prison.

What could go wrong?
Also, isnt Hollywood making more money than ever before? What do they hope to gain by cracking down on piracy?

you realize he has to court the jews really hard while he reverses their ethnic cleansing / replacement program (their main goal) by giving them as much other shit as he can. Bomb syria, crack down on copyright, corporate tax breaks, etc.

They are made as fuck about the tariffs right now, with jew banker Cohn having resigned, the entire Sanhedrin is flipping their shit all over CNBC and Fox Business, now is the time to promise copyright enforcement to soothe their rustled sidelocks

In the third sentence I should say, if they were the only place for americans to get their copyrighted content

What could Trump do to convince you that it's not part of some master plan?

i only occasionally consume jew media because it's free. i don't even enjoy it

Ok, I realize you spend most of your time on Sup Forums but you cannot seriously be this retarded


what is encryption

Trump also swore to tackle opiods, JOKES ON AMERICA, THE DEATH RATE DOUBLED IN MY STATE.

You wouldn't download Stormy Daniels!

what is being retarded

Piracy is a hydra. Cut one down and a thousand others will rise. Coming from people who couldn't shut down the piratebay completely another empty promise against piracy.

I've been so turned off from 90% of recent movies/music that I really wouldn't care too much. Last movie I watched was the new bladerunner and even that was just ok, it wasn't amazing. Oh well.

face it faggots, the country would be better off if everyone wasnt stealing shit

damn tech niggers

The country would also be better off if everyone wasn't rent seeking.

please read gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.en.html#Theft

>taking gnu philosophy seriously

wrong board statist cuck

>commie gnu
>not statist
pick one.

>advocating for the government to punish those who share information freely
>accusing someone else of being a statist

inb4 celebrities start pushing for us to pirate their movies and collectively bankrupt hollywood

It's all part of his plan

>Trump will ban piracy
The maximum state of Mutts



I should be allowed to pirate thought because my life is miserable and I don't have a job. It's perfectly justified.


what are they gonna do about mega.nz? Is this gonna be megaupload 2.0?

>forcing statists to make derivative works libre
>Pragmatism is just as bad xDD

>consumer grade movies
>information worth sharing
>anyone who doesnt give me free shit is a statist
>muh unfalsifiable gnu-sophistry

>I'm proud to be a cucked wageslave freedom is overrated

>my state
Stupid californian. Amirite?

>the government is only going to go after capeshit
>they will ignore documentaries, books, and scientific papers

freedom aint free

>they will ignore scientific paper
Dude SciHub got another lawsuit recently. Are you actually an academic? Publishing is fully controlled by useless middle men who toss around litigation.

>going for virgin poorfag papers with no revenue instead of multi-million capeshit mover

Right wing platitudes are not an argument

I've only got a bachelors CS degree, but I've been like reading papers about decentralised systems from sci-hub recently. I know how fucked the system is, and it would upset me greatly if they actually managed to shut it down

>implying laws passed to prevent the sharing of capeshit won't be applied elsewhere
It's like you don't know how the government works

You deserve it.

>muh 4D checkers

Good, keeping the normalfags out

The worst opioid problems are on the east coast dipshit

The normalfags are like a canary in the coalmine. As long as they're still there we are good. Which is why it's good to keep them around

>he bases all his beliefs on hypothetical assumptions
nice unfalsifiable bs


OK, how about Russia, China, Brazil, Argentina, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Algeria, Slovenia, Ukraine, Belarus, Cyprus, Denmark, Greece, and Chile?

he's talking about the chinese. they blatantly steal designs like for range rovers. google "landwind"


How to score Opioids? I need some

tell the doctor you have chronic pain

society can function on a 22 hour work week but due to corporate greed and mis-management we have 40 hour work weeks. thats 18 hours stolen from me every week.

won't they accuse me of just trying to score Opioids? Won't they x-ray the fuck out of me?

Holy shit how fucking low is your IQ that you can't recognise a joke

So if a law is passed it will say
>This only applies to movies produced in hollywood in the past 10 years
No chance faggot, if a law is passed to clamp down on piracy it will apply to all copyrighted material

read that from buzzfeed?

no im not a homo

>states legalizing weed
>opiod deaths increasing
American education everyone!

>society can function on a 22 hour work week but due to corporate greed and mis-management we have 40 hour work weeks. thats 18 hours stolen from me every week.
Only retarded eurofantasy studies support this, and nearly all of their economies are shit, and 100% of them are leveraging the stability of US bonds (as is the rest of the world).

Fine, 30 hours then

Are you anti-American? Why don't you want to support American businesses?

Gaining more is never enough

Christ you faggots. There's nothing he can do. This is the gun situation all over again. There's nothing anyone can do. We've proven this by 40 fucking years of piracy.
I swear he's trying to hide something when he says something that draws attention to him.

how low is yours? that 'back to rebbit' was itself a joke.
yours was the only sincere remark, and it was, sincerely stupid

nothing, its all self deception
mindless assertion doesn't make it true.
there's always problem with stagnation, technological, and habitual, inertia. people won't switch from what they use, won't use what other people don't use, and won't use what has no content (network effects)
there's better means than torrents, but people won't use them.
there's better clients than uTorrent, but people won't use them
year of the Linux desktop never
freedom never.
people are slaves

>sent from my chinkpad

why is washington doing this? it's like they want another shoah

Shit. There was a weird car with all these antennas in my neighborhood slowly driving around. I thought that he was wardriving, but now I think he might be doing something related to this.

Oh no, who would've seen that coming! Impossible!

If Trump were to shit in your coffee, mandate that all Americans were to become Jewish and fuck your wife in front of you, you retards would still be out here shilling about "ITS JUST DA PLAN, JUST WAIT HE'LL BTFO THE JEWS."
Is it just impossible to accept that hes just a politician?

i've had it with this faux nationalist jew boot licking clown. the next election can't come soon enough.

MSM is spinning this.

The quote is about intellectual property theft from China.
Not "pirate streamers"

Just goes to show how little attention plebbit gives.

Also stop being nogs.
You're no better than Tyrone when neflix is under $10 a month.
Cheaper than a 2 movie rentals or a single theater visit with popcorn.

> steal designs
Design patents are shit and should be dropped worldwide.

Same as most copyright coverage for software, which should be treated more like a tool or machine and allow for modification and so on.

Good luck arresting everyone in the world lmao

Fucking stop me or shut the fuck up. But you can't stop me because you're a limp dicked nobody.

>bittorrent protocol requires that all peers upload
>police will have to arrest themselves for seeding torrents

the law caves out an excemption.
police can own, buy and sell drugs, cp, automatic rifles (and worse), fuck whores (underage and illegally trafficked), and kill a nigga just for being black
why do think people hate cops?

California is riddled with homeless people - I live in central NJ I don’t see that shit here... I live in Clark maybe that’s why.


Ya, even phoneposters will probably run back to p2p once they take out streaming sites to the point where it becomes inconvenient.

Police will obviously get an exception.

But I imagine that's not what the copyright lobby pushes for; who knows if the respective police dpt will be well funded and motivated. Really, even police surely must get tired of hunting down some fucking kids over sharing porn or whatever when there are murderers out there.

Figures the copyright trolls will prefer to just be able to provide the shittiest of indication and get sites taken down and people tried in court without any particular police investigation, right?



Not only is this not sourced, but even if it was, do we have any clips of him saying this? How do we know this isn't made up?

I'm still not voting Democrat in 2020. Get lost, fag.

>being non-white

Stay MAGA, faggot.

Excellent image! Upvoted, comrade.

Stay gassed, kike!