OLED Owners on Suicide Watch!!


>4 weeks
>Burn in present
>Falling for the true black meme

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so stick with qled or edgeled and wait for microled?

So glad I never bought one of these

>production and consumer ready technology
this stuff buuuuuuuuurns

X900E owners unite!

It belonged in the trash anyway

How come OLED works so well on phones? I've had an OLED phone for two and a half years and there's not a single problem with it. No burn in at all. If I had to guess, I'd assume it'd be something to do with phones not being on all day, but then again, neither are TVs, and I use my phone 5 hours a day (>inb4 that pikachu riding a saddle pic), so what gives?

It's perfectly fine if you're not a poorfag and just replace it when the burn-in becomes noticeable on normal content (and not fucking solid colour test patterns). Otherwise I guess enjoy being poor and watching some shitty LCD with light bleed, haloing, shit viewing angles, motion blur and godawful black levels.

>mfw still using a 21" crt

Every Screen Tech had burn-in issues in the beginning.

If you watch the same thing for four weeks you deserve the burn in

Does QLED have any issues like this?

How many shekels is LG paying you for damage control. This isn’t the first year for OLED so GTFO. You shouldn’t have to be mindful of what content is literally good for you TV and what content is gonna cause image burn in. It’s a nice, deformed technology. LG wins in the end for charging the high price and short life span.

>yfw LG makes the screens for iphones

LCDs didn't had.
CRTs and plasmas - had.

QLED is fucking nothing but a standard LCD screen with a colour filter slapped over the top.

OLED literally revolves around the concept about your eyes getting BLACKED. jesus fucking christ just buy IPS.

QLED is a Samsung meme. It’s exactly what said. It’s a buzzword to get uneducated consumers to buy

LCDs did had
not as bad, but they had

Have you tried looking for burn in on a full screen single color fill, like in the video? Might be that you have it but just don't notice it with normal content.

Wrong! QLED is nothing but a standard LCD with a quantum dot enhanced backlight.

>Watching shitty "news" channels with meme tickers

It's not wrong, you fucking mong. The quantum dot element is a filter to improve colour, which is why I fucking said. It has literally nothing to do with the backlight. Stupid fucking cunt.

>a quantum dot enhanced backlight

QLEDs use an entirely standard backlight. They're also all edge lit trash. Samsung's TVs are fucking garbage compared to Sony's.

You said "a colour filter slapped over the top." First, it's not considered a color filter - it's a quantum dot enhancement film, which IS applied to the backlight:
It DOES improve color gamut, but it's not a filter per se. A filter would block certain wavelengths of light, while letting others through. The QD enhancement film, on the other hand, takes light from one wavelength (blue from the backlight, in this case) and re-emits it as a different wavelength (red or green). This is a more efficient process than a filter, since you're not throwing out 2/3rds of the light energy you would if you were filtering the primary colors (R,G,B) out of white light, for example.

Second, the backlight is BEHIND the LCD layer, so it's wrong to say it's "slapped on top."

>QLED is a standard LCD
>Wrong! QLED is a standard LCD

It's a standard LED backlight with a quantum dot enhancement film: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_dot_display#Quantum_dot_enhancement_layer

This is nothing new, and Samsung was using the same thing on their SUHD TVs prior to renaming them QLED.

The five OLED phones I've had a chance to keep an eye on are all burned in. Mine even has fucking Clover burned into it.

Still on my 43" X800D. VA and lack of PWM magnificence.
It doesn't on mine. My Pixel XL has terrible burn in of the navigation and status bars.

20h a day for a month is about 600 hours. If you average something like 2 hours a night of TV watching, it would take 300 days to match the results of their test so far. The burn-in is barely noticeable in solid-color screens and they explicitly say that it's not noticeable in regular content. Not only that, but the burn-in is really only present on the CNN screens. Why the fuck would you spend $1.5k+ on an OLED screen to watch fucking CNN for two hours a night? It would take like ten years of watching nothing but CNN for 2h a night for any kind of burn-in to be noticeable in regular content. Nobody watches TV like that.

Neat, burn-in burns in the existing burn-in.

just wait for mLED and get expensive LCD screens or OK OLED and maybe in the two years for waiting for mLED to be mass produced, you can get one and toss your burned OLED to the trash

i have an oled TV and it just werks :)

I checked, and my S6 has only a *very* minor burned-in bar at the top (where the time, indicators etc. are). I never noticed until now, during normal things, and even when I open a plain color background and look very hard, I can only barely see the bar and nothing else.

i turned on my old s2, screen burn at the top and the screen is washed out

Me too. I don't think that there is anything on tv that justifies me changing a tv that works really well.

>using an experimental technology in consumer grade products

consumers are retards and companies are jews.

LCDs are fucking gay. Anyone who trash talks OLED is addicted to sucking cock

would rather put up with shit blacks with my (old) 2014 soniq than that shit

>true black
>costs you money
>doesn't work

I told you to wait for microled or stay with va, faggots. OLED is peak planned obsolescence. It's okay for phones if you upgrade frequently (1/2 years) but the garbage is useless on a TV that will likely be used for 5+ years.
If you have a family like most normies then the TV is on for at least 2 hours every day. Kids wanna play consoles? Watch movies? At least 30 min of news? The time adds up quickly.

The usage you describe wouldn't leave noticeable burn-in for at least 10 years.

2hours? It's probably on for 6+ a day

>it's been like 6 years since the oled tvs started to sell
>it's still experimental technology
nah oled just sucks dick
waiting for that microled

What a shame all this new display tech is trash. I'm sticking to IPS. Multi-Billion dollar industry and they haven't come up with something great in over a decade and the 4k transition is slow thanks to the display cartel keeping prices high.

Is 16bit 240hz IPS possible?

AMD enables 10bit for consumers
Nvidia only allows 10bit on quadros.

Not to mention hdr flopped harder than smooth motion and 3d shit

What's next 8k displays ?
What's their next stupid fucking reason to make people buy useless shit that improves virtually nothing over the old tech? 1080p is absolutely fine especially if you throw high bitrate and or downsampled tonemapped 4k content

I use DSR or in-game superscaling to get 4k in games it looks amazing even though I only have a 1080

CRT's could be degaussed though

>Is 16bit 240hz IPS possible?
Probably not
>AMD enables 10bit for consumers
>Nvidia only allows 10bit on quadros.
Both Nvidia and AMD have 10-bit for consumers. I think some cards might even have 12-bit? Not sure about that part. They artificially limit it to DirectX though so all the applications that people want to use 10-bit color with like Photoshop require Quadro cards since they use OpenGL.

So can we stop pretending that anything will ever be better than glorious crt monitors? Because there won’t be.

got mine for $998 during the superbowl sales. frys had a promo code that paid the taxes so it was just $998. good purchase imo (55")
X900E doesn't have PWM either

sony lcds are based in general though, your x800d is cool too

> Degaussing a CRT removes burn in
why the fuck are you on a technology board again..?

>Eye strain
>Literal radiation hazard
>Ghosting/decay blur (can look like green swirls
>Vacuum problems
>Never 100% straight picture
>Magnetized screen (always made my skin itch especially noticeable when I'd go into big department store tv sections I'd literally feel sick and hear weird noises from the screens electric's)
>Can't even get to 3-5k resolution
>Stuck on shit bandwidth VGA
Last time I remember CRTs being close to decent led LCD panels was back in the early to mid 2000s and I grew up with good quality cad tier monitors in the late 90s early 2000s Sony CTX viewsonic etc.

Only thing crts are good for is retro gaming they are too small for movies unless U get a rear projection and they all burn through or have shit cooling but at least have 1080p digital

I do miss deep blacks but the average consumer doesn't care and I don't use any of my screens for Color sensitive work so I don't either.

That said if they somehow made a cross between plasma and LCD displays without the downsides of either tech I'd be all over that but current xled tech is mainly trash.

X-ips all the way

well OP, you where miss-LED.

>falling for the true black meme
We wuz eskimos n shit

Burned in!

>buy 55in "changhong" brand LED 1080p TV for $450 3 years ago
>disable all filtering on TV and set to 0 brightness
>suprisingly good response time and picture still very bright
>uses like no fucking power at all, about 40w
>low bezels, deep blacks, lots of inputs/outputs

>out of everything in my apartment the TV gets the biggest praise and it's a cheap chinese "piece of shit", but it's big and has a good picture with thin bezel so everybody thinks it's the latest in technology

IPS is awful at least go va

I have been using an LG OLED as a computer monitor for months now. It's true you can see some artifacts on a gray background, it's not noticeable anywhere else though. However overall I would much rather have these artifacts than horrible IPS glow and backlight bleed. There is simply no comparison, the OLED is the screen I enjoy the most. As for how it will last long term, I really don't know. Time will tell.

It doesn't. For LG anyway. My V30 has a bit of ghosting where the navbar usually is

You can't watch static content on an OLED. By extension its pretty useless for some TV and most games. But for movies in a dark room it is the most amazing experience you can imagine. I watched Exodus: Gods and Kings UHD release the other day, shit was so cash I almost jizzed my pants.

In other words we should not just watch one type of content all the time?

That's not how OLED works.

It is for LG afaik. They use only white oleds and change colors with these filters, that's why there's supposed to be nearly no permanent burn in, only temporary.
But idk.

related question, how are VA panels now? still got angle problem?

LG OLED's have a daily pixel refresh that runs after a TV is switched off and has been used for more than 4 hours. In home usage using a wide variety of content that is NOT played on a loop (like RTings have going on) all day it should not be an issue. After a certain number of hours a 'full' refresh cycle occurs. RTings manually ran this after a couple of weeks. It looks like they did not allow the short cycle to take place on a daily basis. LG has plenty of things built in to prevent burn in for the average viewer. It's the gamers and fags who leave new channels on all day that are the issue.

>People actually believe CRT's were better
You know nothing about how CRT technology works and how it tooks many years to even get a semi flat screen to work.

CRT's had burn in too.
CRT's had blooming issues (Image would expand and contract depending on brightness)
CRT's had phospher decay causing blurring
CRT's 'glowed' when you switched them off

Plus some other things mentioned above.

No technology is perfect yet. OLED is just a stepping stone to the next one and if you use an OLED TV sensibly it will give you many years of enjoyment until that technology comes along.

Hehe what a faggot he is. Degausing had nothing to do with burn in as you implied. On CRT's the image burned into the phosphor coating on the back of the tube. I used to run CLab Audio software on an Atari ST using a B&W CRT. After a couple of years usage the software image was permanently burned into the screen. So much so that it was clearly visible when the screen was turned off.

degaussing just removes magnetism from the yoke and surrounding metals, which can interfere with the geometry of the picture

>Not to mention hdr flopped harder than smooth motion and 3d shit
How can something "flop" when it's on every single UHD TV and most 4k blurays, movies and even Youtube videos? Granted most cheap displays are "fake" HDR but the name is still there.

OLED is shit, just like Plasma was shit, anyone who defends getting burn-in after a couple years of -NORMAL- usage is a fucking retard, a shill, or a retarded shill.


>Eye strain

just increase the scan freq nigger


If you sat in front of a crt for a year you would get as much radiation than if you ate a banana a day. And its beta rays aka the less dangerous.

>Ghosting/decay blur

only happens on shit tier goldstars

>Never 100% straight picture

true its part of the disadventages of being analog but it makes up for it by being more versatile in the resolutions it can display

>Magnetized screen

what you are referring to is coil whine and it happens in a lot of electronics. In the last years of production crts got a lot quieter and its not a problem for most people

>Can't even get to 3-5k resolution
>Stuck on shit bandwidth VGA

It could have developed if it held on for a few more years. 4k tier resolutions are definitely not impossible with crt tech

>CRTs being close to decent led LCD in the early to mid 2000s

straight up bullshit

>the average consumer doesn't care

and has shit taste.

>That said if they somehow made a cross between plasma and LCD displays without the downsides of either tech I'd be all over that

It was called FED and it was murdered buy the LCD craze.


Holyshit dude, you damage control for CRTshit way too hard. Let it go gramps, its time is well and done.

I bought a 55in Sanyo at walmart for $399 2 years ago. Same thing desu

He's gonna say crts have charm next and as good as their picture may be the resolution and refresh rate are small and their form factor and weight are literally huge issues

Those bigger 20"+ screens literi weigh 40kg+

>small resolution and refresh rate
I said that it could have developed but was killed by retards that think that a 40kg tv you wont move more than twice is a problem

here the Sony GDM-FW900 came out in 2001 and ran at 2560x1600@75 hz. I dare you to find a single LCD that had these specs at the time.
LG shills fuck off


I have a panasonic 42 inch 3D viera plasma that is over 7 years old and has over 10,000 hours of usage on it, and it has ZERO burn-in.

I also have a 2016 OLED B6P that still has NO burn in despite playing games and watching TV on it an average of 4 hours per day.

Stop watching channels with bright obtrusive logos.

300 hours of a static image will do that, even on an LCD.

This is an LCD.

Holy fuck user oldass dell 30" screens did that in 2008

Move the fuck on CRTs have been dead 2 decades for a reason.

Yes the professional stuff is good but it's not even used in medical equipment anymore and the consumer level stuff you most commonly find was always junk HEAVY desk hugging shite

Even applel couldn't make the crt look cool with the g3

Jesus Christ
Why would it run 300 hours of CNN though?

>no name garbo

It does happen on all screens but its a lot more pronounced on OLED and even for the high end ones.

When 50-60+ inch no name screens cost 300-500 who the fuck cares

TV in a McDonalds.
They put on public news channels during work hours.

My 55" LG OLED cost $1500 brand new.
I can afford to replace it in 4-5 years.

But that burn in ops vid was under normal usage

OLED is trash mien dood it's the new plasma U gotta buy a new set every fucking year

I see 10-20 old LCDs still working with cfl backlights that haven't even faded no picture degredation

>But that burn in ops vid was under normal usage

20 hours a day is "normal"?
Watching CNN exclusively is "normal"?

I've had my OLED for over a year, and used it on average about 4 hours a day playing video games, watching anime and TV, and even used it as a PC Monitor for a week.

ZERO burn in on pure white, pure grey, or RGB screens.

It's a 2016 B6P model.

>dell 30" screens
my god so a 2001 CRT was just as good in terms of resolution as a 2008 LCD ?
thanks for proving my point nigger. CRT were superior in terms of contrast and color rendition in general on top of having a competitive resolution.

You are just a stupid boomer that bought into the craze.

how does oled burn in compare to crt?
because i've seen some extreme examples of crt burn in as well, but you really need to go out of your way to do that, i used crt's for decades (for all purposes) and never burned in any of them, then only care i took was to use a screensaver

Only CRT monitors were any good, CRT TV's were mostly trash that couldn't get very large, sure there's rear projection TV's but those are blurry and weigh like 500lbs. The only real advantage for CRT TV's was being able to display interlacing properly, I think plasmas supported interlacing but they're dead too so oh well.

I'm 27 and I use a 10 year old t260r

But please keep raging

I was laughing at you crt fags binning your goldfish bowls 10-18 years ago and I am laughing even harder now

Fucking based, me too. I love this thing.
Stick with classic VA and wait for microled

it was indeed a physical limitation of the crt that could not be corrected. FED was going to overcome these issues before it was sadly canned

There is a problem, your whites are completely yellow now

CRT burn in is a result of the phosphors on the screen being damaged, it takes quite a long time.

3000-4000 hours of static image.
This effect IS cumulative, and it's the same as the OLED response (aging materials growing dimmer), so it is cumulative.

It takes longer though/

>loose argument
>oh am I laffin

microLED won't have this problem

>9yo Plasma screen
>Not a single problem, perfect blacks and image quality with everyday usage

And 10 years on from the basis of your argument LCD does 4k 120hz+ with HDR and deep blacks (for a LCD) right fucking now

How have I lost my argument exactly? Can your crt go 40-60+ inches without rear projection ? Nope

Can it go that size above 2k resolution with high refresh rate? Nope.

The flicker from crt was insane
This I'd take a fucking plasma or OLED over this crt junk

FED google it nigger