After 6 years of Android, finally switching to the iPhone.
Did I do good, Sup Forums?
After 6 years of Android, finally switching to the iPhone.
Did I do good, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself
Yeah. iPhone is so much better.
Unless you're poor or have a hardon for doing unnecessary and stupid UI customizations, iPhone is unequivocally the superior platform.
as you probably didn't use android the non-botnet way nothing is lost. You only traded a little customizability for a lot of smug.
Literally why. Have you only been using shitty Android phones? I could afford an iPhone, I even used to have one, but I'd rather use a $200 Android phone instead of that.
>seeking validation on an anime website
Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol right. Stupid UI customizations that make it easier on your eyes, act the way you want , and add functionality. Fuck it take my phone I don't need it, I need an iPhone x!
Yeah not bad OP. Prefer Android tho
>make it easier on your eyes, act the way you want , and add functionality
What's it like being poor?
Do you smell like urine?
It's another "I'm an ex Android user but now I'm a full on Apple fan" post
This fpbp /thread
I did the same thing, had a Nexus 6 and 6p before, and they were dog shit phones
Give it back, Jamal.
>All my life in denial, finally admitted my passion for a phallus
I bet he smells like urine. Most poor ppl do.
Didn't see that line in the applefanboy handbook.
Nice blog. Guess what goes in options field
Your breath now smell like cum
I've never been able to figure out if urine smells like poor people, or if poor people smell like urine.
I switched to a dumb phone (Nokia 3310 2017) after so many years of smartphone usage
and it feels fucking great to have no worries about some pointless social media
>hair pulling
You're holding it wrong.
t. Tyrone
I did the same I won't be going back to Android ever again
Use tip of your penis for finger ID.
Nico is a CUTE! She can fug the tomato anytime she want and this triggers Sup Forums