Sup Forums made an album

Did Sup Forums ever lose its ability to delete threads or was that just other boards?

Anyway, new Sup Forums album we did yesterday is up.

I dont evaluate life
by this for the album art

Other urls found in this thread:

New Quads when

i'll post my super serious track-by-track review later today

(it's very good so far though)

Strong 8 on this record

I actually kinda like it so far. First 4 tracks are abnormally strong

Pretty good.

>that 20 minute bonus track

I'm still hung up on "Not Bad, Not Bad"

Pretty good thread, and pretty alright Sup Forums album

Holy shit. It's so good.
I'm on track 8 right now. Even the really long pieces on this album are spectacular.

This legitimately stands out as one of the best, if not THE best, Sup Forums album.


TFW I'm always too late to contribute to these albums

Obama did Notting is a banger

I'm doing another on either sunday or monday at around 7-8 est

hopefully we'll make quads tomorrow too

real ratings hour coming up

gimme a few minutes

Is... is that a thing?

A thing can be a lot of things, be more specific.

01: This upbeat yet uneasy track sets up for an album of bliss. It’s calming except for the few short moments where it breaks tune. It’s like going through a shopping mall faster and faster, trodding through the daily routine, all while memeing hard with a vengeance. 6.5/10

02: Provided this isn’t an already-made track just remixed or something, Obama did Notting is by far the best song on the album. The atmospherics in the background add to the atmosphere of the guitar and drumbeat. This song really captures the album name-- I dont evaluate life. It’s a brutal reminder of that fact, that nobody really chooses to evaluate their own life. Then the synths kick in and it gets even better somehow. I mean yeah it’s a Sup Forums album but this is shit I’d actually really listen to a lot myself. 10/10

03: Album takes a darker turn when the cronch gets extra crunchy. Harsh, yet well put together. The distortion at the beginning sells it, and then maintains with that droning and panning synth. When it crunches, that’s when I looooo 9/10

04: A really scampery bit of drums that converts into some kinda instrument. The second half is way better but it’s overall a nice transition into the huge, huge second portion of the album. 5/10

05: Ambient track that’s so boring that the title is the best part. 2/10

Will post part 2 in a second

06: I don’t know why I like this one so much. It has a lot of atmosphere. Tells a story. It’s as long as the last one but with way more variation as well as some semblance of cohesion-- there’s a purpose for this one. QUALITY CUP KEEPS IN FRESHNESS is a good title. What is the meaning of it? How does it relate to the sound? I have my own theories, but they mostly come down to all new arrivals registering at the cornstar terminal. 7/10

07: Amazing voice. Amazing. God. Fuck. Also the best title on the album. Legitimately laughed my ass off. 9/10

08: A good ambient track that would be made so much better if it was three minutes long instead of eleven. A really nice listen though, might put it on just to relax to, especially when writing shit. 7/10

09: Get Martha out of there. Too much MIDI, not enough harpsichord. 1/10

10: A closer that does not sum up the album. It makes fun of you for trying to understand the album. As the saying goes-- I dont evaluate life. Why do you? 4/10

Understandable. I had already created 3 tracks that day and was working on DJ High Functioning Stroke for Quads when I saw this thread so It's nbd


It was good. I'm not saying otherwise or anything, you make consistently good stuff for these Sup Forums albums. It was just overshadowed by really good stuff before it, and if you worked more on it it obviously would have been higher score

Thanks man
Yeah I only spent ~10 minutes on Scamp.


lil' bit GOAT

This is better than I expected it to be.


You sure?



Oopsie :^)

Okay. Is there any chance I could give you the DJ High Functioning Stroke track early? I have a d8 tomorrow

Yeah, send it to quadsmu at gmail

I'm gonna real quick upload it to my Soundcloud, but I could still send it to you if the SC link doesn't work for you

It'd be better if you email it to me, much faster that way.

Alrighty. Sending it right now.

By the way, here's the SC link to prove it's me


Anyway, I found out what was giving us copyright issues last album...

The user who posted that track hardly even edited it.

Yeah. Another song was sampled but I could've filed a claim for it. But yeesh, this..

We wouldn't have this problem if you'd use bandcamp like a normal person.

Nah man.
Uploading it to YouTube is a Quads tradition.

Why not both?

I dunno.
I'm personally fine with it just being on YouTube. No way to scrobble full albums on YouTube, so Quads can stay Sup Forums's little secret. Too good for the rest of the world to know about.

So who made Obama did Notting and where can I hear more?

you faggots not realizing that the 3rd track is a garbage dubstep mess.

learn to love yourselves better anons tsk tsk.

It's grime you goofball

Bumping this masterpiece

>tfw that was my track

Bump! Give more feedback please!

In case you wanted to know how your track is doing.

There's also 8 downloads.