What the fuck. The patched the cracked APK exploit?
What the fuck. The patched the cracked APK exploit?
Other urls found in this thread:
Works on my machine (tm)
Versions 6.0.00 and before work on burner accounts for now at least.
Where you download that apk
>mfw just realized the Spotify symbol is slightly at an angle
absolutely sickening
yeah the dogfood apk doesnt work and the telegram channel disappeared, feels bad men
Just fucking skip just one burger in a whole month you fucking fatso's
What exactly do you mean by burner?
everybody noticed that the first time they looked at the icon you fucking retard
somebody get this guy an award
>one burger
>cannot afford £10 a month
>£5 if student
>have to do hoop-jumping pajeetery to listen to your Britney Spears songs
>not even having £10 spare a month
Fucking sad you people are. Sad and poor.
Spotify doesn't deserve to get a cent out of me as far as I'm concerned.
Google "Spotify Alpha Gamers". It should be one of the first few links.
Burner as in not connected with any playlists you've created. Spotify is starting to block accounts on older versions when people connect to the same playlists.
>streaming music
>unironically using spotify
Sup Forums has really gone to shit the last couple years
then why do you want to listen to it
Real burger can easily run you $10. Not some frozen 10% beef patty
I can still login to version Xmas arm/7.
Is it still safe to use or will the spotify drones kill me in my sleep?
It’s working fine on my iPhone X
>All Caps by Madvillian
my man
Every time. Say it how it is, you're flat broke. Don't involve ethics and shit just say the truth. You really like Spotify, clearly and you're too poor to pay for it so you spend time doing workaround shit to use your beloved service. The standard canned piratefag responses make you look like a fucking handicap with a heavily distorted reality. No one would berate you if you just said "Yeah, I like it but I'm broke, fuck you.".
It's not even a matter of being poor or not, if I can get shit for free, you bet your bitch ass I'll take it for free. Soygoys can pay while I pirate, hack, crack, etc. I have no remorse.
>this triggers the Sup Forums
I don't get it. Is this projection or bait?
I only started using spotify because of dogfood about a month ago. I've been doing fine without it. Of course I can afford it but I'm not gonna pay a monthly subscription for a fucking app.
living off borrowed time the clock ticks faster
make your main account backup at spotmybackup.. use version 6 mod with new account with the backup imported.
Spotify is garbage. Deezer is 100x better. Deezloader works great.
You bothered jailbreaking your iPhone and installing a cracked Spotify version?
Or are you like the most of your kind and just paid for premium to pretend to fit in.
I just paid a few bucks to have a service that signs my stuff automatically, because I don’t want to deal with
1. Signing the IPAs
2. jailbreaking is a hassle and I don’t care for it
It was only a few bucks a year so I deal with it, plus I get a bunch of cracked iPAs
WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING WHEN THEY MADE THIS SHIT UI? Not complaining because at last it works with every premium features for free but still
You should visit a real restaurant somedays, mcdonalds won't get you far tastewise
"Why can't I buy a constantly updating database outright for a flat fee instead of subscribing to it?" Asked the retard retardedly.
How would you connect to the same playlists?
*laughs in premium-family*
You're really paying 10 bucks a month where if you had some friends you could pay 3?
user... No...
Why not just use YouTube? Any song on Spotify exists on YouTube
You're not even showing the worst of it.
Try having 100+ playlists and listing them.
It downloads them every time, showing a little spinning circle for several seconds. I don't even know how they managed to make such small amounts of information so slow to download. Its like they designed it to fail.
You also log in via the web UI which is very slow to load when your connection is limited. Arbitrarily. They even force you to grab a silly video for the login screen. The fuck are these idiots thinking? Make it optional, don't send it if the user is on 3g maybe?
Youtube has more songs than spotify
>she has friends
>she pays for things
Show us you faglet flare
Not true. But broadly speaking yes.
Most don't because they don't know of background players yet.
If it exists on spotify, it exists on youtube and maybe soundcloud.
If it exists on youtube, it may or may noy exist on soundcloud and spotify.
>thinking Spotify deserves a single dollar from anyone
They rip off their artists and their shit system only makes sure that the rich and famous get richer and more famous. You known what I do instead? Spend 20-30 dollars a month actually buying the albums I like, so I can support the people making the music, not some retards that hacked together an app on a phone.
YouTube is more broad certainly. But there's a lot of folk music especially that's not uploaded to YT because their admirers are good people and the group expects pay.
They're different sets. Neither is a subset of the other.
>All that empty notch space
Top kek
Just skip a fucking cheeseburger for a month and you can afford Spotify
Just get a mobile plan with Spotify or Deezer.
has anyone tried running the app in tablet mode and blocking the host urls?
10$ -> 1 Burger.
Where I live one burger costs 1$
>Fucking sad you people are. Sad and poor.
Probably a re-skin of the web player
Why don't you guys go fill piracy and download flacs
Hi dad
People are fucking stupid, that's why.
It doesn't even need to be flac. Just get some 320 rips, get all the shit you want, discover new stuff with last.fm and RYM, and have access to music without apps, adds, or online connections.
I swear we're going back every year.
Deezer can stream with flac quality (as demonstrated by deezloader downloading actual flacs) and without me having to use the limited storage in my phone.
>absolutely sickening
Wot?? mcdonalds is the best tasting food in the whole nation
Tell me more. Im a Deezer user.
kek, you buy the new iphone too? fuckin retard
Enlighten me with proof because whenever I skim through random playlists there are comment about 'Not on spotify :('.
Besides, spotify is more region restricted while youtube plays well with proxies and is free.
Whenever I want my weeb music I turn the russian proxy on and enjoy.
Imagine being this american
Just set to high quality in the settings. Needs a premium+ account (it's what comes with my mobile plan anyway).
Since there are millions of Deezer downloaders, why there's no one that can just streams from their server?
>enlighten me with proof
Well I could find it, as could you. I'm sorry that I don't care enough to find it for you though.
But I doubt it's that hard to believe that YouTube doesn't have everything when it's so focused on taking down content automatically.
And that a company that signs with very broad labels wouldn't have obscure music.
>he willingly spends $20 more a month just to be ethical
Lmao @ this betacuck
You can search them up obviously. If you connect to the same playlists with now banned accounts they lock you out. Hence why some people are exporting and manually making new ones again.
>tfw paying $13 a month for a 5.5GB data mobile plan with deezer premium+
It would be $20 for 3GB but I was about to cancel and get another plan and they offered me a discount for a year and an extra 2.5GB a month for that same period, no way I could refuse that.
Too bad I live in a 3rd world shithole though lol
is deezer's library on the same level with spotify's?
Pretty much. Some things that aren't in Spotify are in Deezer and vice-versa, but thankfully it's not like Netflix and Amazon Prime where they get exclusive deals for most of the relevant content.
So most stuff is available in both platforms.
É verdade que não desconta do plano de dados?
Thank you.
You're welcome, KMR.
Lmao cucked faggot dont you know they are using pirated music and now they are crying when people use crqcked spotify ? Ypu reap what you earn motherfucker
its a great album, so good in fact i picked up the vinyl like a faggot
>dogfood got blocked
>like Spotify
>hmmm... I might pay for i-
>a weird bug won't let me complete the PayPal transaction
It's like they don't want my money
Is there an easy way to use the web player on android with an ad blocker?
not him but i'm italian and i must say mcdonalds fries are the best you can find here, can't speak of burgers because never tried them and the chicken nuggets are just average, but the fries are on another level
lol, homemade fries are at least 10x better than that shit
pastaboi here, can agree
its an .exe file its a virus shouldn´t it be an apk ?
How's Deezer catalog compared to Spotify?
How free download all songs from Spotify?
Just read the next two posts after the one you quoted.
for me, it's the mcchicken
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>""""""STREAMING"""""" music
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fuck you!
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Wheres your triforce?
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they're in your cache numbnuts
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is that kekistan flag ?