Tfw you'll never ride around Memphis in your Dodge Charger with Julien Baker in the passenger seat singing quietly and...

>tfw you'll never ride around Memphis in your Dodge Charger with Julien Baker in the passenger seat singing quietly and hugging your arm as the sun sets in the rear-view mirror

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brb gonna go kill myself

>yfw she's a lesbian


at least shes pure ;_;


>google her name
>first thing that pops up: "Julien Baker on Being Queer, Southern, Christian, and Proud"

"That’s not a problem for Julien Baker, who at the tender age of 20 has already won battles that some spend their entire adult lives fighting: recovering from substance abuse and coming to terms with her identity as a lesbian who is also a person of faith."

that makes me glad because she will never take Chad's dick

brb dying ;_;

>Christian dyke with a Southern accent
literally best friend material right there

is it weird i only thought she was cool before i realized she wasnt trans?

That's just P4K going political about a girl who barely mentions her sexuality once on the entire record, and only in an offhand line about her lover having long hair.

good goy.

cis-gays should not be admired!

She wore a rainbow guitar strap to her NPR concert

i mean i dont dislike her for it. but being openly trans is an act of bravery and honesty. being gay is normal and accepted everywhere in the first world. not to mention shes a femme and straight passing gay. if put in a situation where her gayness would face discrimination theres no way anyone could tell.

Thank god for that. Her music is bland trash. A male making the same music would be panned.

i wish her album wasn't JUST a guitar on reverb. it'd be better with a backing band imo. Where's the red house painters of our generation? Julien bakre could be it

gay is normal, and in a majority of places it's publicly accepted, but its absolutely not accepted "everywhere".

I can tell you from first-hand experience that my boyfriend is deathly afraid to tell his parents that he's gay, because his step-father is strongly openly homophobic and he additionally doesn't know how his mother would react. I'm going to help him through this, since he eventually has to tell them.

And this is just one case, but I'd go to imagine that this spreads across not just the US, but the world as well.

Any LBGT is brave, user

oh no what an uber-dyke she had a rainbow strap on her guitar fucking disgusting piece of shit ultra-lesbian political feminist!!!!!!

Jesus dude, I wasn't criticizing her for being gay, I was just saying that she's clearly gay

i dont know i just find it annoying how she identifies as queer when shes gay. its like shes trying to attatch herself to group of people who face far worse conditions than her. if she were refering to a group of people that encompassed gays, trans, and people who dont conform to male-female, gay-straight dichotomies then cool but to talk about yourself whose gay as queer is an attempt to bring attention to yourself.

I didn't say she wasn't "clearly" gay. I said she didn't flaunt it or get political about it - that was Pitchfork's agenda shining through in that article.

Okay. Your initial reply was just unclear.

Ah yes the typical MRA "women can only be successful by exploiting their gender" criticism of anything with a vagina that does well.

It's a shame that it's used to discredit actually talented women, but there is a kernel of truth to it. Look at all of the mediocre classical soloists who have careers because they're young and pretty. Or the fact that every youtube cover with millions of views is coincidentally made by a hot chick.

it's ridiculous to bring up in this thread though, Julien Baker is a talented singer who writes heartwrenchingly honest songs about things she shouldn't be that intimate with. It's Tracy Chapman's "Fast Car": the album. Invalidating her success by citing her gender (or sexuality) as the cause is unfair.

Sure some girls can be successful by exploiting their gender, just like some men can, but this one didn't.

>just like some men can
This never happens. That's a ridiculous equivalency.

You need to get out of the Sup Forums bubble and into reality if you don't think there are boys clubs all over the business world.

Most post stars are women due to the importance of image in marketing. The remnants of sexism left in the industry contribute much less to how big an artist makes it than that. That's not even debatable my friend. I also don't appreciate the "if you aren't a hardcore feminist you must be a loner who doesn't leave the house" meme.

>post stars
*pop stars

I don't appreciate the "if you aren't a radical MRA loner who refuses to admit male chauvinism exists you must be a hardcore feminist" meme.

Also don't move the goal posts from "is it possible to succeed on your gender as a male?" to "is it possible to succeed as a pop star on your gender as a male?" cause if you do I'll move the goalposts in the direction of Hiphop and point out how every popular female rapper has made it in spite of her gender, not because of it.


>"is it possible to succeed on your gender as a male?" to "is it possible to succeed as a pop star on your gender as a male?
How is this a distinction? Pop is music. And it's also true of indie rock, and most popular genres of music. In fact, hip-hop is probably the only major exception, and that's because it's perceived as racist to tell black people that the machismo inherent to the genre is sexist.

Chauvinism might exist (although it's overstated) in the business side of the industry, but most of the successful mediocre artists actually selling albums are women.