I just found a surface pro 4 at a bus stop...

i just found a surface pro 4 at a bus stop, no cameras around or anything so i took it - i turned it off straight away and am planning on wiping it and turning off find my device when i get home, before i connect it to the internet/do any of that shit - anyone know of any other precautionary steps i should take?

yes im a scumbag but i dont give a fuck lol

put lubuntu on it

Fuck off

and heeere come the whiteknights hehehe hohoho hoooooo

Yea, why don't you go confess your sins

I would assume wiping the OS would be enough to remove any tracking the previous owner could have left

Sure you “found “ it Jamal . Not give it back

btw how good is a surface pro as a daily driver

Incredibly doubtful. If he actually was clever enough to throw shit like that on there it'd defeat the entire point if it was only on the front-end.

give it back jamal
it's shit btw

reported to the police


how tho lol, if it gets wiped all the files including any semblance of tracking software would go with it, just dont connect it to the internet

You can't remove the tracking.


The chip is soldered to the main board, and upon connection it dials home with a unique hash. If you put something other than Windows on it; sure. But keep an eye on your dev folder.

The has resolved to a customer and your location is known. Can they brick the device? Most likely. Making it incapable of running even after a drive swap.


Use the fucken thing as a paperweight

Thoughts? doesnt seem that hard to me.

They're fucking shit. Have fun with that piece of garbage

give a fuck not like i bought it lol

load up new version of windows to usb, dont let it boot past loading screen, clean wipe and enjoy jamal.

If it's like the way Apple does it with it's MacBooks (which i doubt Microsoft has the same cleverness), then that tracking software is also in the BIOS. If it connects to the internet, and it has gotten the message to lock the device, then there'd be a BIOS password set.

yeah i had that concern, but according to everyone on interwebs microsoft doesnt do that

you really overestimate the competency of big companies like microsoft

i bet u actually secrelty enjoy the botnet u little shit

It's definitely not hard if you know the username and password, no.

Open it up, take out the storage drive, wipe it using another computer.

getting through that is very easy

Don't steal, Tyrone

I'll assume you think it means a general Windows username and password? But it doesn't talk about those. It's talking about their online account. So, unless you think that hacking into Microsoft's databases, finding the login details for this device, and trying to match hashes to the password is "easy". Then no, this is not easy. However, just wipe it and see what happens.

their online account cant do anything if find my device is turned off, but i will wipe it anyway