Post "Virgin" and "Chad" Pictures

Post "Virgin" and "Chad" Pictures

Bonus points if GNU/Linux

>Luke Smith
>uses memes to get Sup Forumss attention for his views
>Sup Forumss eceleb
I don't get why Sup Forums is so obssesed with him, anyone can read tutorials and do what he did. I did, a number of people did on Sup Forums.
I guess he's one level up from Terry A. Davis...

I use arch btw

>buy Applel iTrash
>pathetic 1800 mAhlet virgin battery
>have to charge it once or twice a day minimum with normal usage, sometimes thrice
>battery has 1000+ charge cycles by the end of one year and is basically dead
>iTrash begins to randomly shutoff at 40% battery
>OY VEY SOYIM! looks like you need the latest iOS "fix"
>update iTrash to latest lagOS
>throttles your iToy to 50% performance
>OY VEY SOYIM! looks like you need a new iphone!

>buy Android phone
>16,000+ mAh alpha battery
>lasts 2 weeks on one charge with normal usage
>have only 25 charge cycles on it at the end of a year
>battery easily lasts an entire decade with no issues
>replace with another alpha android phone for $300 since they're only marked up 10% profit instead of 500% like applel chinktrash

iToddlers will NEVER know this feel.

t. cianig

Milk isn't even good for you

Remember to report and hide PETA shill posts.


The human body stops making the enzyme to digest lactose for a reason. Drinking another animal's milk meant for baby calves by the gallons is plain unnatural if not unhealthy for people that can't digest it.

But eating processed foods AKA everything except for organic paper is fine.

Processed foods are even worse for you than milk and are the root cause for huge percentage of modern health problems, but keep damage controlling after making yourself look like an idiot.

>Damage controlling
>In my first post in the thread
>Can't even check the unique IPs in a thread

This is supposed to be Sup Forums. Not Sup Forums. Also, milk is processed as well, retard.

this should be moved to


What is wrong with the legs of the one in right? :S

Literally who?

Anyone got virgin usb vs Chad ps/2?
Saw it once and forgot to save (image, not text that shows up on jewgle)

Debian, Manjaro, and Fedora are good alternatives to Mint.

Hes a guy on youtube that makes videos about Sup Forums memes, thibkpads, and gnu/linux.

I have the same haircut as Lunduke and I fucking hate it with all my heart.
Even if I get a short haircut, the hairs naturally fall to one side. Gell just makes me look like a fresh Hitlerjugend graduate.
Fuck genetics

>The human body stops making the enzyme to digest lactose for a reason.
only for subhumans without lactase persistence genes.

Wouldn't Chad be the guy who uses windows, doesn't bother to learn shit and has social skills instead...the better to actually get laid?

>get laid
Real chads have money for hookers instead of wasting energy on women's bullshit

Installing windows won't get you laid.

>tfw your glorious northern european genes allow you to safely ingest dairy products
>complaining about something being unnatural
>litterally posted from a machine made from reorganised dinosaur and highly prossessed rock
>probably lives surrounded by engineered environment
>bet you live in a consturcted box made from curshed minerals and mangled trees


burgers arent good for you either, fat fuck

Really want to try it now, everyone always set me far from it...
But, right, the most popular websites use it, so it isn't as SHYIT as people tell, right?

>oy vey soyim
makes me wonder what our shitposts will look like in 5 years

Do not antagonize /ourguys/, also, Lunduke + Luke podcast when?

>Scalp rejects haircuts

PHP and JS are both langauges that started as complete failures but are OK nowadays since they cleaned up a lot of things in the latest realeases.

Curryland thinks it's perfectly natural and worships the cow for it

source: am curry

This is only if you are an animal in the old sense or a gigantic faggot.
Most humans produce the enzyme all their life.

>never shilled a product
>shills Parabola/i3/Thinkpads/vim


i miss terry so much

But what would be more up to date?
I think JavaScript for his asynchronous and easy(really easy) API.
What do you prefer?

Needs one with Torvalds desu.

Does anyone have the rust virgin vs c++ chad one?

Torvalds is an fucking amateur. You know the fucking difference between an amateur and a professional? I wrote my own fucking compiler you fucking nigger.

audible kek

I know that feel.

Torvalds is a professional though. He literally gets payed to merge Linux commits.


Shit post.

>Only drinks raw pure milk straight from the cow.

Unfortunately I lost my "The virgin scripting mess vs the chad software architecture" one.

>drinking milk with over 0.1% fat
That's lterally peasant tier.

>t. Jew

It's dumb anyway, a Chad would just hack together some scripts until shit just werked while a virgin autisms over careful design and architecture.

>kill all the beneficial bacteria with pasteurization i.e. at least 50% of the reason to drink milk in the first place
>wow this shit isn't good for you now


I got this OC ni/g/s.

>Implying chads have to waste energy on any bullshit

Just iterate on them with potential Flavour of the month words in your head with the intent of making it sound more retarded.