Select all vehicles

>select all vehicles

What's the problem?

>I use google IA
>He use tensorflow even pajeet had internet tutorials

bump because unironically there is innocent blood on the hands of literally anyone who ever solved any google captcha ever I'm not even shitposting

It's a pretty weak implication.
Much weaker than the fact that if you're in a NATO member state, your taxes (which you "willingly" pay) contribute to operations in ME that harm civilians.

I don't see a problem there

well time to solve a dozen captchas hoping it will lead to some dead durkas then

one more for the boys

wtf i love captchas now

You laugh now but when you're not needed anymore those fuckers will be coming after you.

That was obvious to me the moment they started having me recognize helicopters.

>select all vehicles and click fire

You've got to remember that they don't use the captchas for training the AI, they use it for validating the AI training.

If too many results come back different from what the AI predicted then they will deal with it in house, not train the AI from the results.


Why is Google literally following the plot of the terminator movies? Are they genuinely retarded?

>not needed anymore
they'll always need our taxes, lad

You can pay a robot a salary and tax it, then program the robot to use the remaining money for consumer goods. Most people are so predictable and easy to contol there wouldn't be much change.

Well at least I'm not completely wasting my time on this site

i kek'd

>select all durkas
I'm okay with this.

>check I'm not a robot
>military drone AI learns from the checkbox

That's not what the OP post says, though?

tensorflow is an API not a service google provides. they train/validate their implementation on their own

>google makes TensorFlow open source in 2015
>open source
>open source
>military uses
>soyboys can't comprehend
>soyboys cope by writing articles
kek, my drill pierces the heavens, i will teach them

this is a psyop

this post is a psyop, don't listen to it

you've been subverted

Hope me spamming nigger in the catchpa box over the years will yield the military some good results

They're Jews. They don't do originality, they just follow the same things that have failed time and time again, but convince themselves that this time it'll work out differently. There's a reason Jews been removed from 100+ countries across the last 2000 years and the reason is because they do the same thing over and over and convince themselves that this time it'll work out differently.
I'm not joking, the worst part about the Holocaust is that it didn't happen. We have to be living in some supergoy world where the goys rejoice that Nazi Germany was defeated for daring to be nationalist, condemns anyone else for being nationalist, but praises Israel for being an ethnostate and the only country in the world where nationalism is encouraged.
Jews create their own problems all of the time. They're the only group that is simultaneously instigator and victim. The DOTR can't come soon enough and you know it as well as I do.

>select all statues
Heh, it all makes sense now.

Stop lining in your nightmare reality.

>killing ad revenue source
>probably 90% of income is from ads
Google needs people to use it, it doesn't make any sense for them to drone strike it's customers.
Also I identified about 6 cars in my captcha