Are we getting cucked or are we in for a treat?
Are we getting cucked or are we in for a treat?
Dumb logo
Shit font
Of course it'll be shit. I don't know why people gets their hopes up for ubongo releases.
I like it, its like angry beavers
Try a daily build
installing right now senpai.
Dding the iso to my usb
Are they full GNOME 3 yet, kinda want to see that shitshow
yeah senpai they went full gnome. I am using right now it is totally gnome skinned to look like unity.
is the radiance theme still present? i mean the cream colored one. that looked fantastic and was LITERALLY the only reason i missed using ubuntu. i think gnome 3 looks like trash but if that theme is pulled it might actually make gnome look alright
How long til Xubuntu 18.04? You know, the only *buntu worth downloading?
>worth using
when will this meme die?
It's the only thing worth using, it must suck to have so little taste.
>being this new
just use a tiling window manage, or even better just do everything from emacs
Wayland got put in the non-default bin again
This is anything but a treat, how many fucking years have fucking passes and they can still manage to do it.
That font is fucking shit
It's... it's... bionic... BEEAAAVEER.
Man I've got some hard wood for that beaver.
Damn I'm so retarded.
It's not official right?
Official logo is always origami-like
Wayland isnt needed.
X is good enough. Just fucking fix it instead of bloating it and then abandoning it for the next shiny thing, which happens to be the Linux philosophy on literally everything (except the kernel maybe thanks to Linus) so far
Just waiting for it to be stable enough to support i3wm.
I'm on 17.10. When's correct time to upgrade to 18.04?
Literal autism.
April of 2018
So when the final version is out?
Yes, dont bother with testing, its bound to be shit when it releases to begin with, unstable should be hell
>not using debian stable
canonical... they always fuck up the release... and the patch that's supposed to fix the fuckups in the release, and the patch after that...
smug-looking fucker, feels good to have tried a bunch of distros but never touched ubuntu
b-but Sup Forums told me this is bad. Microsoft does it so it must be bad.
stop with this already, it triggers my autism so bad
>18.04 Bionic Beaver
>btw follow us on facebook, twitter and instagram :^)
>btw here are some fb/twitter/g+ buttons that totally not track you, not a fucking chance