Hey Sup Forums.
What are some good websites that have programing challenges? I want to pratice Python, C and Bash for now.
> inb4 read a book
books are boring af to me
Hey Sup Forums.
What are some good websites that have programing challenges? I want to pratice Python, C and Bash for now.
> inb4 read a book
books are boring af to me
Other urls found in this thread:
projecteuler.net is lots of fun
This looks really really cool thanks user
i want to fug tohru while diddling kanna
I dont even watch anime I just search waifu images cause I know you faggots love this shit
>I dont even watch anime
You have to go back.
projecteuler is very math-oriented and only requires you to submit your answer, so you can cheese it a bit by having an inefficient solution. Some sites below require you to submit your code and then they run it against test inputs.
exercism.io for seeing how other people approach a problem. The problems are (relatively) easy and the focus is on learning from reading others' code. They provide a client for submitting/fetching problems and a test suite setup.
codewars.com is slightly more competitive with a similar focus on comparing your solution's code with others. The work is done in an text editor in your browser with a focus on TDD as well.
codeeval.com is dead and is bad for C/C++ because they use a shitty outdated version of gcc/g++. However they provide detailed stats (though not accurate for C/C++) on how your solution performed.
open.kattis.com is math-oriented like projecteuler, featuring many, many problems of all skill levels from various international computer science competitions. Focus is on how your solution performs compared to others with a global leaderboard.
Last, there's adventofcode, which is 25 problems each from the three years it's run.
There's others like LeetCode and HackerRank but I haven't looked into them.
This is really cool thanks!
Thank you user
A thread died for this
Yea we're gay
Find some programming books here OP: edu.yscarx.ml
>OP says no books cause cannot read
>sends links to book
Logged in to say that
Then he shouldn't even bother with programming to begin with.
>mfw OP wants to do programming but lazy to read a single book
good luck with the python meme programming
I just wanted anotther type of learning experience you fucking spergs shut the fuck up
Read a book. The books on the page I linked all have interesting exercises. How the fuck is it different from reading exercises from some gay webpage online? You're the sperg here.
Fine I will read the fucking books
>tohru's vagina bones
What's bad about Project Euler?