Is this the best rap album of the year so far?

Is this the best rap album of the year so far?

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Yes but that's not a rap album.

You're stupid.


It is

TPAB > GKMC > UU > .80

0.80 > TPAB > UU > GKMC

Garbage opinion


hello bad album cover

hello bad album

hello savant

Hello bad album cover.

seriously, I thought it was a prog metal band til I clicked it

Word up.


anyone have a rip of it i can download?

step aside


or this
not really rap but he does rap on some songs

I'd say this

yup this is easily hip hop AOTY for me so far, though I still need to hear aesop rock's new album

it's fucking incredible, can't believe pitchfork never covered it

hello cool album cover that suits the music

You guys aren't even trying

not rap


if it isnt one of these 3 you dont have ears

most will disagree with this but lil boat is definitely one of the best projects of the year so far

A step back for Denzel. Some great tracks, but some are just boring.


Nothing itt is higher than an 8/10 but TLOP, it is undoubtedly the best hip-hop album this year

please stop joking around Sup Forums and accept that this is kanye's best work

it may be kanye's best work, but that still makes it far below the standard of best hip hop album of the year


Don't cut yourself on that edge brother

Not even close, Yoni & Geti - Testarossa and Open Mike Eagle & Paul White - Hella Personal Film Festival are infinitely better than untitled unmastered and To Pimp a Butterfly.

yes it is

rock albums are not allowed in this thread

Shhhh, it's OK, great artists never peak in their youth, they keep getting better and better, you'll love the next one even more.

yeezy must not be a great artist then

This is the wrongest thing I've ever seen.

this isn't a rock album

definitely this. Kendrick's was good, but this is amazing.


how isnt it

this is my aoty


literally the opposite would be true

I liked this better than UU

>that fucking instrumental on Shrunk

because it's rap

why is the new chance the rapper album so fucking shit

i liked acid rap what the fuck

Very very close second

but it's not

I'm still cryin over the new Flatbush Zobies album. There was potential for AOTY but they did the opposite of what I had hoped they would do

In what universe is testarossa a rap album?

Was this b8?

Geti raps for like 5 minutes, it's a rap album.


No, this is.

I was so disappointed. BetterOffDead was almost perfect, I thought they were going to go up after that, but nah.

you are such a faggot quit trying to be patrician kill yourself

It's a fresh new meme
If you didn't know better, you wouldn't expect this to be a downtempo and experimental album would you


Actually agree.

ayy kirby

death grips is not rap anymore

Yup, Aesop just gets better and better

Once Denzel is famous he'll lose his "underground but worse YG" status and fade into obscurity

this is a mixtape

literally just finished listening to this.
was expecting his darkest, heaviest ever.
was his popiest release yet.
i am disappoint.

yeah, no way it topped See Birds

Holy Other will always be better.

I disagree, I felt that Holy Other was one of the more one-dimensional artists on Tri Angle. Yes he could always make some incredibly sensual soundscapes in his tracks but most of them sounded way too similar for my tastes.

TLOP had too many good tracks, have to choose it.

Fair enough. I'd agree his was more one-dimensional than other Tri Anglers, but his sounds seem way fuller than most. I generally just prefer his sound to the rest, I was glad to didn't move away from his first EP too much with the album.

See Birds was real good, but Wander/Wonder was so much better

Cmon guys...


gook, narcotics, and sick and tired are cool

This one is my favourite. I also really dug Testarossa and MartyrLoserKing.

All great artists peak at a young age you dummy. Always before turning 30.

i dont understand the appeal to lil yachty, is it supposed to be like ironic/bad? someone please explain the joke

Surprised nobody said this earlier. Chano is amazing

I'm deciding, because I really love this and UU. On one hand you have the Get Out the Car/Shrunk/Kirby combo, and on the other you have untitled 6-8. They each excel at different things, so it's hard to fairly compare them on the same terms

>music is centered around rapped vocals
>isn't rap
Please explain


Not OP, but rap is a vocal styling. I think you're looking for the word hip-hop, but dg aren't really hip-hop anymore

my man, holy other is god tier