Having more than 15 tabs open at once

>having more than 15 tabs open at once

Meня тoжe бecят тaкиe.


>using a browser that literally breaks when you open more than 15 tabs and then trying to rationalize it

>soyim soyhrome users will defend this

> windows

>having more than 15 tabs open at once
bitch please
I run 300-500 tabs on average

>open the 15th tab
>RAM usage finally goes past 8 GB
>Whoa, I sure am glad that I paid for those 16 GB
>Knew it was gonna come in handy one day

That's too much porn.

>Not using Tree-Style Tabs

i bet you're the one who makes the "browser X sucks because it eats all of my RAM" threads

I usually want to look at more than 15 things simultaneously



What sort of shit browser is that?

t. Pale Meem with 76 Tabs, 1.4 GiB RAM

blame multitasking, prob adhd
not that having less tabs is impressive, you just have facebook and porn right? close it when you are done with it? Try researching something, if you have less tabs, you are doing it wrong.

>i bet you're the one who makes the "browser X sucks because it eats all of my RAM" threads
no, I just buy more memory
I had to upgrade from haswell to broadwell-e xeon so that I could have more than 32 (or even 64) GB.

How the fuck do you even know what tab is what at that point

1-2k over here, w/ 32GB of ram.
Get on my level.

>t. ADHD
unironically this. Normies will just never understand.

>How the fuck do you even know what tab is what at that point
I group tabs by window
Admittedly, it can get hard to find a tab, but that's mostly because tab management in browsers is basic

It depends. How many µg?

You're supposed to bookmark the page and close the tab retard

>You're supposed to bookmark the page and close the tab retard
fuck that. I don't want my session ended.

Honestly tabs can get outta hand pretty fast

>rummaging though the bookmarks to open a tab instead of just keeping it open

I've seen screencaps with half a dozen Sup Forums threads in tabs.

Doesn't it have a menu like Firefox that lists all open tabs?

Same. 10 windows, each holding about 30 tabs.

>300 tabs open in Chrome
>150 threads in the Thread Watcher
save me

This is why I use Firefox instead of Chrome.

Shit I need that. It looks perfect for multi tab management

Agreed, I don't get this.

People show off their desktop being clean with no icons yet they have a gazillion tabs on their browsers.

It makes perfect sense. People with gazillion tabs don't use bookmarks. Icons are bookmarks.

>He still uses left click
>Not breaking your middle mouse button from excessive usage

t. RAMlet

>he doensnt use leftclick as default for open in new tab

21 tabs

Wow, way to single-handedly make me reconsider my choice of primary browser.

are you retarded? the session doesn't end until you close the browser, and even then you can choose to restore session with firefox on open.

Brother you've completely forgotten the purpose of memes, stop it now for your own good

Learn to bookmark

>are you retarded? the session doesn't end until you close the browser, and even then you can choose to restore session with firefox on open.
sessions not kept open may require re-logging in.