Is windows kill?

How come this wasn't proven wrong yet? I'm starting to think that he may be right after all. What would be the point sticking with wangblows if you're looking for productivity? Same for the GNU/Linux OS. Apart from getting useless recognition on the internet, does it really benefits you in any way? Does it make you happier in your lives? I don't think so. Going through hours and hours of startpage searching just to ensure that your distro works correctly is a CHORE. And wangblows is even worse. Because except for gaymers(and even then they have to withstand being constantly interrupted by system updates) , there is no interest in owning a wangblows computer. On the other hand, for full fledged men with compelling duties and responsibilities, owning a Mac can be the best answer to your specific needs. Considering that we're now living through an Era of endless technology evolution, it's of your best interest to witness and being part of this progress with the best products and services available on the market. Luckily enough, the premium experience provided by Apple can cater to all your desires. May it be their top notch hardware and software, or their customer services renowned for it's ability to solve any issues in one instant.

Be smart, and invest in Apple.

Other urls found in this thread:

so fat you look
and see food

food analogies only make sense if you're fat

Imagine being at computers

What is the problem with food analogy? They are on point sometimes

>Same for the GNU/Linux OS. Apart from getting useless recognition on the internet, does it really benefits you in any way?
I wonder (((who's))) behind this post?
fuck off NSA


Because you're not a computer nerd.
For computer nerds windows and macs are honestly fairly unbearable. For everyone else they're fine, so use whatever you want.

Aside from the fact that they're probably spying on you of course, which is a totally different debate altogether. Even if I was someone who didn't like GNU/Linux I would still be rooting for them to pull into the lead and become more "user friendly" I guess, just because I'd rather use an OS developed in such an open way rather than by companies who's only motivation is literally to prevent the lowest common denominator from realizing how shit they really are.

>being a computer nerd in the current year
Once again, I ask : why? Don't you literally have nothing better to do? Getting interested in this hobby is not productive at all. Unless you're planning to work in IT but then you'd be an eternal coding monkey because you wasted your time on gentoo instead of learning Java or C++. Don't do that mistake and focus only on things that will improve your living standards. Buy Apple and let them do the difficult part already

You sound like a fun guy to be around.

>>being a computer nerd in the current year
>Sup Forums technology

>Sup Forums

Also, I'm pretty sure GNU/Linux is going to only increase in popularity as more and more people are becoming computer savvy.

Usually what causes people to switch is:
1) Want to do something slightly unconventional, or prevent your OS from doing something it's already doing
2) Realize that you can't
3) Have enough computer knowledge to KNOW that there is literally no reason you shouldn't be able to do what you want to do other than the fact that your current OS is locked down as fuck

GNU/Linux is often at the forefront of developments and the driving force behind almost any recent "innovation" you've seen from Microsoft (maybe Apple too), and you just might be surprised how much easier it could become to use in the future.
Microsoft and Apple are basically going to end up becoming nothing but locked down software stores that some people will still use.
It's already starting, and I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft's next big move is to just use the Linux kernel instead of its own.




GNU/Linux is always at the forefront of innovation. Then proprietary software companies steal our ideas and water them down for computer plebs to enjoy.

Think of it like underground electronic music compared to radio pop. New and amazing things are constantly coming up from unknown DJs, but they mix music for drug addled 19 year olds, not boomers and soccer moms. Once a new trend gets popular enough, it gets added to Katy Perry's next album and nobody has to know where it came from.


>pc vs mac shitposting coming back
oh god pls no

>Microsoft's next big move is to just use the Linux kernel
They're already working on a microkernel and it's not based on Linux.
Google the same.

>close bonnet
>switch stuck on OFF

That means they're losing. Not winning.
Those companies adopting our software means that my open source OS will be closer and closer to parity with the proprietary ones.

I get what you're saying in principle. It WOULD be a huge advantage for those companies if they could not only take our stuff but also create actual needed improvements for the computing world on their own. But they can't anymore:
All they can do anymore is work on "user experience" stuff. So they will assimilate more and more of the core components of open source OSes until we're so similar I will be able to run software developed for them on my open source machine.

It's going to happen sooner or later. Microsoft is desperately trying to move into either the "big data" game, the mobile front, or the "software store" game, because they know they can't hold onto their desktop computing empire for much longer.

>either the "big data" game, the mobile front, or the "software store" game
these are just one thing, "the cloud" (as investors love to throw around) and they're already there
which is why the cloud guy became the new ceo

>I'm pretty sure GNU/Linux is going to only increase in popularity as more and more people are becoming computer savvy
This is so retarded claim it hurts my brain every time I hear it.

You could teach your dog to check his e-mail, that doesn't make him computer savvy. People are as clueless about computers as they were 20 years ago, it's just that now everybody has to use one.

The black box effect is still going strong. We even have gamers assembling their own computers and still knowing absolutely nothing about them - they're just magical lego pieces, one has storage and the other does the graphics.

>the virgin pc vs the chad mac

also i'm unironically looking forward to getting a macbook to replace the old one in a few weeks

You don't need professional knowledge for it to make a difference. All you need are 2 ingredients. You need people to feel like their computer is a part of them. And you need them to be a little bit idealistic.

The later has always existed, the former is something that used to only happen to the nerdiest of social rejects, but is now basically becoming a mainstream thing.
People are going to start wondering if the very core that runs their life should actually be a product controlled by a company, or if it should be an open standard. You can laugh at that all you want, but I'm confident even the biggest of plebs who care deeply about their computers are going to prefer the open standard.
And on top of that the available open standards are closing the gap between the closed standards all the time.


>You need people to feel like their computer is a part of them
m8, find a new dealer because the one you have is giving you tampered with shit
Also as android is highlighting, people don't really care about any open standards. If they did, they wouldn't be running to Google.

You'll see.

>apple experience


It does mac sense, except not the pic related. A certain popular operating system vs a certain popular operating system is like a certain popular burger chain vs popular burger chain. Loonix is like going to the store and buying the patties and bread and lettuce, then going home and taking time to cook to you satisfaction, enjoying that nice home cooked burger is better for you. So the cartoonist is wrong and a fag. OP is also a fag. This poster is probably a fag for writing this faggy reply. You are a fag for clicking on this shitty low content thread. Seriously the quality of the posting here needs to improve. This is a tech board. Just think before you post faggots, is this shit even relevant? I don't think so. Just marketeers shitting up everything. Not even saging cos too much shitt content this is getting as bad as a certain popular political discussion board.

and you don't seem to understand


>why are you doing things you enjoy?
Because a person enjoys them. Same for why alot of people play games, you don't gain anything from that either except for relaxation and enjoyment.
So why are you so offensive towards people messing with their machines and os's and software and not against people who like to play a game in their free time?
sure, a mac can offer you a hassle free computer which doesn't require you to have much knowledge about the system, and alot of people might prefer that, but alot of people also prefer running an OS that gives them options and a clear insight to how it works.
Why do alot of people still repair/drive their older and sometimes unreliable cars? Because they enjoy doing it, and are proud of their old and often beautiful cars. The same is true for Sup Forums with their computers. Alot of the Sup Forums enthousiasts are very attached and proud of their fully open libre FOSS computer running absolutely zero propietary bits. why wouldn't you enjoy something and relax doing something in the spare time which does a) grant you knowledge over said subject (which may or may not be usefull) and b) makes you a happy individual human being?

OP has clearly never owned a mac for any length of time.

OP is just the ban evading iToddler that racked up 6+ years of bans at this point.

Don't waste your breath, this is the kind of person that 20 years ago was all like "haha you work with computers? what a loooser!", and in their free time they go to night clubs to fuck aids ridden roasties and make duck faces.
Those same subhumans that before were bankers or lawyers only because of the status it represents, now are in "tech" pushing things like those cringe as fuck new terms like "as a service" and much worse ones I can't remember now.
This people do the same with everything, like for example cars, they just want something "pretty that just werks" to attract the roasties and give the image they are so obsessed with. But they don't give a fuck about cars, not their actual design and much less how they work, they are too stupid to understand it and that's what causes their hostility towards people that do and enjoy it.
They don't care nor understand technology, or why people like us enjoy it, they never did, they never will.

damn he can't even cash those out for some burger king fries

>How come this wasn't proven wrong yet?
How do you want me to prove it wrong?
Do you want me to prove it wrong by telling you that the OS is the one not making problems while the Mac is the term for the hardware which is the same as any PC hardware, meaning a Hackintosh at reasonable price achieves the same?
Do you want me to prove it wrong by telling you that a PC is a buffet of hardware and software to choose from, where you can eat however you want including healthy, while Macs are stuck with either McDonalds or that diabetic fructose retardation there?
Do you want me to prove it wrong by reminding you that fruit is not healthy food because it has too much sugar in it, and sugar is the poison make people obese and turning them into retards? Vegetables are where it's at, and low carb ones.

There's too many ways to prove the artists of that comic wrong, from his lack of elementary school biology that he slept off, to his lack of understanding of what a PC is and what a locked-down brand is, to his lack of high-school education in Logic by connecting the foods and computers incorrectly, etc.

It's just a giant jumble of low IQ that one.