Installed arch and learned how to take a screenshot ufufufu

installed arch and learned how to take a screenshot ufufufu

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proud of u :)

Whats next on the docket user?

anime wallpaper
customize neofetch
gratz, you are linux guru

gratz^^ Which wm do you use?

install gentoo

>Not using i3-gaps
Get off my board you windowbaby.

thank you :D
i'm not sure desu
it's actually archey3 uwu
wm is i3
compositor is compton
toohard desu
my thinkpad is 14inch so i want too use all the pixels

client.unfocused #333333 #333333 #f0f0f0 #292d2e #222222
hide_edge_borders smart
#assign [class="Gimp"] 10
#for_window [class="mpv"] floating enable
for_window [window_role="About"] floating enable
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer -q set Master 1%+ unmute
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer -q set Master 1%- unmute
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec amixer -q set Master toggle
bindsym Print exec scrot -z -q1
bindsym $mod+comma exec redshift -O2000
bindsym $mod+period exec redshift -O2500
bindsym $mod+slash exec redshift -O3000
exec xset -dpms ; xset r rate 300 50 ; setxkbmap -option grp:shifts_toggle ; redshift -O 3000

I'm not the user who suggested it but gentoo install steps are basically same as arch. Just need to wait on compile time. As long as you didn't use an arch installer you can do a gentoo. And I'd recommend it. I wish you could fuck package managers Portage is so good.

>bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer -q set Master 1%+ unmute
>bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer -q set Master 1%- unmute
>bindsym XF86AudioMute exec amixer -q set Master toggle

thanks senpai my media buttons werk now

adding gaps to a tile manager is degenerate

good work kid.

Every time I see scrot, I just think of scrotum. I can't help it. I don't even find it funny. I just see people posting their Linux desktops and I all I can picture is a saggy, hair-barbed sack of testicles dangling in my mind's eye.

why waste screen space?

>wasting screen space for shite gimmick
That's how you spot the fizzbuzzer.

you must be 18 or older to post here

Wow, so you've become a legendary super saiyan... My power level is low right now put I hope to one day be powerful enough to ascend and go BEYOND a super saiyan.

I already suggested that I found no humor in the image. But I guess you must naturally conflate the imagery of a man's genitals with childhood. Tell your uncle/pastor I said hi.

Another new user! Welcome to the club, desu. I installed Arch about a month ago, so I'm pretty new. Check this cool screenshot setup I did, in my ~/.config/i3/config.
bindsym Shift+Print exec "import -window root /home/user/Pictures/Screenshots/$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S').jpg; imgur /home/john/Pictures/Screenshots/$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%s').jpg"

I used import to take the screenshot, and jpg for slightly faster upload times to imgur. The script requires imgur(AUR) and xclipboard. It will copy the imgur link to your clipboard, too.

oof i messed up and my username was revealed


Not OP, but I use Free BSD. I found out that it was easier to install than expected. I might switch to another BSD or give Gentoo a try. I just need to use the correct use flags and spend hours compiling.

thanks! i'll check it out right now uwu
browsing this thread with w3m feels very hacker uwu

What terminal are you using? I use xfce4-terminal, just because I was desperate to get something that worked with scrollback, composite, and ez copy/paste. I want to be able to display images in my terminal though.

urxvt, like literally everyone else.

>le i3-gaps h4x0r
use anything other than that normalgarbage

i use urxvt you should give it a try too senpai

just go to and export color scheme as Xresources and copypaste to ~/.Xdefaults uwu

Thanks! I'll check it out.

>browsing Sup Forums in private

>toohard desu
not really, If anything I found their documentation easier.
Stuck to arch because I don't have to fuck around with it as much after installing and configuring.
AUR has almost everything I need, overlays don't seem to have as much you'd have to learn how to make your own ebuilds from the source code; AUR is one of the biggest reasons I stuck with arch.

Easier to tweak and compile the kernel to your liking in Gentoo as the instructions to do so are laid out in the handbook. Use flags are pretty handy as well if you want to get rid of certain dependencies for certain packages.
Slots are useful to install two different versions of the same package side by side, but I have heard of many struggling to deal with the dependency hell that results as you update your system.

Tweaking useflags and kernel seems too time consuming a task for my use case with little benefit, after a while I just went with defaults which defeats the purpose of using Gentoo to begin with.
I'd keep it in mind as a go to solution should systemd give me shit, even then there are a few other binary based distributions out there with a different init system. I'd likely just go fuck it, Devuan in that case.

I always browse in private. I just don't like having a search history. Anything that I frequent is just bookmarked.

I don't even have title bars on my windows, couldn't for the life of me figure out how to toggle on/off easily though.
The simplest way is to set to toggle between none, 1pixel, and normal however that is far from elegant as you have two states with no border until you get to the border.
Another solution I found online was using some convoluted perl script.
I went fuck it and used these two button combinations since I only need to peak at the Title bar once in a blue moon.

new_window 1pixel
#border peak
bindsym $mod+b exec i3-msg border normal 1
bindsym --release $mod+b exec i3-msg border pixel 1
#border set (use border peak to hide border)
bindsym $mod+shift+b exec i3-msg border normal 1

I'm... I'm doing it guys ;_; I'M REALLY DOING IT!!!

>two states with no border
I meant title bar
I meant both floating windows and tiles

>This thread
>Leaves Sup Forums forever


Why do you need a command for that? On ubuntu I just press the screenshot key like a normal human.

see that captcha though

i-i think i'm going to switch to gentoo over spring break desu. Arch/Archwiki is very nice but gentoo handbook is just so comfy owo

I installed arch and all I got was this stupid terminal prompt. pls help

I probably got baited. :(

Heartily kekd. Well written.

Just realized that this post was meant for

Seriously what the fuck is going on with the posts

>still using a GUI

>install a real OS
>actually have to look up how to post screenshots due to its nature of your main desktop having no network connection

Absolutely fucking EPIC man. Holy SHIT

>non-tiling wm

very good

I was considering switching to awesome but I'd have to do some work to differentiate each qube's colors (I've given some thought to how I'd achieve it but desu I'm more interested in hiking lately than computing so this is good enough for now)

kek namefag tripfag gtfo

...and who are you to tell me to leave exactly?

t. assblasted jew

Well, t. assblasted jew I've never heard of you so your demands really missed their mark. I don't know or respect you and I'll just hang out here until I decide it's time to go.

looks like the anti-bullying training paid off, he's too much for us

what's next on your agenda, desu?

no irc circlejerking
no cli player
no big tiddies loli
no htop

he's pure, desu, leave him alone

what irc you recommend

server or client? IRC is a protocol. Your question is akin to asking which USB someone recommends.

what browser

Server you mong. If I wanted to know what client, I would have asked what irc client

If you wanted to know which server, you should have asked which server. How was user supposed to guess you wanted to know which server to connect to? It's not like you'll even know which channel to join hehe

What USB do you recommend though?

more ricing desu uwu
w3m desu

When did Sup Forums become the nice board?

we use st nao


shh mods wont notice if we transform this thread into...

ooooooooooohhhh, i see wat ur doin ;)