I need to read .docx and .pptx files that are sent to me in college. Is there a non-bloat alternative to LibreOffice?
Lightweight alternatives to LibreOffice
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Anything you don't like about libre office you can blame on Microsoft and their legal team.
Use vim faggot
Any program that is able to read .doc and .docx is bloated. These file formats don't even have specifications.
That being said, in general there is nothing wrong with bloat. Come at me bro.
Abiword is decent
Give in to the botnet and upload it to google drive.
Or stop being a muh minimalism suckless faggot and just install LO like the rest of us
They're ISO standards, you faggot.
I do, fuck face.
Put them in onedrive and use office online.
Microsoft made viewer applications but powerpoint viewer is being retired next month and word viewer was already retired so you'll need to get it from a mirror.
Sorry I'm not a brainless cunt that will organically install any bloated shit that first appears to solve my problems.
>windows 7
>.doc files
>HP LaserJet m1005
Office man never chages.
If I change the script to open those files in vim will it still work?
yeah something like xterm -e vim text instead of the leafpad line
you need those programs tho, unrtf etc
you may have to comment the end of docx2txt
depends on what your distro provides
Now if only Microsoft Office conformed to the standards...
Use google docs
What is your problem with libre office?
It would be extremely painful.
Ok good luck being unproductive forever
Abiword or convert them to google docs
Make them send it in PDF?
>google docs
The fuck are you on?
Google Docs is unusable on old PCs that run LibreOffice just fine.
>Google Docs is unusable on old PCs that run LibreOffice just fine*
*citation needed
Learn LaTeX then teach it to the unsophisticated people that send you files in college. Docx and pptx are deprecated, bloated and they never look the way they're intended to look when they're viewed on a different device, not to mention the various incompatibility issues they cause. Everything should be done through pdfLaTeX, that automatically converts sheets into pdf files. Documents and presentations done with LaTeX look much better and they're more polished.
Just use that shit on a shitty PC, like a netbook or something.
It runs like shit like every other fancy web app.
Most people are literally not capable of learning a proper markup or typesetting language. You could spend ten years teaching them and get nothing. That's why WYSIWYG office suites exist in the first place.
>citation needed
word online
Wow, you can load the browser start page.
you just need a non-shit browser
> (You)
>Most people are literally not capable of learning a proper markup or typesetting language.
Why's that though? Compared to any office suite out there, LaTeX's documentation is much wider and accurate. You just need an elementary licence to learn and use LaTeX.
Midori is just yet another webkit based browser.
Bloated web apps still run like dog shit.
You remind me of that one old guy in my work. If someone emailed him, secretary printed it and put it on his desk.
Have you tried this solution?
i wrote my dissertation in linux and even then I would say it wasn't worth the hassle
Because nobody reads documentation. They look for buttons that look familiar or vaguely connect with their goal in their mind.
Also if you manage to convince those people somehow to adopt pdf they're going to be exporting it from word or acrobat pro, which is worse.
because my publishers had simple msword templates and guidelines, trying to recreate them from scratch in latex took me almost two weeks
I could see using latex MAYBE if you were creating tri-folds or something like, or were programatically creating a manual or lab notebook
See if abiword is still maintained.
Also, how is libreoffice too much for your system? Seriously...
Where is the bloat? is 512Mb RAM too much or are you running out of HD space for your lolicon?
It's your own fault for getting involved with bad institutions.
Gdocs and office in the web
Google office
for you
Thats funny. Many journals include template files for latex and latex is often treated equally, if not preferred, to MS office. It’s acurally easier to use latex since your bibliography can easily be managed (google scholar gives bibtex citations along with APA, MLA, etc.). What publisher was it?
Is there a way to get a pirated version of the old libre that had a XML interpreter "similar" to Microsoft's?
Sign up at outlook.com. WA LA.
>it wasn't worth the hassle
this is a lie, either that or you're a brainlet. latex was a godsend for me when I was writing my master dissertation, few simple commands saved me from the formatting pit of hell the MSWord is. I wish i knew about latex earlier, that would've saved me countless hours of work.
>acrobat pro
was is everyone obsessed with this piece of shit? it is everywhere spread like a virus while there is much better readers out there with less problems and more features.
just use msword, retard
So, are the Libre Office developers/developer team(s) Pajeets, or what? I honestly really do not know. Please redpill and clue me in Sup Forums
>full fledged, free office suite that saves you from using proprietary microshit software
>hurrr bloated
Imagine being this smooth brained
>msword is too hard for me
"Google Docs is unusable on old PCs that run LibreOffice just fine."
have fun spending 10 hours adjusting the figures manually and doing every single thing click by click, that is if it ever works. also, your document looks ugly as sin.
learn to use msword properly
Microsoft Office is bloatware
Antiword is pretty nice. Doesn't support docx, though.
Microsoft Office online.
Use the library's PC.
sorry Mr. Balmer but your software sucks for anything other than taking notes and writing quick five page reports.
That doesn't stop people who should know better trying to use Word as a page-layout program.