Why are you always complaining about everything? Are you addicted to complaining? I mean seriously...

Why are you always complaining about everything? Are you addicted to complaining? I mean seriously, you live in an age where you can buy a 4ghz processor, and you bitch. You live in an age where you click your mouse a few times and a few days later a friendly delivery guy brings the package to your door. You're living in an age where you have giant, cheap monitors and so much storage you don't even know what to do with it. Even if you have an old machine, your RAM is bigger than hard drive in pic related I had growing up. Are you just a spoiled little brat with zero respect for technology? Or do you actually want to contribute something to this technological age? Learn programming, make yourself useful, instead of complaining about every single goddamn thing that's FAR, far better than what we had in late 80s. Stop being so fucking spoiled and be productive to a change. Yes, you.

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Based oldfag

Poorfag here that grew up with ancient shit in the 90s

They have no clue

shut up dad

This. People shouldn't be complaining at all since we live in an era where technology is more accessible now.

Who is complaining again?

look at me! im an attention whore

People feeling dissatisfied with the status quo is literally the only thing that keeps technology moving forward at prices the consumer can afford. OP is a fag.

I'd happily go back to the late 90's, to my few major architecture machines, chatting to my friends and jerking off to furry jpegs over dial-up. Getting together from time to time to exchange hardware, software and party with others like myself.

It's all easily accessible and there's massive amounts of content online but nothing I'd actually miss from today.
Also, hardware wasn't that expensive or slow at all. I don't know why kids these days think that, with equivalent software for the hardware and connections to get said hardware cheap, it was a bliss.

I think you are in the wrong webportal, this is Chickcartoonandpornchan.biz, not reddit.

I dont think they're complaining exactly, it's more of a Team Red vs Team Blue vs Team Green sort of thing.

>Why are you complaining? Back when I was a kid, we fought off typhus with our bare hands

Just because things are overall better doesn't mean we shouldn't address real issues. What about quality of software and hardware? What about the geopolitical implications of the devices used today?

>actually fronting that the 2018 version of a sears catalog is a big fucking deal
>acting like the "late 80s" is a big fucking deal

Shut the fuck up.

Unironically it's because I'm a virgin therefore I have a very twisted and pessimistic outlook on the world
Frankly I'm not even complaining much
I'm just a sad and bitter 36 year old kissless friendless lonely virgin

materialism isn't a source of happiness once you reach the point where you have food and a roof over your head.

On the other hand, complaining does have the advantage of increasing demands, if nobody complained than companies would see no reason to change or adapt to demands.

>real issues
>eee normies use windows
>reee why doensn't everyone use my ULTRA-OBSCURE-LINUX-DISTRO(tm)
>reee i can't overclock my CPU to 5ghz
Fucking first worlders

software developers use better hardware as an excuse to obnoxiously leech all your system resources

oh, the irony...

And this is how we ended up with office suites written in javascript that run in your browser and require 100M of remote resources to be retrieved every time you open a file

Not good ones

those are far and few now

shut the front door, grandpa.

people made this same argument in the 70s
people made this same argument in the 80s
people made this same argument in the 90s
people made this same argument in the 00s
people make this same argument today
2/10 made me reply

DIE shit piece of old garbage tech
plasma and lcd tv are supreme

Wrong, no one in late 80s was bitching about terminal font color, price of components and other gay shit

>hurr RAM prices are so high today
Fuck off

you do realize that 128mb in the late 80s was like owning a supercomputer right

You own a supercomputer right now by any year's standard

And you choose to shitpost with it

i own a shitty 1gb ram intel atom laptop
and i choose to shitpost because i have nothing else to do with it

Good enough for programming

A ton of crazy programs have been written for much weaker computers

time exists.

get over it.

>time exists
>let's waste it
Sup Forums philosophy 101

My Moto G5s Plus is very satisfying, but my i3-3220 lags a lot.