China: Loads of women in tech

>China: Loads of women in tech
>America: A few women in tech
>Scandinavia: Almost no women in tech
Explain this

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brb, moving to scandinavia

Explain why you made such an awful post first.

because in scandinavia people can have their own opinions and choices

Chinese government forces people who excel at a given subject in school to actually follow through with that career. Most of the time the problem isn't that women are bad at exact sciences, they just aren't as interested and would rather deal with people/animals.

white males are systematically oppressing them

> Scandinavia: Fuck-all Asians
> America: Some Asians
> China: Infested with Asians

Isn't it obvious?

This is a well known paradoxal effect of gender equality. The freer students are to chose their path without gendered pressure, the more they tend to reproduce gender discrepancy in certain fields.
>China: girls forced into tech fields
>US: girls encouraged into tech fields "It's a boy thing but you can show them girl!"
>Scandinavia: "chose whatever you want, who care Anastasia?"

in scandinavia most bitches work in socially financed sectors, which have great salary, hours and pensions. Like nurses, teachers, social workers and paper pushers.

>Like nurses, teachers, social workers
>great salary
lol no, they do however work in those areas.

Which wouldn't really be a problem if we didn't drastically undervalue skills like caretaking because it isn't as profit-churning as other fields.

>nurses, teachers, social workers and paper pushers
This is not unique to scandinavia

for the shit easy jobs they have yeah, it's great salary and secure as fuck. Virtually impossible to get fired.

Studies show that when women are more free to choose, they avoid STEM like the plague.

>China: Loads of women in tech
source on this?

anyway, to give my understanding as someone from ex communisitc country
communism was very egalitarian in gender stuff
for example we had majority women judges for most of 20th century
we had quite a lot of women as chemical engineers too, as ive been told by my mom, a chemical engineer.

anyway, the impression is that west is always forward in social regard
but with women rights and equality and opportunity its really was not the case
also now you have 3rd and 4rd wave feminist who took it to strange places so good luck with that

In Sweden the nurses and teachers have terrible working conditions and definitely not enough pay.

gaijin who lived in china for 20 years

don't know about Sweden but bitches in Norway are constantly on sick leave. There's a constant lack of nurses and kindergarden teachers because the ones that are hired exploit the fuck out of welfare.

He moved in 2006
t. serptentza subscriber

Feminism is cancer

I don't really have enough data to make assumptions about that. However, I think people in public sectors tend to be take more sickleave because they're so hard to fire.

I don't see them in git commits, unless they all preferred to use male or ambiguous names.

Did that guy have some less obviously beginner-level (no, it's not because of her looks, she just talks like a beginner) tech girls on the show before?

>I don't see them in git commits
they're too worried about living in a 2nd world country to contribute to open source software you fucking muppet. if you watch the video, you would know that the reason they go into tech is because they want MONEY. why would they work for free?

the data is easy as fuck to find, just look at job listings in your city

you give women the freedom to do what they want, and guess what, they don't do tech

Christians killed all of the smart white women because they are too hard to control with rape.

To be honest I don't even want to work in tech anymore. I like programming for myself, but not for others.

But I can't really do anything else. Maybe I'll become an IP lawyer.

Foss unironically is the apex of white decadence and degeneracy. Imagine having so much time and money that you go home and actually labor for free WILLINGLY and then give it all away for free and advocate for others to do the same. Chinese would laugh at that sort of ridiculous behavior. Only spoiled brats would be delusional enough to regress from the height of capitalist "get what you're worth" culture to "free labor for everyone" pseudo socialism. Everyone dumb or desperate enough to have tried it woke up ages ago


> they're too worried about living in a 2nd world country to contribute to open source software you fucking muppet
Lel, so why aren't the men?

Also, it doesn't matter if it's a personal effort or one of the quite many millions that is well educated and doing okay to great by now, there should be a lot of them regardless if they actually did the techie thing.

> if you watch the video, you would know that the reason they go into tech is because they want MONEY
There is absolutely nothing special about this vs. what the men everywhere do that however actually show up far more often when you look for instructions, articles, people who present their geeky shit they did for fun, git commits...

>apex of white decadence
Except majority of foss devs and users are nonwhite.

White on the inside, close enough

tell me more about the famed chinese FOSS community

>White on the inside
but they're red on the inside

There is not "paradoxal effect" what you describe is simply the result of men and woman having a natural tendency of liking different things and the argument of "muh evil patriarchy that makes kids play with Legos and girls with dolls is there reason women are not interested in STEM" being false.

Majority of foss devs and users are from Europe and Asia

>Europe and Asia
Eastern Europe, Africa, and South Asia (+China) to be specific.

No, that's just you projecting your opinion onto all Chinese. There's no agreement for shit there either.

Most of the nice places hold community work in very high esteem, and of course the "decadence" of doing respectable or even fun geek things as a hobby is something many that aren't at the very bottom of the rat race pursue.

>apex of white decadence and degeneracy
Not really user.
If everyone start to do business like Chinese then 1 or 2 out of 1000 will become mainstream.

It's almost as if the more women are free to choose, the more they prefer caring fields. Shocking

Part of the global community.

One obvious focal point is at Linaro, which is maintaining a kernel fork and also one of the big contributors to the mainline kernel.

Another is stuff built with frameworks. Yes, anyone can use them, but they actually tend to be used more often by the Chinese as far as I can tell.

2 groups? that's pretty cool

>freedom to choose between planned, controlled, and heavily normed options is freedom
Bootlickers like you are why the USA is going into the toilet.

staying the fuck away from anything they touch
google tier cancer

You would be surprised if I say nearly 85% of Trisquel GNU/Linux user base is in China


I visited the Chinese branch of my company a while back and was surprised at the number of women working side by side with men. I don't know if it's societal pressure or not, but there's no huge gender discrepancy in China. Even the most grognard of grognards in there, the game programmers, had a few comely grognard women in their midst.

actually no
it has to do with their investments in ai and desire to basically be google+amazon

>still scared of machine learning
You should stop posting and go actually learn things.

>all this conjecture
>literally not a single fact or source posted, not even OP

>implying you know how to differentiate male/female chinese names

Ping Pong = male
Bing Bong = female

>machine learning
machine learning and ai are separate paths
might as well take your own advice

>separate paths
lol, go jerk off again to your fantasies of ai sexbots because you can't imagine any living person fucking you.

Only in the USA, the women in tech field are mostly hired just to fill the diversity quota. If the companies really care about their work quality, they would actually send them to legit workshops, courses or whatever that could improve their skills. Not some bullshit like kode with klossy.

Are you retarded? General AI is a myth. Machine learning is a subject within the AI field just like planning

studies have been done showing that the more 'liberated' women are, the more they tend to choose female-oriented jobs, such as nurse, compared to say, assembly line worker or clothes stitcher. In shitty turd world countries with highly patriarchal societies, such as india and china, women have a more restricted range of choice which, perhaps ironically in the minds of modern leftists, produces a more gender-neutral job distribution. It is only natural that in Scandinavia, the most gynocratic society, no women would sully themselves with smelly and greasy nerd shit, since they simply don't have to.

bitchmade males work in packs.

really hit a nerve huh

>General AI is a myth
and where was general AI brought up? oh right in your own mind
fucking retard

>Scandinavia, the most gynocratic society

It was when the Norse ran things, but now they are all run by Christians and Nazis.

Confident ignorance pisses me off.

>>China: Loads of women in tech
MIUI and OnePlus spyware, massive internet censorship.
>>America: A few women in tech
Windows, Mac OS, iOS.
>>Scandinavia: Almost no women in tech
Linux kernel and Sailfish OS.

Any further questions?

it's not that scandinavia is gynocratic, they just have a socialist culture. and it works since they're a tiny society

No you're twisting my statement into something false just so it suits your political ideas.
There is not much "natural" or "biological" in different social behaviors, even if some people are obsessed with that because it could support their sexist and conservative arguments.
Of course the early gendered socialisation is the main determinant in social behaviors, even in the most gender equal countries.
Even in the most gender equal countries there is a differential socialisation between men en women, don't think equality has been achieved yet at all.
>t. academic specialist on the reproduction of school inequalities

That's not how you spell Triggered, which you definitely are soygoy.

You're the trash your masters use to wipe their ass, faggot.

>There is not much "natural" or "biological" in different social behaviors,
yeah there are. if you took a normal dude and injected him with a gram of testosterone a day, he would start exhibiting different social behaviors. men have thousands of times higher testosterone than women, so they obviously will have different behaviors.

also, if there's no such thing as a "male" and "female" brain, transexuals are just mentally ill since their claims of having a "female" brain are false, and they want to cut off their cocks and balls

These theories are based on the work of Baron Cohen, the famous "Empathy/Systematization model".
His work has long been debunked by experimental psychologists (University of Melbourne) and several other biologists. His work on the autist ("super-male") brain is flawed in both methodological and theoretical ways.
I could go in lengths to explain the major criticisms to his neurosexist theory but only if people here are genuinely interested in science and epistemology. I won't make a post for some Sup Forumstard's bait

They need that when they start the next part of we hate males and want them banned

No idea. Studies show women are better programmers.

you are telling me that a country (Sweden) that calls itself a "Moral Superpower" and has a female defense minister is not gynocratic.

Nice pseudo scientific shitpost there, bro.


Please do

You're just mad that Sweden isn't actually the rape capital of the world.

No woman will ever have you willingly. Enjoy your individual genocide.

that's just because asian girls are superior physically and mentally

>experimental psychologist
>proceeds to falsify results

Testosterone is only an hormone and the recorded blood levels of T are not a reliable mesure because one must have enough receptors to receive and use all this T.
Also there is a big debate in neurosciences and psychology about the relation between the biological (physiology) and the psychological (behavior). Although it might be quite instinctive to think "different physiology = different behavior", the last decade's experiments in biology shows that there are several biological path to the same behavioral ends. For example, female have some differences (proportionally more grey matter than men, and other minor variations) but it has been observed that some biological characteristics are in fact compensating for physiological differences (ie. in parts of the brain which have fewer neurones in women than in men, neurones produce more neurotransmitters to compensate a cognitive deficit)
On testosterone and other hormonal effect on physiology (in utero & ex utero) you can read the works of neurobio Van de Beek & al 2002, Hines & al. 2001, McIntyre, 2006 and Gooren 2007.
It covers a wide range of question on brain biology with peer reviewed studies, reliable statistical data by renowed academics.
The world is way more complex that a simple hormone =/= biology =/= behavior scheme. Don't let simplistic and sensationalist badly reported clickbait studies mislead you. A few scientist are obsessed with fame and the best way to sell books is to find simple model with bigs words everyone understands. Baron Cohen is not taken seriously, and there are many like him (Jordan Peterson). they are basically at the margin in their own field but they go in mainstream medias quite easily

That sure showed him!

I watched that video years ago so I don't remember exactly, but weren't there other scientists other than him in the video?
Proving he isn't a reliable scientist wouldn't debunk the ideas in the video unless they're entirely based on Cohen's faulty work.

>Testosterone is only an hormone
hormones influence your personality, and they influence your actions. there's a reason people are more prone to violence on tren. quit thinking just because you feeeeel something means it's true

THE ACADEMIA IS RUN BY [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[THEM]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] DON'T TRUST ANYTHING BUT THIS ARTICLE WITH NO SOURCES
>"please respect my subjectivity, this is my truth"
No, fuck off snowflake. Bring peer reviewed academic papers to the debate or stfu

pick one
1) there's no such thing as male vs female brains, and transsexuals are lying when they say they have a "female brain"
2) there are innate differences between men and women

>bring cartel reviewed studies or else!
No thanks

>citing studies with instructed behavior
Totally passable

>Hormones influence your personality and your actions
No, they have an influence on your biology. It can shape brain, muscles, bones. After this point we can have hypothesis on how the different physiologies can lead to different behaviors.
And before we go further on this, let me remind you that there are a lot of thing that can influence our physiology like the environment and the culture. The brain of childs who have been raised since birth with iPads are not wired exactly the same as our generation. Social norms like alimentary practices also shape our biology and our brains. So don't reify the "biological" as "natural" and as something given but think of it has something complex and constructed.

>No, they have an influence on your biology
here's one example of testosterone affecting your behavior: men with higher levels have more sex. but i'm sure that's the patriarchy tricking them too

There are biological differences between male and females, for sure, nobody has ever denied that. It is the correlation between physiology and behavior which is not proven and here used by Baron Cohen to be the basis for political statements on how gender relations should happen (let women do the work of "care" and empathy and let men be bankers, lawyers and businessmen!")
There is no such typology as empathy oriented brain vs systematization oriented brains like he claims.
Also it has been observed that most of the physiological differences are related to brain size and not to sex. Women have on average smaller brains (in volume) than men but we observe that men with small brains share the "female" caracteristics. What we thought were gender differences were in fact more size-related.

Your brain being wired a different way because of a different skill compared to another group isn't an example of different physiology. It's still the same functionality. It's like saying adding different sets of numbers is a different operation

>Also it has been observed that most of the physiological differences are related to brain size and not to sex. Women have on average smaller brains (in volume) than men but we observe that men with small brains share the "female" caracteristics.
if brain size is related to gender, and physiological differences (did you mean "psychological"?) are related to brain size, then by simple logic physiological differences are related to gender. try again

Also Kristi Klein & Sarah Hodge (2001) have demonstrated that men do experiment the same levels of empathy that women.
They used a well known test with pics of faces (but just the eyes-part of the face) and ask people (men/women) to find which emotion is depicted on this face/eyes/look)
Women have higher scores on average than men on this test. But when you change the experimentation and add a motivational 2€ per good answer, the gender differences in empathy scores are perfectly leveled. It shows that empathy is not something "deep wired" or hard-wired in the biology of female brains, but is way more complicated. In fact we do not know if we measure the empathy really experimented (the ability to feel the same as somebody else) or if we measure the level of empathy socially displayed by men and women. The amount of empathy you can or want to show differs with gender, but does not mean it is not experienced the same in the physiological brain.

Of course the issue is complex and nuanced, that's why the point is that gender roles and behaviors aren't based entirlly on nature or nurture, bur are in fact the result of both.
People saying it's entirely biological as as much in the wrong as people saying it's entirely cultural.

Also, saying "testosterone can't reliably be measured" is a cheap copout, since it doesn't at all mean that it has no effect. Just that its effect can't be accurately be measured.

It's also absurd to pretend that millions of years of evolution resulted in significant differences in so much of the male and female bodies, but strangely not in out brains, the most important part.
I guess virtually all other species have significant differences in behaviors and roles, but we're the exception, right?

Also, if our behaviors actually evolved to be biologically equal, the mere fact that almost all cultures enforced those gender roles for millennia would have made a gigantic difference in our evolution through selection, just like toolmaking drastically changed oour bodies and minds, therefore if gender actually was a social construct, it could only have been in the past, and now it became ingrained into us.

What I meant (and as you can see english is not my main language) is that the physiological typology male brain/female brain is not correct since it should be a small brain - big brain typology with elements of both genders in each category even if women have on average a smaller brain.

Couldn't that also mean that men need to put much more effort to do what women can do so easily that they don't even need motivation to get good results?

>literally incentives certain behavioral outcomes and uses it as proof that behaviors are equal
You're actually dumb aren't you? Few if any people question the actual capabilities between genders and even "pop" scientists you criticized like Peterson acknowledge. But that's not behavior. The behavior is quite clear, men are less emphatic and incentivizing it instructs behavior

then how are you going to create gender equality when by your own words, they will tend to have different psychologies? do you forcefully shrink men's brains?

>There are biological differences between male and females, for sure, nobody has ever denied that. It is the correlation between physiology and behavior which is not proven
Assuming all Cohen's work is to be discarded, would the opposite be proven somehow, or you're dismissing the correlation between physiology and behaviour on the basis of not having definite proof of it?
Because unless you have definite proof of the opposite, you can't expect us to disregard literally everything we see 24/7 (since the dawn of time until today) just because "well science doesn't explain it so it has to be the opposite (which is also not proven)".

So where is the definitive proof that shows how men and women's very different behaviors aren't biological but in fact imposed by social norms?

What about behaviours that one can't control?
Surely men and women have different uncontrolled and/or unconscious reactions to stimuli, like females' propensity to cry and males' violent tendencies.
Are those behaviors not physiologically based, even when they're very clear in small children as well?

Also there are well known behaviors such as "maternal instincts" and such. Are those culturally imposed as well?

It could be, but in this case women with a financial motivation should perform higher than men with motivation.
In fact it brings a lot more questions than it solves. Can we measure empathy experienced or just the social expression of empathy? By which cognitive and biological processes are filtered real empathy experiences to become socially expressible? Theories of the spirit (physche) are beyond my little understanding of psychology and neurosciences. I'm an anthropologist.
>saying "testosterone can't reliably be measured" is a cheap copout
That's not what i said. I try to word it carefully. Baron Cohen experiments were made with measures of amiotic testosterone (in utero)
But amiotic test is variable through the pregnancy, and does not correlate with the intracerebral testosterone levels. That's why his findings were not considered serious by his peers. Along with many other methodological errors.
To make it short:
Experiments with 9month olds babies and gendered toys: he had to remove several construction toys which were attractive to both male and female babies since it would not fit his theory. Same story for dolls
The gendered color-code (rose/blue) he used in his experiment is supposed natural and blue an essentially male color and rose by essence feminine. In fact this color code is not "natural" at all and date back to 1910 in europe. In the european middle-age, it was in fact inverted blue was feminine and girly (Marial blue) and rose (whitened red since "rose" was not invented as a definite color until the 18th century) was the color for little boys.
For his statistical study on brain typology he used online self-administered questionnaires, which are known to produce not much of qualitative value.

Btw i'm sorry to only answer partially but your commentaries are mixing so many thing together and it would be very difficult to go back on the meaning of each word and to deconstruct every concept.

different physiology does not mean different psychology
The relation between biology and behavior is yet to be explored. As I wrote earlier, you can have different biological (physiological) brains that produce the same behaviors with the help of compensating mechanisms. (like the less neurons, more neurotransmitters thing i described)

Obviously what happened is that males and females used to behave the same way, until an alpha caveman decided to banish women to do certain tasks that he didn't like to do, and men to do the ones he liked.
He also forced them to start acting differently in their normal behaviours and interactions.
Since nobody was strong enough to usurp him and restore the natural equality, it kinda stuck with us for millions of years despite men and women having zero genetic proclivity to do those things.
It's all just a big ruse guys, wake up!