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I have Windows in one SSD, and my shit (mostly games from either Steam or GOG) in a HDD.
If I format the SSD will my games break?
I mean, the files will obviously still be there but all the registry stuff will be gone.
I think Steam can fix that for its own games, but I don't know what will happen with GOG's.
Do large audio files use more CPU cycles to play? For example if I had an album that was 50 minutes, would it use more of my phone's battery to play it as a single 50 minute track vs. as 10 5 minute tracks?
If you have eggs that are near to expiration and you cook them, will it buy you a few more days? Or will they expire at the same time they would have?
It will buy you a few more days
No. It is perfectly safe
No. but it will use more ram, which might burn the battery a little faster.
If stored properly, eggs should still be good to eat for about 2 weeks after the printed expiration date (lots of foods are still okay for some time past expiration, google it if you're unsure). If it smells weird, don't eat it, if not, it should be fine.
I somehow got this pitch black theme on my laptop a while back but I can't do it on my desktop.
Wat do?
Have an SSD with OS, but it small so I have secondary traditional 3.5 drive
Install all my non-important programs on secondary drive under J:/Programs
>System has been up for weeks, haven't really rebooted, used applications perfectly fine.
>When I go to the secondary drive the J:/Programs file is mostly empty, has a few folders. I notice that a lot of my programs won't run because obviously the installation files are missing
>Oddly enough, in my C:/Programs(X86) some of those same folders that were in my secondary drive are now showing in my SSD but even those folders are empty.
What the fuck happened? - I've installed absolutely no software recently, I've done no system changes etc.
Can someone help? thankfully it was just unimportant programs, I'll reinstall if it comes to that, but is there anyway to recover that? I wish I had set up an audit log on that secondary folder to know when they were deleted.
You might need to reinstall to fix registry, also you should make sure stuff like game saves aren't stored on the SSD since sometimes they get stored in my documents, %AppData%, SavedGames, or a few other places besides their own install directory
Place mouse on desktop and right click. Go to Personalize. Go to themes and set custom colors for backgrounds.
How does one learn programming efficiently and the right way on your own? Is Free Code Camp useful?
I want to make a small USB driver for my piece of shit homemade arduino synth pedal.
Is libUSB still the way to go?
Why is spaghetti code considered a bad thing?
>You might need to reinstall to fix registry
but do I really need the registry entries?
>also you should make sure stuff like game saves aren't stored on the SSD since sometimes they get stored in my documents, %AppData%, SavedGames, or a few other places besides their own install directory
ah shit, I forgot games save on weird places
Some games need them. It'll probably throw an error if you try to run it without it. You could always just go in regedit and try to find where that stuff is stored and back it up beforehand though. Or just back up your whole registry before formatting and pick out parts you need later. Can use reg save command for that
When people asks about Raid configurations, they often mention that one configuration may be more "secure" than the other.
But what does it really mean to be more "secure"? Are the drives at risk just for using Raid?
Can you wirelessly hack a router if wifi is disabled on the router and all connected computers are on ethernet cables?
I assume security refers to security against data loss. For example in RAID 0 you have very little security for your data since if any drive in the array fails you basically lose everything. While in RAID 1 you have more security since data is duplicated across the different drives.
Also if you want here's the script I use to backup my registry weekly, though you might want to change paths and stuff, and the 0000000000-000000000-0000000000 I think is a user-specific string that you will need to see what yours is, also left out some hives since some are locked down harder than others and probably don't store anything I need to keep anyway.
cd \Documents\Backups\Registry
rmdir Temp /s /q
md Temp
cd Temp
reg save HKCU
reg save HKCR
reg save HKU\S-1-5-18 HKEY_USERS\
reg save HKU\S-1-5-19 HKEY_USERS\
reg save HKU\S-1-5-20 HKEY_USERS\
reg save HKU\S-1-5-21-0000000000-000000000-0000000000-1001 HKEY_USERS\
reg save HKU\S-1-5-21-0000000000-000000000-0000000000-1001_Classes HKEY_USERS\
reg save HKCC
7z a ..\%computername%_%date:~-8,4%%date:~-14,2%%date:~-11,2%.7z * -mx9
cd ..
rmdir Temp /s /q
Access to router != access to internet
One has to bruteforce their way into connecting to the router and bruteforcing/guessing their way into the router page then bruteforcing their way if it is protected with a password.
Why are DVDs in 720x480? 720 horizontal pixels is too much for 4:3 and too little for 16:9, seems like a bizarre compromise. You'd think it would make sense to just use 854x480.
So I know drives can fail, in raid 0 if one drive fails then all the data is lost, but I don't lose both disks right? I just need to format the drive that didn't fail and and it's fine?
Maybe what I'm trying to ask is, does using Raid affects the longevity of the disk?
I'm a brainlet in his early twenties who lucked it in the areas most famous web agency. The CEO really likes me so he offered me that I could reduce to 60-80% and go to university. The company would also cover the costs. Does a compsci degree help me if I want to stay in web development, or is it a meme?
>I just need to format the drive that didn't fail and and it's fine?
Nope. Data is striped alternating between both drives, so if one drive fails then the other drive is left with intermittent few KB size stripes with all the in between pieces missing.
Oh wait I misread what you said. Yeah, you're right that the physical disk itself isn't lost. It's more about the security of the data. I don't think RAID levels really affect hardware much in any significant way.
No my English is bad, thanks for the answer.
Try to solve this:
The following is a description of the instance of this famous puzzle involving n=2 eggs and a building with H=36 floors:[12]
Suppose that we wish to know which stories in a 36-story building are safe to drop eggs from, and which will cause the eggs to break on landing (using U.S. English terminology, in which the first floor is at ground level). We make a few assumptions:
An egg that survives a fall can be used again.
A broken egg must be discarded.
The effect of a fall is the same for all eggs.
If an egg breaks when dropped, then it would break if dropped from a higher window.
If an egg survives a fall, then it would survive a shorter fall.
It is not ruled out that the first-floor windows break eggs, nor is it ruled out that eggs can survive the 36th-floor windows.
If only one egg is available and we wish to be sure of obtaining the right result, the experiment can be carried out in only one way. Drop the egg from the first-floor window; if it survives, drop it from the second-floor window. Continue upward until it breaks. In the worst case, this method may require 36 droppings. Suppose 2 eggs are available. What is the lowest number of egg-droppings that is guaranteed to work in all cases?
If you can solve that, without looking up hints or the solution, for any number of eggs in your language of choice then you don't really need uni.
Without the code tag for better readability:
Suppose that we wish to know which stories in a 36-story building are safe to drop eggs from, and which will cause the eggs to break on landing (using U.S. English terminology, in which the first floor is at ground level). We make a few assumptions:
An egg that survives a fall can be used again.
A broken egg must be discarded.
The effect of a fall is the same for all eggs.
If an egg breaks when dropped, then it would break if dropped from a higher window.
If an egg survives a fall, then it would survive a shorter fall.
It is not ruled out that the first-floor windows break eggs, nor is it ruled out that eggs can survive the 36th-floor windows.
If only one egg is available and we wish to be sure of obtaining the right result, the experiment can be carried out in only one way. Drop the egg from the first-floor window; if it survives, drop it from the second-floor window. Continue upward until it breaks. In the worst case, this method may require 36 droppings. Suppose 2 eggs are available. What is the lowest number of egg-droppings that is guaranteed to work in all cases?
Best free PDF viewer for windows that respects my privacy?
Should I keep the refurbished Asus laptop I just got from Newegg despite having some minor screen spots around the sides?
>3.5 lbs
>2.4 GHz (can be overclocked) dual core i5
>1080p screen
>250 GB SSD
The laptop was $430... I need a light laptop because my arms are fucked up and I need to commute with it everyday.
Anyone know of a cheaper/better laptop that is under 4 lbs?
I really hate buying tech from outside the U.S. that isn’t from Japan (Asus is Taiwanese, better than China at least). Please help, I plan to install Ubuntu and become a open source guru by the time I am middle-aged
Drop the first egg from the 18th floor
if it breaks, start at first floor and work your way up until second egg breaks.
if it doesn't break, start at 19th floor and work your way up until second egg breaks.
Do you really think that's the best solution?
What if the building has a million floors?
You have the right idea, but there's a solution that will give you a better average case performance.
Any of you have tried and compared Devuan compared to Debian?
Is anyone better performace-wise or breaks more often compared to the other?
Honest question.
is there a standard graphical output from code to screen?
I've been meaning to code a game from scratch in C#, but I never moved from forms and console outputs, so this is uncharted territory for me.
Hard boil the first egg and drop from the 35th floor.
It doesn't break.
Drop second egg from 36th floor and it does break.
Solution found in 2 steps.
Powered by Pajeet Performance Ltd ®
Can I allocate more memory to my Linux partition on the fly from my existing Windows partition?
Or will that create problems?
Has anyone here used the lynx browser? I am trying to make a script that tells me how many job postings a company has worldwide.
For instance
I logged in through lync, but when I get to what it would be the desired page I just see "".
When I do
lynx -dump -listonly
to extract the links from the page I only get this link.
1. android-app://
Which happens to be an
Alert!: Unsupported URL scheme!" .
I hit a wall. Any ideas on this? Indeed it's been a cakewalk in comparison.
Do they even make 1070ti's anymore? I've had one on order for 2 months. I know bitcoin but god damn.
what's an alternative to minminguard? latest release is 2 years old
Is there any downside to buying a refurbished workstation from newegg if it meets your needs? Some that include windows 10 cost as much as a windows 10 license.
that's a complicated answer
larger files will mean more or longer storage accesses, which does take more power, but that may be negligible compared to a smaller, more heavily compressed file which takes more cpu time to decode
ideally you want a file that is both small and computationally simple to decode, there are always tradeoffs
musepack is a good choice, both very fast to decode, and quite small
if you can adjust your players' buffer size, making it larger than your files means you only access storage during song changes, minimizing it's use
My pc shuts down 2-3 times during booting is my psu on the edge of dying? It's a 620w seasonic i got a year ago
Not sure how this relates to university, but h-here I go.
You begin at the 18th floor and proceed to halve the number of reamining floors until it breaks.
So it would be H18->H25->H28->H30->H32
If the egg is broken after the second attempt, proceed to move up from the last safe floor one by one.
In the worst case scenario it's broken on the first attempt but doesn't break until the 16th floor, so you have to move floor by floor from the first floor, so in total it can take 18 droppings.
Me too user
We're in too deep to cancel the order now that the value skyrocketed, all we can do is wait... And wait.... And wait... I contacted the factory of the manufacturer and they said they make them all the time, just that demand is insane.
It brings me some relief to know I am not alone.
i'd leave them as-is, hard-boiled may last a bit longer, but theres a test you can do with raw eggs to estimate their safety
We'll get through this together, eventually. I mean technically I've had it on order for 3 months but they cancelled my first order after a month, I didn't even know Amazon did that.
We have to be strong.
If third worlders read our problems they'd be raging.
Anybody else have a problem where Sup Forums X won't save any watched threads that you add or remove? How to fix?
no, that's binary search and is nowhere near the right solution
it relates to university because university teaches you shit like this that can be easily extrapolated
dvd's go up to 720x576 (at PAL field rate)
the format came out in 1996, when 4:3 was the standard, though 720x576 isn't quite 4:3 either
keep in mind CRT's only have a fixed line count, for NTSC, the line count is 525, or 480 visible lines, the horizontal content is analog, and only limited in detail by the size of the colour phosphors (which may not be uniformly lit, so they're not quite comparable to pixels)
720 horizontal dots was what they deemed to be enough such that any more was not worth it (added negligible extra detail) on a typical CRT TV
there was no need to try for a 1:1 pixel aspect ratio, since CRTs scale things perfectly, the horizontal resolution means nothing to a CRT
Usually when your PC boot cycles it's a RAM issue, is it overclocked or do you have XMP enabled?
Sup Sup Forumsuys í come here to ask a stupid question. I have a thinkpad p50 that didn't come with a hdd now I bought the caddy and the adapter and also a new hdd (Seagate barracuda 2tb) to use it but I saw that, in almost every video, the original hdd came enveloped with aluminium foil.
Given said that should I also use an aluminum foil to wrap my new hdd?. To note, because of the way the adapter fits, the hdd it's backwards (showing its internal parts) perhaps that was the reason for the foil.
I'm playing Doom (2016). One of the graphics options is HDR Bloom. Do I need a HDR monitor to see this effect? Or is it a different thing? I've turned it on and off and can't tell much difference, if any.
What the fuck. So I just built a new PC. I was going to do a clean install onto my brand new 960 EVO M.2 SSD using an external USB with windows installer loaded onto it. So I booted that up, and realized I need a product key just to go through the installation process.
So, I have myy older SSD already plugged into my new desktop, and just booted to it to get into my old windows and view the product key through control panel right? Seems simple enough so that I can just reboot for the clean install onto the M.2 drive.
Well no, apparently my windows isn't activated because I changed hardware (WHAT THE FUCK?) and even when I go through the process of troubleshooting windows activation, including verifying the copy of windows by logging into my Microsoft account and selecting my old installation it won't fucking let me activate it on the new hardware. What the fuck? How do I fix this shit?
not sure exactly, usually foil covers are for radiation shielding (such as on radios) or plastic-covered for a spacer between conductive components that might otherwise touch
hdd's don't need radiation shielding, and this picture suggests only the back cover may touch the disk
i can only assume it's to prevent users from being able to touch the circuit board of the hdd, since it's that side up
do not put bare tin foil on the board! whatever they used, it will have been plastic-coated on the underside
How the do I make it so that neither of my monitors looks like it has a filter over it? How can I make what they display look (at least) similar?
actually, is that clip at the top metal?
if so, that might be a reason for it
i would put a piece of cellotape on the hdd where that is, to prevent possible shorts
or cut out a piece of paper to cover the hdd like the original sheet, if you prefer
if they're mirrored, you need to use same-resolution monitors for them to both be sharp
if they're not mirrored, set both to their native resolution
if they're not mirrored, and you want them to be at the same DPI, they need to be either physically the same DPI (typically same resolution and same size), or one needs to be scaled to suit
just install gentoo
That is how it looks if I leave it as it is. If you are taking about the black puller it's just plastic and everything is covered with more plastic there is no metal in there.
So I'm away from home at a business I'm working for. Whenever I try to connect to my server, it times out. The last IP from tracert shows it is a verizon IP. Is there a specific number at Verizon I can call to them to stop blocking my server's IP? Or am I just fucked? The business here is not using Verizon, btw. Some other nobody company that couldn't help.
oh, that's just a pull-tab
if the hdd fits snug, then don't worry about it, if it feels a bit lose, wrap it in paper to make it a little thicker
it fits very well because it also includes a plastic caddy that embraces the hdd making it fit perfectly. So you say that it would be better to leave it as it is only problem I can foresee is dust.
yes insulate it so it cant cool down faster make sure to block all the vents while youre at it
yea, i'd just leave it
I meant similar in terms of color.
OP here, I was able to recover the entire directory, and just copied it back into the secondary drive using a data recovery program. still trying to figure out what/why all my stuff was deleted.
why is firefox making a connecton to ?
does anyone know what is?
Upgrading from a shitty old iphone 4 to an also shitty LG poorfag phone, but I need to dump all my voicemails/contacts/text messages to my PC
What app is good for backing those up/converting them to a readable/listenable format, that isn't some shitty scam "trial version only converts 1 text message, pay us $30 for the full version!" bait
What would I put in the arguments window here if I wanted to change the frame rate of a video using webm converter?
Are generic mouse "feet" as good as the overpriced OEM shit? Figure it's such a simple thing it would be hard to fuck it up but I dunno, ordered
Is there a decent successor to the Logitech G700/G700s out there? Closest thing I saw was the G602 but it can't plug in and recharge over USB which I prefer to having to swap out batteries all the time. Seems like the G700s was discontinued (at least going by the price scalpers are trying to get on Amazon for one) which is a shame since it was pretty much the ideal mouse for me as far as high number of buttons in good positions, convenience of easily switching between wired/wireless operation as needed
Oh also features missing on the 602 that I liked on the 700: toggleable wheel modes (either clicky scrolling or smooth frictionless scrolling as needed), left/right wheel clicks (I like to bind these to home/end to quickly jump to the beginning/end of a page)
Question regarding Windows 8.1 specifically. How do I fix this:
>play audio on laptop
>go and plug in headphones and it switches to those (as it should)
>unplug headphones
>plays through laptop speakers (as it should)
>plug in headphones again but stays playing through laptop
There's nothing wrong with the jack or anything but how I do make it so that it plays through the speakers when nothing is plugged in and then play through headphones when they're plugged in? I've had 8.1 before and never had this issue. I've dabbled around in the sound manager and assigned the "Default Device" to each one individually to try to fix it but nothing worked.
Thanks in advance.
From what I understand, Windows is removing the homegroup feature in an update soon. I used it to watch movies stored in my desktop on my laptop while on my home network, so I didn't have to take up space on the laptop's hard drive. Is there a good alternative way to accomplish this?
It's used to verify signed certificates that sites provide are still valid. This version is hosted by google.
what's the best torrent client for linux ?
I hired a guy to code an app for me that I met online but he just took all my money and then as soon as the dispute window on Paypal was closed he blocked me. Do I have any recourse here?
is there any way to run an OS(debian linux) in virtual box at your monitor's full resolution?
max res is 1600x900, but no matter what settings i change or do, the VM will only allow debian to select 1024x768 or some resolution close to that.
on a side note, im messin around with VMs and debian before i dual boot. currently trying debian with lxde and its pretty neat; reminds me of my old xubuntu installation. anyway my question, im mostly gonna be using this for python and c programming; do the debian repositories have everything i would need(do they have a lot of useful stuff in general?)? just basic shit, vi/vim, c compiler, python 2.7 and python 3.x.
>Do I need a HDR monitor to see this effect?
You shouldn't need for a special monitor. HDR is a pretty generic concept and has existed long before monitors started being marketed using it.
>I've turned it on and off and can't tell much difference, if any
I read in a benchmarking tech review of the game that very few areas in the game take advantage of the bloom setting and the bloom effect is incredibly subtle. The site suggested keeping it turned off for better performance. Bloom is the effect where "bright objects" will radiate light.
I've been using a refurbished laptop from newegg for the last 6 months and it works flawlessly.
Got a couple of friends who both have AMD GPUs and they both complained about how you can't install AMD Drivers without installing the extra software like the AMD Overlay along with it even after unchecking all the options besides display driver. Are they both just making up shit so they can junk on AMD or what?
pls respond
So I want to be able to control my Raspberry Pi via Phone. There's PIUI which allows you to connect to a hotspot and use that. Only one person at a time right now though.
Can't I host a local website (only accessable via IP in the wifi network) with buttons? So that the Rpi gets these values? How would I do that? Do I host a server on it? How do I get the data to python code?
Why don't you just enable sharing for whatever folder contains your movies?
Is it too autistic to use 1440x1080 non scaled resolution on a FHD monitor?
So my laptop is downloading a constant ~10kb/s from What gives?
Thanks for responding. I enabled that but my desktop computer doesn't seem to appear in the file explorer's list of computers connected to the network. Any ideas? Maybe it has to do with how my desktop has a wired ethernet connection rather than WiFi?
>is there a standard graphical output from code to screen?
There's no standard. Most of the time you'll use a library which will handle communicating to the OS what you want displayed which will in turn get the monitor to display it.
If you're using Microsoft's C#, which uses the .NET framework, then you can use parts of the .NET library to display graphics. There's other game libraries out there, like MonoGame, but if you just want to draw simple things the hard way check out
>code a game from scratch
If you want to bake a pie from scratch you'd first have to create the universe. No matter where you start you will have started off using other people's work. It's fine to try doing things the hard way for a learning experience but if you're actually just wanting to make a game, use a library meant for that.
Can you give me a python IDE that supports a dark theme and will let me run my code with the press of a key out of the box? It should also have the option to comment multiple lines at the same time
Why don't people just buy shitty laptops and then use virtual machines to emulate much more powerful PCs to play vidya on?
>Do I have any recourse here?
Sue them and take them to small claims court. This will require you to know their legal name and address and if they're not from your country then good luck getting them to pay up.
It's a reserved address used in process known as IP multicasting. No idea what it's all about but it's used in basic networking and isn't an actual site.
ok I know this is stupid questions thread but damn
My previous motherboard died but I still had warranty and they sent me the same one for free.
After I install the new motherboard is there anything specific I have to do? Or I just download new drivers and be fine?