Could the wii run linux

could the wii run linux

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yes, it's very easy. google it first faggot

how well does it run

The PS4 runs BSD so I'm sure both can run Linux. They are [somewhat] similar.


Waste of time. Buy some current SBC instead.

>running linux at 720x480 on a single core 729MHz CPU with 88MB of RAM

Wii isn't x86

Neither are most Android phones dumbass and thats Linux.

Linux is available for ARM, x86, MIPS and a few others.
Pretty sure you can find a unix based distro available for the Elbrus CPU


Depending on the distro, that's way over spec?

PS4 is x86 and the Wii is based on power pc, you missed the point completely.

> Implying loonix only exist for x86

homebrew already makes the wii as useful as a PC, you don't need to do this

that voice, what the fuck

it's time to stop. how is hacking your way to run linux somewhere unusual considered "nu-male"? it doesn't matter if the wii was low specs, it's for fun. for fucks sake, this soy meme is stupid

i ran linux and a tiny http server ( on a ps2 just for the fun of it. is that """""SOY""""" too?

never heard of a german person speak english before?

Found the soyboy

What the fuck Sup Forums

Even the PS2 can, why not

also, uCLinux on a softmodded PSP (MIPS R4000, 64 MB RAM). no networking, but still it's pretty cool to see it running.

simbly ebin

Different user, watched the whole video still hate his voice. It's not just a german person. It's a german kid and it's awful.

of course it could, it's a full fledged computer just like pretty much all gaming consoles post-N64
the more interesting question to consider, would be:
could the NES run linux
or, more generally, could the NES run an OS
like, does it contain enough resources to accommodate the possibility of running an OS -- to be nice, let's say a non-multitasking OS -- with a terminal, text editor, compiler, and filesystem
also, could you actually put that on an NES cartridge

Acquiring access to an open platform for your device is a pretty desirable activity for technology enthusiasts.

(cont from )
or, even more generally, what is the first gaming console, or even the first non-general-purpose computer, which would have been capable of running linux / even more generally any operating system, not necessarily one that already currently exists

For fun faggot.

>could the NES run an OS
The NES ran on a 6502, the same processor used by the Commodore 64 and the Apple II.
Signs point to yes.

Only 2K of ram though

Yes but you would need to use a mapper to get more memory because the NES only has 2KB.

But given the fact 90% of the NES games use some sort of mapper, that wouldn't be "cheating".

>could the NES run linux
Any processor that is Turing complete can run any software given enough time and memory. Yes you could but you'd have to use a few layers of emulation to pull it off and it would be incredibly slow.

>Nintendo wanting to know how vulnerable their software is.

Answer: Very

Is there actually anything useful i could use a wii running linux for?

preserving virginity

Sup Forums is being raided by Sup Forums internet phd's because they found out we dont like a particular set of people in our field of discussion. Tbh i feel like if we went full sjw they will soon fuck off.