How do I get some BOI updates for my motherboard?

Have sex with the village twink.


Asus makes such sexy BIOSes like wtf is this gigabyte shit I can't even.

>live in latin american hellhole
>want to buy a 2200G
>ask the retailer (which is the largest in the country and the one with the best prices) if they can update the motherboard's bios for the CPU I'd be buying it with
>nope, not even if I offered to pay them to do it
Sorry Trump but another Pedro is coming over there. It's the little things like this drive me mad.


>can't update a MB BIOS
>expects to survive in murrica
The shits like you escape to Europe.

You can't even boot to flash a new bios with the 2200G on a motherboard that's not updated, retard.
You either get it updated or you'll need an older AM4 CPU just to flash the BIOS.

can't you buy one of those shitty a8 apus made for am4 and return it afterwards?

I could but I wouldn't have to go through such trouble if the retailers weren't fucking niggers.

That's nearly identical to legacy BIOS from before UEFI was around.

MSI > Asus, at least in terms of looks.

>buying a cpu when you can get one for free from AMD to flash your motherboard

Also consider that I want a cheap ass 2200G and you'll realize I don't have a lot of money. It's an extra sacrifice to pay for a cheap APU and only get my money back a couple weeks later.

You need to provide evidence you own a 2200G or 2400G first.

Well unless you plan to buy and then return then...

Yes, and ?


Your proposition is too troublesome

It's not any more troublesome than trying to return a fully functional product that's been unboxed and used to a store.

AMD will loan you a free CPU to update your bios if you need it.
Otherwise return the MOBO.

If you already own the MOBO, just update your BIOS before you get rid of your older CPU.

>implying I have an older AM4 CPU
And does AMD even offer those boot kits outside the US and the EU?

They offer them everywhere that matters.

Except that they changed the font on the "Click BIOS" text for 5 so it looks more like "KEK BIOS".

Thank you wordfilter.

Still nicer to look at than that gaudy red gaymer colour scheme that Asus has

Red, you say?

delet the gaymen series boards


It looks like Cuck BIOS. What you mentioned belongs to Wordfilter defeated

>Wordfilter defeated
How? I write C U C K and it made it KEK.
testing: Cuck

I have an asus mono in my server its bios is wayyyy nicer than my b350 tomohawk the tomahawk one takes about 15 hours to post and is all red and gamery its disgusting

its not the retailers problem desu, if you want a mono to work with something its not supported for from factory thats your problem. Its not down to the retailer to open up another CPU and use it to update the mono. Just get some cheap CPU on amazon update your bios then return its as "incompatible"

Just make sure your AV is up-to-date first