I am getting anally raped by the printer mafia

I am getting anally raped by the printer mafia.

Working a second job just to pay for ink and or toners.

What do?

Print less.

Buy a laser printer.

But needs to work with GNU/Linux.


Pirate Winblows.

buy a used laser printer that does PostScript

Send PDFs digitally.

realize its not the early 2000s anymore and stop printing

I would never pirate shit.
Only good stuff.


How to tell if it does postscript?

HP has a subscription thing where, instead of buying cartridge-by-cartridge, they deliver it to you automatically when you're running low and you just pay a flat monthly fee. The catch is there's a limit on how many pages you can print per month. They don't count *what* you're printing, text or pics or whatever, just the number of pages. For 100 pages/month it's $5/month. Comparatively an GP 63XL cartridge costs about $35 and is rated to last ~480 pages, though that page yield is generally bullshit.

Sounds like just another glorifed money laundering scheme, but basically HP is able to reduce costs by not having to go through a retailer and sending you shit directly. The cartridges also come in a plain cardboard box instead of in fancy packaging for on-shelf display, so HP is just cutting all the costs they can in order to make it affordable for whiny poorfags like you.

>Source: I work retail and I have to sell customers on this shit - despite the fact that ink and toner accounts for around 25% of our store's gross sales, and corporate doesn't seem to know or care that if this catches on we're not going to sell much ink anymore.

You should be aware that page count is a misleading term. 1 page is standard 5% coverage, so think like 1-2 paragraphs on a page- your average memo. That page limit can go fast, you have no control over how much ink is in the cartridges they send you, and it really only works for infrequent printers WHO WOULD BE BETTER OFF JUST PRINTING AT A COPY CENTER ANYWAYS AND SKIPPING THE COST OF BUYING A PRINTER. Anyone who needs to actually print more than 20 pages a month has better options.

OP, what you need to think about is how much you print and what you want your printer to do. If you really are spending enough to need a second job then be aware, your printer sucks and needs to be replaced.

Low end printers have cheap cartridges, but print at 6-12 cents or more per page.
Mid range usually have a bit more expensive cartridges but print at 3-6 cents per page.
High end printers can print for as little as 1 cent per page. The upfront price of the cartridges is more but they go much further.

Inkjets are worthless unless you absolutely must have color. You dont fucking need color. You wanna know why, because you are going to pay up the ass for color!

You fucking hear me? Color is fucking expensive and you better fucking really want it. It better be worth money to ya! Ya color loving fuck!

They are built to break, ink is used to clean the machine and over times of disuse, it will stop functioning, or run out of ink. Get a black and white only laser printer so that you have something that prints on your schedule.Toner doesnt dry up, and prints a reliable couple thousand pages- the fucking printer can sit around your house for years and just work. They even come with larger starter cartridges- some infrequent printers buy them and come back a year later saying they havent gone through the 700-900 page starter. Shop the cartridge first! Then the printer! Compare prices of page count per/dollar, then figure out which printers they work with.

Wtf are you printing? I print like maybe 1 thing a year if that.


buy some ink from eBay and refill your own cartridges desu I started doing it its great

where the fuck are you living user? there's ink tanks already.

I've been buying cheap knockoff cartridges that seem to be fine.

Any difference in the quality of ink?

Compatible ink is a real gamble. It can void the warranty on the printer, and if it leaks or breaks it can destroy your printer. Also, because it's such a cartel, printer companies will often build their printers so that lots of the technology is contained within the toner cartridges to further discourage using compatibles.

t. I sold this shit for two years.

>Ink AND toner
Why the fuck do you have two printers?

is there any printer company that makes printers with cis system so you need to buy only ink not cartridges?
if printers are like razor blade business model how much printers really cost?
there needs to be kickstart with open source printers

You write like Resetti dude
Thanks for the info tho

Buy not original cartriges, they have shittier ink, yet they are good enough.

HP gives stores kickbacks to sell Instant Ink

So what youre tellin me.

Is that.

HP sells their service. AT A STORE.

At a store! Can you believe this guy!

Buy a second hand laser printer. Buy 3rd party drums or refill them yourself with toner powder.

Alternatively, you can just refill your inkjet cartridges. In my experience, to get the quality prints with refilled cartridges, you need to refill them when they're running low and not out, or if it is out the cartridge needs freshly out. They can't sit around because they dry out which results in shitty prints or a non working cartridge. Don't bother with the kits. I bought a large bottle of ink on either ebay or amazon a few years ago, and I still have half a bottle left. I refill mine around 3-4 times before I need to get a new cartridge because I noticed the print quality degrades after a while, and by then the print becomes fuzzy.