How do i hack computer?

how do i hack computer?

Have you installed Windows 10?

no i have mac
isnt windows for poor persons?

You need to hack your penis first.

I don't have one.

You can't hack then.

Why is every stock image of a hacker a guy in a dark colored hoodie with binary layered everywhere?

But you must answer the question.
What's a computer?

With an axe, my friend.



Drugs help.

you need to get their IP and then numbers and matrix and brute force

only use it in self defence

whats a computer ?

Here's a practical demonstration

Install gentoo then never use a desktop environment

>It's all about the Pentium, baby!

Such a nornie.

Buy a black hoodie and start counting in binary is a good first step.

Open the door
Take a shit on the floor
Everybody do the Dinosaur

you don't lmao hacking is dead

Press start

what's a computer?

depends on the computer