What are YOU doing to make sure more women are doing STEM?

What are YOU doing to make sure more women are doing STEM?

about to start my third postdoc because i can't even get interviews with companies that hired girls in my group who have their names on the same fucking papers as me

equal opportunity??? this racist white bitch needs to realize we need equal OUTCOME up in this

i do not to talk to women, hopefully this will make the workplace seem less toxic

Women are better at stem anyway

i make them sniff my braps in class

I'm making sure more women are doing my stem.

nothing, because that would be slavery.
If my fellow vaginas don't think knowing important shit and having money is important thats their choice, they can go felate chads dick and their womens studies degrees untill theyre 35 year old cat ladies.

Absolutely nothing. If they want to get in, they are free to apply to the same schools and jobs. They'll probably get in over me if they've got the same skillset.

i got my sister into programming and she's already getting job offers while still in highschool

is your sister cute btw

Kidnapping them and forcing them into hard science fields against their will.

this is the new age pimping that makes that grip, what's your cut user

Equal opportunity is literally fine. The issue is equal outcome mentalities. You will never, ever have perfectly balanced demographics working for you no matter how hard you try. It's a fool's errand to try and do anything other than ensure that you're not deliberately undermining people.

Don't teach anybody programming, stupid faggots. You are pubping up the industry, raising competitors by your own. They will dump your salaries into MCdonalds levels.

I don't understand why any hot girl would want to go into CS or have any career whatsoever for that matter. Just go to a school with an engineering program, major in liberal arts and find youself some beta male in one of the STEM programs who'll give you all his money. Why would you want to work for a living when you don't have to?

What do I care?

t.physics undergrad

Absolutely nothing and that is exactly what needs to be done. If they can't get by on their own merit, they don't deserve to be in the program.

Well, they didn't wanted to go willingly, so we kinda went door to door, bringing the women to STEM with us and now our community have the biggest ratio of women to men in STEM.

I only hire women or non-white/non-asian males

sending them dick pics of my grandpa and promise to send more if they take up stem

There's a scholarship in my school that is only open to women in engineering that has lower qualifying requirements and a higher cash award than any other scholarship.

I think more than enough is being done to get women in STEM. If they don't want to get in, it's their choice.

I am transitioning to female to better reflect the needs of the 21st century workplace
>biological women on suicide watch yet again
survival of the fittest niggers

>equal opportunity means the exact opposite
Really makes me think.

They already pretty much say that "equal opportunity is sexism" because muh social rev- justice.

for the love of satan, stop spamming this board every single day you fucking Sup Forumsler

Should I force them?