Artist who only releases EPs?

Artist who only releases EPs?

I fucking hate Robert Pattinson that lucky duck
She is so qt

m8 LP1 was great

lp2 when

A lot of electronic artists

this year . summer.

Basic Channel

Young Thug

She's pretty hot

Well I would guess the bath water is probably pretty warm.

once again a whorefu who isn't mine

i'd rather have a few solid eps a year than wait a year or more for 1 full length album

She's quite cute but her music isn't very good

Problem is a lot of rock fans are autistic and can't stand listening to music in a different format.
This is despite may EP's such as Garbage by Autechre being as long as many early rock albums.

Love her nose and little mouth

EPs are cop-outs for not being able to make a great album

>it must be a hell of a fuck

this. it's the inability to expand and finish your ideas. lazy worksmanship.

Oh my

Not when they're released afterward consisting of material that is similar to the prior LP but was not included for whatever reason.


Just imagine the sweet and warm shaved pussy

this so much

Despite the meme, it has nothing to do with "rockism". There's something to be said for an artist/band that can release a truly amazing or influential LP. Only the best even make one

>being wrong

>Albums are just a cop out for not being able to have a truly amazing discography with little to no filler.

Fucking autists

It has everything to do with rockism. You didn't see critics telling Bach to make his concertos longer because they didn't fit nicely on a LP.

I dont agree with those guys but what an awful analogy

she's so pretty

I like her


isn't opn collabing with her? I hope it's not as bad as that one album with the trans dude

didnt like LP1 but m3ll155x is my shit.


Well good job pattinson, good catch.