I currently have a decent big ass gayming laptop (actually not too cancerous looking), but it is a bit too heavy and runs out of battery pretty fast. Because of this i've been considering buying a smaller one.
My needs: - dirt cheap - light - can run linux - hw decoding of HEVC for animu without raping battery - decent battery time
I've found this: pine64.org/?page_id=3707 Looks decent, seems to be fit for the task. What do you think?
but you indirectly support them by using their shitty encodes. let that meme codec die.
Leo Barnes
>16GB eMMC ? sounds really tiny Yea i was planning to swap it for 64 about instantly
Idk HEVC looks pretty good if the licensing wasnt that cancer. My desires for small size and good quality overrides my dislike for shit licensing
Josiah Ward
>He thinks he can swap that
Robert Parker
Let me tell you, Pinebooks are trash. Support for the Allwinner A64 in mainline Linux is very experimental (no 3D/2D hardware acceleration whatsoever, too many broken features in general), and the community images for common distributions are garbage. Android is usable, but who would ever install it on a laptop? Moreover, i had two of mine Pine 64 suddenly die, so I'm also concerned about the strictness of their QC. Not to mention they ship from China so you're going to wait weeks for it to arrive. Please avoid
Caleb Campbell
Fuck me i meant upgrade (thats what their site says) mixed up with other thing i was looking at
Jack Sanders
Hmm, that sounds pretty bad. Any recommendations on what to get instead?
I heard good things about Acer ARM Chromebooks, I was going to get myself one but then opted for the classic used X220
Caleb Fisher
We have already VP9 and soon AV1 probably...
James Gutierrez
Matthew Brooks
Thinking about the NovaGo when it comes out. 22 claimed hours of battery life, and I'd mostly be using it for the internet.
Juan Harris
I also looked at that, hardware looks good, but not sure about linux support, and i dont want to get cucked with a shitty restricted windows version
Aiden Gonzalez
They offer a free upgrade to Pro for a limited time after purchase.
Christian Jackson
answer me, faggot
Xavier Roberts
I meant windows generally on ARM being pretty shit since noone develops for windows on ARM. While for example debian has its whole repo built for armhf
Yea, as i said in the OP i have a gayming laptop for all those things, i only need it for animu and Sup Forums, and occassionally programming courses where we write like 50 line C++ programs