What unix would you use on a modern workstation?

what unix would you use on a modern workstation?

None. I would use Linux, as is done in reality. Better in pretty much every situation I can think of.

The one you just posted is the correct answer.

I think you're confusing servers with workstations kiddo.


Depends on the workstation.

>I think you're confusing servers with workstations kiddo.
No. Servers.

Anything from "internet server" over "growing storage server cluster of 225 machines * 48 drives * 6TB drives at CERN" to Amazon's / Google's unknown (but surely even bigger) sized cluster or a world class supercomputer server cluster listed in top500.org.

Unix is a shitty toy OS for amateurs and people stuck 15+ years in the past, nothing that belongs on a server.

Commercial Unix is dead. Linux killed it. And Linux is, for all intents and purposes, a Unix.

PS: Workstations are no longer used for much scientific computation or graphics or whatever, it's all really server clusters if you got any amount of money and actual work to do.

Wrong. Seriously, what are you doing on Sup Forums? You have zero real world knowledge of this subject, it's obvious.

>Unix is a shitty toy OS for amateurs and people stuck 15+ years in the past

>nothing that belongs on a server.
Indeed, hence it was mentioned that Linux is decent enough for servers. Reading comprehension, friendo?

Go play with your ancient symbol of incompetence if you want, but it has no bearing on any projects that aren't 10-15 years out of date and just left to run, or programmed/managed by people with skills that much behind the times.

Citation needed.
You don't know much about this, do you?

Go rice your GNU/Linux desktop, fucko.

thanks OP
the old bait thread was already getting stale but this thread really brings out the butthurt freetards

> Citation needed.
You are incompetent and 15 years behind the times -me

Now maybe go look what top500.org has on its OS statistics. What Google / Amazon's data storage and computation services run on. What the international infrastructure by scientific projects like CERN runs on. And so on.

Everything is a server

As I said, you're confusing servers/clusters with workstations here.
Nothing to even talk about with a person who has this much of a reading comprehension.

Go read your Portoghese freetard forums and continue ricing your GNU/Linux desktop with 2D femboys.

Nobody's used soylaris for workstations for over a decade though

> As I said, you're confusing servers/clusters with workstations here.
No. Look at the specs on top500.org, they're what you'd call "workstations" if you wanted to use that nomenclature on individual machines.

Again, server clusters like that superseded the idea that you have one single "especially" powerful machine to do work.

It's still some of the most powerful machines in many setups, but certainly not just one, and they may be mixed with not ENTIRELY the best machines for, say, a part of the storage.

You're so hip and cool using all the cool kids memes user.

Also wrong and also is Solaris the only one you can think of? It's not like I anticipated more from you anyways.

As I said, you're confusing servers/clusters with workstations here.
You're also not the person to make up definitions for things.

I don't even know what you're trying to prove when you're wrong by definition already.

>they're what you'd call "workstations"
They are clusters for processions work though. Different things and nothing new.


Even top500 is full of "workstations" like:
> HC2000 Cluster, Xeon E5-2650v3 10C 2.3GHz, 10G Ethernet, NVIDIA Tesla P40 , Sugon
>Xeon E5-2665 8C 2.4GHz, Infiniband FDR, Nvidia K20m/K40m , HPE

They're just calling them server because well, that's what you prefer when they're networked.


Linux, Windows, macOS. Everything else is a toy for a "workstation". Next question.

Everything else is garbage.

I'm just installing dragonfly bsd on mine workstation