/hpg/ - Headphone General

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For me its the SHP9500S

>no feet
shit thread

Feet posters have shit taste in 2d girls so nothing of value was lost.

Idol trash here. Do you use soy sauce, user?
Post headphone setup!
Qt, but where's the feet? :/

Should I buy used HD 580's for 1/3 the price of HD 600's?

Serious replies only please

Can't even make it a post without the thread going to gen z meme city.

You should be less harsh on Idol Trash. He's on your side of the memeing, HD600 shill.

>HD580 for 1/3rd the price of HD600
I would get them simply because they're a classic, and that price is excellent for a classic headphone that isn't being made anymore.

Never buy Schiit products.

>#1 recommended brand by reddit shills because hehe i get to say Shit
>owner thinks authoring a 140-chapter work of fiction about the company history makes up for garbage quality control, performance, and customer service
>Schiit defenders are becoming poster children for post-purchase rationalization when shown their buys aren’t worth the money


>solder splatter
>caps on output
>Either they don't measure their DACs, don't care or don't know how to design a clean DAC.
>For me the biggest letdown with all of this is the major disservice Schiit and others are doing to the community. They are toting these frankly "shit" amps as power houses
>As we see, tons of jitter and distortion products are visible together with higher noise floor. Even the Topping D30 at $129 shipped runs circles around it in how clean its output is relative to Schiit BiFrost Multi-bit.
>There are DACs literally at 10% of the cost that do much better.


HD600s are fine but the K712 are superior in that price range. Especially in terms of ergos.

>but the K712 are superior in that price range
Only if you favor a v-shaped sound. k712 aren't bad, but they are severely coloured headphones.

Wait. You are not the guy who spams "genz this" "genz that" all day long. That guy doesn't like anything but HD600.

>they are severely coloured headphones
Not at all. You're probably just used to nigger bass. Which explains your hate for the HD600 also.

You think only one person is calling you out on gen z cancer? I may had made it a shitpost in these generals but I'm not the only one using the insult. And no I'm not that user.

>Which explains your hate for the HD600 also.
The guy you're answering is not me.

Idol trash here. Fringe-years (early 80s). Consider myself gen-X.
Gen-z is good: genzconsortium.org/

You made no attempt to show you were a different user.
>gen x
>post 9/11 anime

kill yourself you faux tripfag piece of shit

>You made no attempt to show you were a different user.
I don't care. The guy you're calling a hd600 hater is being insulted for something I did, not something he did. I'm the one who spits on sennheiser while the other guy didn't. It's actually pretty funny to see retards like you spray their hatred all over the place when they get triggered, mistaking everyone as a potential target.

>>post 9/11 anime
9/11 is relevant to me how?
And that's a silly, backwards way to type a date.

>I don't care.
You seem to care a lot.
Well it's relevant to you since you like cancer.

Shouldn't you be in that HD600 thread circle jerking?

It's a dumb fat american retard who believes the entire world revolves around america and its events. Sorry, son, but here 9/11 is just another foreign drama we don't care for besides the fact that it helped you justify an attack on iraq despite the fact that they did NOT have WMDs.

>let me tell you how little I don't care about America on this American image board supported by technologies that are almost exclusively American invented and owned. While posting on a phone that was designed in America (assuming samsung or apple).

I thought Samsung was a Korean company.


They're a south korean company. I'm confused by what he's saying also.

Who do you think has the best IP laws? There's a reason nearly every technology that matters is American based. America simply has better morals than most all the world and wants to protect inventors.

>They're a south korean company. I'm confused by what he's saying also.
He's an american. Everything that's good is American. Even if it's south korean.
Don't worry, the fucker will die early of cardiac arrest.

la creatura...

>le non-white insecure about his white identity so he's projecting it onto others

el goblino...

Cool gen z meme

le non-white

so how bout em headphones guys

I use the soy sauce that comes packaged with Indomie noodles, but that's about it I don't use soy sauce on rice.

Do you know how the Americans first came into being? They were Anglos once, taken by the dark powers. Tortured and mutilated, a ruined and terrible form of life. And now, perfected: my fighting Amerimutt.

…And whom do you serve?

The American is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, lardass, idiot, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a mutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “Whiter than you Muhammad.”

When the alternative is commie shit I will gladly support their products.

That 250ml thingy lasted me somewhere between half and a full year already.
I use it on rice, but seldom.
BTW: I just cleaned my HD600's right cup... had a parasitic rattle @ bass shaker here:
Was a fucking hair right through the middle part of the fucking driver. It's alright now.

Wow, I love Umi!

I never understood why irrelevant second-worlders are so obsessed with America. We never think about you at all.

Umi a best. A best!!
First noticed that midweek when playing with that tone generator somebody posted in /hpg/ a few days ago... and had tormented me until I finally got to cleaning them today.

The fact that you know the 9/11 date while no one knows the dates of any other country's national disasters unless they live there themselves is telling.

September 11 is Catalonia's national day.

>The fact that you know the 9/11 date while no one knows the dates of any other country's national disasters unless they live there themselves is telling.
It is only a reminder of how whiny americans are. We don't keep on whining and commiserate about past events here, so there is no opportunity for foreigners to be told about a date again and again in the first place. I don't even remember the date of any terror attack that happened in the past decades here.
It is no wonder the SJW culture came from America. Victim mentality has overtaken your country, the only difference between cuckservatives and demrats is their view on welfare, deep down you all think of yourselves as victims.

Godamnit Sup Forums.
Fuck your memes.
All I want is a sub-$200 pair of wireless headphones with god-tier bass reproduction, an utterly transparent soundsig that is also masterfully balanced, colorful & musical while presenting a soundstage the size of the universe at heat death. They need to have perfect and total isolation up to 10,000 decibels in every frequency while retaining the comfort and audio characteristics of open cans.

You have an unhealthy obsession with a people who don't think about you at all. You need to get help before you hurt yourself.



>while retaining the comfort and audio characteristics of open cans.

Get realistic, increase your budget a little and just get HD600.
It's not anywhere near everything in your list, but it's a good place to start.

Sennheiser HD 4.40 is the closest you're going to get.

>Sennheiser HD 4.40 is the closest you're going to get.

> while retaining the comfort

mukou a cute. Although I prefer kaguya, among the elixir drinkers.

There are made-in-America products that are objectively better than Schiit both in performance and quality control. Also, you're a stupid nigger.

Holy shit. You.. You. YOU. Fucking amazing bro.

>Type of headphone
Over ear
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
>Past headphones

$100, US

I tried to like them. I just couldn't.
They don't sound good. It was like listening to mud.

For sub $200 you're going to have to compromise. They're not the most comfy, but I'm fine with wearing them for a few hours at a time and I have a huge head and ears.
If you want to wear them that long, why would you get Bluetooth?

Skin color?

Open and bass at $100... can't think of any.
There's the v-shaped DT990 and DT770 (closed), but they'll tug at your budget.

AD500X. More bass than the SHP, less mud than the 559.
It's not the most well known of the AD series because people jump straight to the AD700X, which has no bass, and people tend to think the 500X must not have bass when the higher priced one has none. But it actually has more bass than the AD700X. (not to confuse with their non-X predecessors)

That website's measurements highly correlate with what I heard. Decent amount of bass, but still it's not over-emphasized, there is no open headphone with over-emphasized bass at your price range.

Attached: ad500x.jpg (1042x568, 65K)

Anyone using CIEMs?

>Open or closed
Pref Open, i love the soundstage
>Comfort level
Comfy enough for 10 hours of office work
>Past headphones

want to upgrade from my 598, i was thinking of trying to get the hd6xx but i would like to hear if theres better alternatives before buying, willing to expend 100~ dlls more if its worth the price.

Attached: 1514803912225.jpg (1680x1050, 324K)


>Pref Open, i love the soundstage
HD6x0 has less soundstage than your 598. They sound almost like closed on that front. But the sound quality is much better and a logical upgrade to your current headphone if you like the 598 signature. Particularly the HD600.

What's he listenng to?

>want to upgrade from my 598
HD600 is the one to get.
For HD600 vs HD650, there's a bunch of reviews comparing both out there, including e.g. Youtube.

>mount everest: the graph

Attached: Korean Air Earphones - df.png (640x447, 76K)

So I've been using pic related (Samson Meteor Mic) with my DT990Pro for the longest time as a mic and Amp. Now it's starting to break down.
First, the left channel of the Headphone out sometimes goes away, turning the 3,5mm plug helps fix this. but recently, it also started to introduce scratching noises. Should I open it up and check if I can solder it back together?
Here's why I want to get a new setup:
I am extending my audio equipment and looking to get a mic that can fit into a spider and also has XLR for when I get a Zoom H4 or H5 sometime end of the year.
But I'd also need an amp for that. And to that I also have a question: the Mic in pic related allowe dme to hear the mic input almost instantly. my current setup (connected to the Motherboards 3,5mm) introduces a slight delay, which annoys me when recording my own voice.

Attached: Meteor_ Mic.jpg (1500x1019, 205K)

>turning the 3,5mm plug helps fix this
Looks like it's either the jack of your device (too much play) or the 3.5mm connector on your headphone that's breaking down. Have you tried your headphone on something else? consider diagnosing if it's really the connector or the cable of the headphone before bothering with soldering a new one.

I've tried my headphones on something and different headphones on the device. It's the device. Same faults at same places in same strength

tldr: Looking for something open and of higher quality than HD569's but with a similar sound signature.

around $300-$1000.
Laptop or smartphone
>Type of headphone
full (also looking for IEMs)
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
Something like a "warm" sound - I'm extremely sensitive to high treble.
>Past headphones

Takstar Pro 82: super comfy but treble is too high

tried but didn't buy:

ATH MSR7: also too much treble
ATH m50x: too much treble
hd 4.40: treble is acceptable but they seemed uncomfortable

HD569: I'm using these right now and the sound signature is great, if a bit fuzzy in places. Not as comfortable as the Pro 82s but acceptable.


LCD 2/2 Classic

>ATH MSR7: also too much treble
>ATH m50x: too much treble
Looks like you're sensitive more to upper mids/low treble region between 1khz and 2khz. This is the biggest difference between the 569 and the m50x alongside the m50x added bass.

Attached: hd569.png (1911x557, 157K)

which ones?

that might be a little too expensive actually

thanks! was having trouble finding graphs for the 569. what would you recommend?

what about HD650?

Please ignore this autists new attempt to stump the 600. fucking hell lmao this guy is pathetic.

>There are made-in-America products that are objectively better than Schiit both in performance and quality control.

Name them.

Everything from JDS Labs.

He got a custom dac because he and 2 other autists hate another company., and now two people will say it's cool. It's one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen in all my years on this site. What a waste of money.

>fucking hell lmao this guy is pathetic.

Attached: 1519407245802.jpg (893x1317, 132K)

lol @ how mad you are. compare this build quality in pic related to your schiit

Attached: 92d2df6a-1a5f-488e-94d1-0cc854408761.jpg (1200x900, 160K)

Nice headphones guys.

Attached: bestgirlonthehd600.jpg (994x720, 270K)

>what about HD650?
I believe you might like it. Stock signature is too dark for me but I'm a treble head.
You have a huge budget range ($300-$1000) and I never heard 1k+ headphones so you might want to see other people opinions in case something might fit you in higher price ranges.

Attached: hd650.png (988x557, 103K)

let me revise that to $300-600, I'm still learning so I don't want to invest a huge amount yet

Nooo!!!! Schiit is superior!!!!!! Their website says so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: yuru600.png (699x720, 233K)


Attached: confused anime girl.png (392x320, 118K)

>He got a custom dac
It's literally a free laser engraving they offer on all of their shit.

Not that user you're talking to but that is "quality" to you? You can still see machine marks all over that trash despite the 5 filters and grayscale.
JDS is on par with Schiit in that price range. Higher priced Schiit products have a lot higher quality.

Higher prices schiit products are actually much worse. Have you seen the yggdrasil/bifrost mb measurements?

>Not that user you're talking to but that is "quality" to you?
yes, point me to a schiit dac that uses a solid aluminum brick for EMI reduction. oh wait they don't, they are too busy making 10 bit dacs

>JDS is on par with Schiit in that price range. Higher priced Schiit products have a lot higher quality.
Wrong. JDS Labs products are superior at the equivalent price range due to proper design. Also wrong about higher-priced Schiit products being decent: audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/measurements-and-review-of-schiit-yggdrasil-dac.2358/
lmfao Rationalize your misinformed purchases some more, faggot. Subjectivists on circlejerk forums aren't a good source of information.

The top end stuff measures fine if you ask me. Nothing bad about it. stereophile.com/content/schiit-audio-yggdrasil-da-processor

And that build quality is better due to simplicity and US based manufacturing.
>EMI reduction
Tell me gen z. What makes you think aluminum is better for interference insulation than another material?
I based my opinion off shit I've owned. That Shit includes Schiit and they are fine products. Neither JDS or Schiit are all that great if you compare to Benchmark which is American made and is the best DAC you can by currently. Along with excellent build quality and CS.

>best DAC you can by currently.
Prove it with measurements or take your opinion elsewhere. There's no point in qualitative analysis when it comes to audio hardware if it's not backed by quantitative data.

>Prove it with measurements or take your opinion elsewhere.
Google it kid. Measurements are on their website and on reviewer sites.

Get a load of this faggot