Any new ways of stopping the windows update nonsense? Previously all it took was to disable wua service in services.msc...

Any new ways of stopping the windows update nonsense? Previously all it took was to disable wua service in services.msc, but now it seems to download some upgrader app that's annoying as fuck.

>inb4 go back to 8.1

Attached: windows-10-s-splash-100720578-large.jpg (700x492, 14K)

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I stopped this issue by only using free and open source software.

Install gentoo

Ha, bet 'ya weren't expecting that!

you can't!

how does some background download annoy anyone?

Pajeet has shitposted his first of the day.

Also, install Gentoo.

Ultimate Windows Tweaker

I unironically fully switched to linux after windows decided to install an update that made windows bluescreen on boot even though Windows Update service was disabled. Never agian

Seriously just switch to a linux distro. Why bother with windows anymore? What are your excuses? If you need specific software that runs on windows, use a VM. If you're a gaymer first fuck off and secondly wine is pretty decent most of the time.
There's no point in trying to disable automatic updates on an OS like windows 10. You're not supposed to do that, and Microsoft at any given time can fuck your computer up.

Bacause no Linux distro has ever had an update that fucks things up

Use ShutUp10. Very is to use and it just werks.

Thanks based anons who don't shit up the thread with linux snowflaking

wsus and gpo

Windows made for high-quality porn games.

It is still buttery smooth in these conditions.
>cpu is high because it is installing updates for office which i just installed,
Linux lags heavily on my i5 8GB ram laptop.

Attached: Capture.png (1536x2048, 466K)

So use something like CentOS or Debian stable, or unironically Gentoo's stable channel.

Try using a different scheduler then, like the -zen patches.

Win10 is so freaking shit, with the build 1709 I cannot install net.Framework 3.5 (incl. 2)


Attached: Untitled.png (1600x900, 37K)


Attached: 1snapshot_13.39.png (1920x1080, 2.61M)

That doesn't look like Windows 10, just saying.

buy a legal copy, jamal

Because it isn't.

Attached: Untitled.png (2560x1440, 362K)

Soo... I guess you just posted in the wrong thread. Okay then, have a good day user.

Just enable metered connection and it'll stop.


No, I posted in a thread about Windows Update, and I told you (or rather showed it to you) that it can be diabled, very easily in fact.

dont use windows 10

>I posted in a thread about Windows Update
in Windows 10 when you're using Windows 7, yes. Again, I guess that you just posted in the wrong thread friendo. Have a good idea.
Btw, I'm not OP, just in case.

>good day
Fixed that for me.

Install Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB

Okay..? Then use GP edit.

Attached: Untitled.png (1289x877, 288K)

Stopping to use Windows seems like a plan.

I did that when Win8 came around and don't regret it in the least.
Linux has been a great experience.

Download ShutUp10 , and enable everything