What needs to happen for nigroyuki and his cohorts to understand that re-captcha v2 isn't compatible with normal Sup Forums usage?
What needs to happen for nigroyuki and his cohorts to understand that re-captcha v2 isn't compatible with normal Sup...
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How can he understand anything when he's not using it himself?
Besides you should use scriptless catpcha, anyone posting with v2 is in risk of mental breakdown.
>too poor to afford a pass
keep being a data entry monkey for the botnet
>scriptless captcha
Doesn't work for me. It either shows up a giant blank space under the text box, or a giant white box saying that it cannot connect to Google.
If it's not working then find another website so you wouldn't have to risk your health staying here trying to get a message across. Preferably not jimchan either.
OR just go to loopchan like the rest of us.
>Buying a pass for this shithole like a good gaijin
>Sup Forums- slow repetitive captchas, takes up to 4 times longer to solve than to even type a post, shit content, consensus builbers/crackers, ultra-shilling out the ass, the list goes on
>8- simple captcha, only have to solve every 24hrs, shills are b&, consensusfags b&, better content, discussions, better imgboard dynamics, etc. etc.
Well shit man, ya got me.
>not endchan
Also, if 8gag is so much better, then why are you still here?
if they can extend the amount of time you have to post after filling the captcha, then it will be fine. maybe even better than before. but making you do this insane captcha practically after every single post is disgusting.
Except every single board in 8 is either dead or full of poltards.
>implying I'm not there right now
I cone here sometimes out of pure habit, and mostly lurk/save. If I feel like posting i'll post until the captcha gets outright retarded, then I leave.
I see people from here posting in /tech/ all the time, try again.
Buddy, jimchan is no better and the community is retarded enough to both shill here and then screech if anyone announces they're from Sup Forums. As if pretending majority aren't from this imageboard is anything smart. A lot of people there seem to have deep depression over not having anywhere else to go. With custom-boards being mostly a failure idea they are stuck but have no way to express it.
Makes no sense.
Phoneposters can get the fuck out. (unless there is a way to solve it on phones and I am just ignorant)
Desktop users just needs to learn how to solve it.
I can agree with the Sup Forums screeching being stupid, but I mainly see that in the lower IQ boards, like pol and b, but rarely see it in more decent boards.
He'd have to lose some traffic and the rest would refuse to buy Sup Forums pass.
Also there'd need to be an alternative that can handle millions of requests per hour.
Unfortunately, Google's recaptcha is the only thing that can handle Sup Forums posting. I think we'd crash other services. Too bad Google is a bunch of assholes that make you solve 3x as much of you block their tracking.`
>doxxing yourself just to not click a few extra times
8 has a better captcha because fucking no one goes there
the biggest boards there are Sup Forums and /leftypol/ and those are a fraction of Sup Forums and Sup Forums here.
Fugg in but :DDDDD
and that's only because of Sup Forums's "cool" factor, let me guess, you're one of those funny redditors than heard about Sup Forums from your reddit pals. 8 really is a lot like Sup Forums before moot cucked out, which makes it objectively better.
I can't speak for Sup Forums, but 8/v/ is is about as active as 4/v/
I don't remember rabid far rightists and radical leftists co-existing.
What are you smoking. It's near 13 times slower right now.
Compare this 4stats.io
what's a captcha?
>bringing up reddit for no reason
You need to go back.
When you block google analytics you get the following:
>failure of successfully solved captchas, making you solve another
>tricks - will jump from clicking road signs to cars with images that contain both
>click until there are none left multiple times
>click road signs multiple times and it might fail you and make you do another set
>ignored clicks - sometimes a square takes 2-3 clicks to register
I wish there was a viable alternative to this garbage.
>there was an attempt
>like a good gaijin
You do remember that it was fucking moot that introduced that garbage, not hiroyuki, right?
Not defending him for not removing it, he really should - the "worst" I remember is accelspam, and there are more than enough services that solve captchas at low charges -, but it wasn't him that brought that shit on Sup Forums.
I went there during December due to the tracking scripts.
It's simply way too slow. It's nice to know there is a place that somewhat emulates Sup Forums in case shit goes down here, but it's not even remotely the same.
Don't worry, guys. Moot said captcha would be only be temporary.
Just buy a goypass :^)
Just stop being a little bitch.
Keep being a supporter of malware distributors.
Yes but you'd still be going to 8gag. I'd rather kill myself, tbqh.
It's usually the redditors themselves the first ones to start with the redditor accusations, to cover their tracks.
Accelspammer was a hero.
Same shit happened just recently when newfag mods started deleting and b& yotsuba& threads on Sup Forums.
They stopped when Sup Forums threw a shitstorm at hiroshima.
>newfag mods started deleting and b& yotsuba& threads on Sup Forums
Did they do anything that made those threads not seem manga-related, or did they break any rules?
Otherwise that seems retarded - even for Sup Forums's mods.
It's literally just newfag mods, before accelspammer and even recently.
m00t got his reddit "friends" to be mods some time ago, google "I_AM_ABIB Sup Forums" for examples of bullshit.
I just pay to have russians solve it for me.
>before accelspammer
Wouldn't that be more than half a decade ago, or am I misremembering anything here?
Accelspammer spammed because the mods were being fags about the yotsuba& issue at the time.
Oh, so he came back?
Apparently missed that - along with the entire Yotsuba thing.
No. Accelspammer did not spam again.
Accelspammer spammed Sup Forums because of the yotsuba& thing years back.
Mods last year did the same shit and Sup Forums threw a shitstorm at hiroyuki to get them to stop.
looks like the bots are already better at solving it
>click "I'm not a robot"
>green check mark
>click Post
>Error: You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA. Please try again.
>repeat 20x+
I wouldn't mind if it fucking worked.
>oh noes they deleted a 404-chan thred
>Besides you should use scriptless catpcha,
legacy captcha was disabled some time ago, and doesn't look like it's coming back.
> I can no longer shitpost at lightning speed
Oddly enough, installing Firefox makes it almost tolerable. FF replaces the in-app browser in Clover, and plays slightly nicer with RECAPTCHA
I have nothing against spending money, but attaching a positively-identifiable token to your posts on Sup Forums seems to be missing the point.
There's a noscript captcha that generates a text string after you solve it, which you then have to copy paste into a box. Sup Forums X automates this process, but it never seems to work for me.
>tfw I've been doing the v2 captcha ever since it was introduced
>tfw no issues
the only time it's ever been an issue is if I've literally spent all day posting on Sup Forums, in which case it starts rolling out the "select these five pages of bullshit" "okay, you got them right but I'm still gonna make you do another"
and with the new verification timer, that shit's basically stopped
the real issue is that if this were a job on mechanical turk or some shit, I've probably done more than $100 worth in captchas
Not to mention funding that notorious scam artist and deliverer of malware.
>tfw no issues
>the only time it's ever been an issue
Do you ever think before slamming your fat hooves against the keyboard?