How do you format your documents?
Html, latex, word, markdown?
Writing some business documents, and I've chosen to do markdown -> pandoc. It seems to be the best way to produce documents quickly, as soon as you've set your templates/configs.
How do you format your documents?
Html, latex, word, markdown?
Writing some business documents, and I've chosen to do markdown -> pandoc. It seems to be the best way to produce documents quickly, as soon as you've set your templates/configs.
>get me your fucking mailing list
>get me off
what did he mean by this
A step-by-step process of getting off someone's mailing list.
I use markdown and pandoc as well but I don't have any configs for that. What are you referring to?
All I do is: pandoc -s -o xxx.html
I just mean setting the margins, fonts, styles etc.
I usually use LaTeX. Over time, I've amassed a good collection of document templates and an understanding of various useful libraries.
Should probably also mention that I mainly produce pdfs. Only html for blogs
Which libraries are most useful? Since pandoc parses with LaTex I find myself having to learn about it.
Also: why does LaTex fonts require a *.sty file in the directory, even if the file can be empty?
>Which libraries are most useful?
It depends entirely on what you're trying to do.
>why does LaTex fonts require a *.sty file in the directory, even if the file can be empty?
I have no idea what you're referring to. I've never had to do that.
Latex, although when starting I spent more time creating templates than I did actually writing anything. My Intro to EE professor made us use word along with special heading format. He printed it out rather than giving us something we can use as a template so I spent 2 hours trying to figure out how to make the word document look exactly like the copy he gave us.
Maybe it's just pandoc then, but setting the font in the yaml header usually gives me an error like
! LaTeX Error: File `slantsc.sty' not found.
but if I
touch slantsc.sty
it compiles nicely
I'm doing rmarkdown+pandoc for bachelor's thesis. It's super /comfy/ to output all the formats everyone needs.
Just use html or some html-generator at this point.
>beautiful documents
Is there anything better than TeX?
MS Word you autist
>Is there anything better than TeX?
Every other type setting system that isn't made by Adobe.
word perfect
I don't use pandoc, so if you're having that issue and I'm not, pandoc seems the likely culprit.
So, I frequently write short business letters. Been using MSWord template docs with “content control” to make these little fill in the blank form letters. Learning Emacs. Curious about whether/how to develop an Emacs->LaTeX workflow for similar system. Advice?
Same, md -> pandoc -> pdf, with some latex sprinkled into the md doc for some basic shit. I don't bother configuring it further than that, because the output functions fine and I don't need them to be any more beautiful. All the links are pink tho.
XML and XSL-FO, mainly pic related. But I'll also convert to docbook first to use pandoc to output in other formats, for example man pages. Also for a minimal PDF, XML -> pandoc -> LaTeX is often much simpler than writing a "simple" XSL-FO stylesheet.
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