Hey Sup Forums, what's a computer?

Hey Sup Forums, what's a computer?

Attached: wadscomputah.png (1274x530, 1006K)

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i wanna fuck her pussy hole so bad

A series of tubes.




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I can show you later

Christ you millennials really don't get this at all, do you? This isn't difficult to grasp.

It's not an ad about you, it's an ad about, and towards, the upcoming Gen Z. A lot of them look at desktops like they're typewriters, they don't care how many megaflops your mechanical pciedisk can do.

A "Computer" isn't about a station of connectivity to them, it's about always being available, as an extension of themselves and their capabilities, similar to how some people use glasses to enhance their vision abilities. They're effectively always using them, all day every day. They're a part of themselves.

They're not going to use computers the way millennials do. They might not even call them that anymore.

>t. iToddler

How will itoddlers ever recover?

You clearly don't know anything about gen z, do you?


Attached: dracula.jpg (471x600, 118K)

I do, in fact. And given your vapidity, I doubt whatever you might be holding onto is of any credit whatsoever

I'll show you later


A black box that I have to use at work for crunching numbers.

>A lot of them look at desktops like they're typewriters, they don't care how many megaflops your mechanical pciedisk can do.

And most of them are computer illiterate, you can pretty much tell them any bullshit about how to "optimise" their phone batter and they'll believe it.

So, yea, it's a good thing they don't know what a computer is. Good for me. They'll be my slaves when I build my business.



>A "Computer" isn't about a station of connectivity to them, it's about always being available, as an extension of themselves and their capabilities, similar to how some people use glasses to enhance their vision abilities. They're effectively always using them, all day every day. They're a part of themselves.

t. marketer


probably because gen is young asf and most people that age are not very intelligent because of nature

that thing I'm sprayin with the hose? that's a computer.

Attached: Screenshot_20180223-152729.jpg (1736x1052, 695K)

this isn't an ad targeting gen z, it's an ad targeting baby boomers to make them go "oh wow the kids these days don't even know what a computer is" gen z is rolling their eyes and wouldn't watch the outdated medium this was aired on anyways. this is an ad for old people to make them think they should buy shit for their kids and for themselves

This ad by itself kills this ad.
It's so memetic and widespread and rage inducing that will inform all the kids what a computer is.

I don't know, but a hotdog is a sandwich.

Nothing for you to worry about brainlet, here, have a device with pre-installed everything you're unable to open. Not that you would ever comprehend how it works anyway. Only 2000$, special price for special snowflake, you don't want others to laugh at you now don't you?


This ad is Apple's way of saying they finally reached Jobs dream of turning computers into home appliances, like toasters and TVs. Nothing else. Consumer electronics, devices with screens and input interfaces that display content served from walled gardens over which you have no control whatsoever.

Enjoy your digital slave status. Don't question anything, just keep paying their huge prices because their boomer shareholders need those big fat dividends to pay for new expensive yachts and holidays.

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What puzzles me the most about this ad is that there are some people that are unironically mad at the little girl for being a "smug cunt", like did we forget people in commercials are paid actors?

>what's a girl?

Hey kid, I'm a computer

Attached: joe.jpg (480x360, 10K)


I'm a computer!

Attached: computery guy.jpg (1110x618, 105K)

You retards, its working. You wouldn't have had this thread, with thousands of people now thinking of Appleā„¢, without it.


she a cute

Attached: Hannah+Alligood.jpg (600x400, 37K)

We're at a point now where people who will buy Apple will buy Apple no matter what and those who don't will avoid it like the plague.

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>reddit file name



mark whalberg bringing the bants

>mark whalberg

Computer is a machine which compute numbers

Im 19. Not sure if jan 1999 qualifies for gen z, but its pretty bullshit. No one my fuckin age even watches TV, so why would they advertise to gen z on it?

Pretty sure the same ad was shown on Youtube and things like that.

best post in thread
sounds like a quote from a boomer tech seminar


Hey Sup Forums, what's viral marketing?

where it's a huge meme

people who think theres no such thing as bad publicity should come out pro pedophilia and see how it goes for them

the marketing team is absolutely not happy with the response and you're stupid if you think they are

Attached: wods a combutr.jpg (649x732, 333K)

>Watching ads
the state of Sup Forums

So gen z takes pride in their ignorance? The world is fucked.

>comparing something inherently immoral and illegal with a badly executed commercial

kill yourself

Man, I miss the days when going on the internet for me meant going to the computer room in my house and turning on the family desktop. And the reason I miss it is because I was a child then.

>Sup Forums mindlessly uses millennial as an insult for years
>people finally look up the word millennial on wikipedia, realize most people on Sup Forums are millennials
>start using Gen Z as a mindless insult now
>despite the fact that Sup Forums is generally popular among college students and almost all current college students right now are Gen Z
I've never understood using a gen name as an insult, the definitions are too vague and the time period is so long it's difficult to make generalizations about them.

That ad's hilarious. All fine and good until it gets stuck on the bootscreen after an update and requires a *computer* with iTunes to restore the damn thing.

its almost like I exaggerated the effect to make people who are very slow understand it's not always true, and it still went over your head despite being that obvious

no faggot, there is no bad publicity unless it's something like pedophilia or rape or whatever.

Hey Sup Forums, what's a USB cable?

dingdingdingding we've got a winner

mios dios

based marky mark

Attached: 1463646291738.jpg (352x356, 23K)

la abominacion

a blinky boi
beep boop

itoddlers btfo

you're retarded

Are you like full on retarded?

help computer

>tfw each subsequent generation is gonna be more computer illiterate

This is it boys, we've peaked. All downhill from here.

go back

It's amazing that his ad was so successful that there's been a daily thread about it for months. You're doing great work for Apple.



Attached: bring-life-to-your-messages-apple-releases-animoji-karaoke-video-for-iphone-x.jpg (643x482, 92K)

Could they not find a single normal individual for this ad? Every person's face was 'off' in some way, I can't describe it but it creeped me out.

Castlevania is based.

It's not that its an insult but be what they are known for such as people criticizing the newer generation for not owning homes despite boomers having an advantage that millennials do not have and millennials' soy consumption. Also it doesn't help that there isn't a commonly agreed term for Gen Z yet. I would probably call them nu-millennials or anything relating to mobile devices but that will never catch on.

Dammit mahk

he's mostly right. The world is changing and all of us are grandpas in the face of what's coming.

Waus a cumpooter

Gen Z here, you're wrong and this is bait

>t. iToddler

>posted from my iFag X



I dont know what a """""computer""""" (???) Is or does sorry