What even the fuck is this thing?
Echo Look
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it looks like some weird ass smart dildo
A replacement for god
the god that doesnt exist?
The weak human mind will find something to worship
>when the NSA think that your webcam isn't enough
I wonder how much the CIA paid for this campaign, I suppose it is winwin for amazon either way though because they get the government money and the idiot's money.
Amazon Echo lets you listen and talk back to Alexa, so this lets you look at and be seen by Alexa, obviously
Pretty clever idea desu, narcissist social media normie whores will be all over this fucking thing immediately.
The Botnet, Big Brother, The All Seeing Eye, all in one in a small format for your whole family.
>my family wants an Echo in every room
>They can call me or start playing loud music
>They know what I'm listening to and what I did with the thing
>I unplug mine from my room
>They notice and get mad
Fuck this thing
They also have those smart lightbulbs now.
They get mad when someone turns off the light with the Lightswitch, because then Echo won't work with it
Whenever someone does this they demonstrate the "echo turn the lights off" shit instead, like a shitty informercial
It's one more point for Huxley.
Bugging yourself out of convenience.
say what you will about fedoras, thats still a pretty nice trick.
>the year is 2050
>Everyone now has an Amazon MindEcho™ implanted at birth so that our thoughts may ever be connected to the Amazonet™
>Amazon will read your sub concious thoughts to determine your every want and need
>If your hungry, Soylent will be dispatched via drone
>If you have a medical emergency, an self driving Amazon Health™ Rapid Responce Vehicle will with you in less that one minute to assist you
>If subversive thoughts are detected, Amazon Protection and Freedom Agency™ will monitor your movements for terrorist activity
>if you attempt to remove your MindEcho™, you will be taken to an Amazon Rehabilitation and Reeducation™ Centre so you may be reminded how vital it is that you remain connected to the Amazonet for not only your safety and security, but everyone elses aswell
>this will be reinforced by alerting your family/friends/coworkers of your potentially dangerious actions and that you should be monitored at all times
the end is nigh
Nah, that isn't hard at all because they've just reversed the film.
Would be much useful if it has powerful vibration motor.