*kills skype and irc*
*kills skype and irc*
The fun thing is that when discord gets sold and everyone leaves the platform IRC will have its second coming
People will be praising the NEW SIMPLE CHAT
If they actually stop with the gamer crap then they will. But right now, normies stick with Skype
I hate discord but I hated skype even more so I use discord and even praise it out of my spite for skype
Meh, it's ok for shitposting, but the sound quality just plain sucks. It's inferior even to crappy Skype. Unstable even if you have great internet with stable ping, there's a lot of voice distortion and packets getting raped like crazy, to the extent that half of what people say in voice chat is incomprehensible.
It's almost unusable on voice. But people still like to use it for casual shitposting.
And collects literally everything, text, images, voice. The absolute botnet.
>using discord
>not using chat protocols that respect your freedom like irc and matrix
Discord isn't bad but the people who use it
Everyone no matter if they're a YouTuber, streamer or your friend they will never stop asking you to join a random fucking Discord server
That would take years for them to finally be bought out and close and lock their doors down for good
This, Discord will be assimilated into some Silicon Valley giant one of these days, they're already starting to become soft and it's only a matter of time until Google buys them for a large amount
Believe me, when Discord gets into a tough jam and need money to stay a float, they'll start looking for some one to buy them
One funny detail that proves how shit Discord is on voice chat.
You know imaqtpie, the lol streamer? One day he did this session with some other streamers and while he was displaying the Discord logo on stream, because they probably sponsor him, the voice calls were made in Skype, you could recognise that tune you hear when calling someone on skype.
Hillarious shit.
>receive message
>no popup notification
>no windows open
>check system tray for something else
>see dot on discord icon
>check discord
>timestamp is 2 weeks ago
Fuck discord.
>Thought police that will happily ban you
>le epic gaymur memez
No thanks
>You know imaqtpie, the lol streamer?
no. why would you expect anyone on this board to know who some streamer is?
they sound more like a retard who cant into technology as opposed to someone worth paying attention to.
>not knowing how to change settings
i don't know anyone that left irc for it
>Thought police that will happily ban you
What shit are you spouting over there? That shit is moderated like Sup Forums (which is to say it isn't).
To be honest its somewhere in the middle.
Discord servers will get shut down if enough attention is brought to discord about them being against their TOS, but they really dont have the manpower to be thought police.
>people in this thread pointing out why Discord is shit as if OP was trying to sell it to them
You're all very smart and against the mainstream, you don't need to remind us whenever something popular is so much as mentioned.
Anyway, do any good IRC servers that aren't just a clique even exist these days? I used to frequent some really good ones around when Sup Forums 'died' and a bunch of other image boards got created in response, they all had their own IRC's, but ofc they all died along with their respective boards over time. The infinity-chan one followed the same fate as the board itself too but in the sense that it ended up shitter than even most stuff here. I've got not IRC's to go now and, as we all know, good discord servers don't exist.
>not just using steam chat for everything
>no setting to open the discord window if it's not already open
>desktop notification setting does jack shit
Try again
>kills irc
kind of hard to kill something when any rando with basic internet can run their own server.
You talk as if you've used it, but your opinion states otherwise
You have really shit internet lad, either that or you're using a bad server. Discord works fine for me aside from the occasional friend with shit mic detection/distortion/choppiness but that's only like 1/10 calls I've been on.
*kills cpu*
you can't kill something that's dead
*steals your data*
>IRC will have its second coming
More like Matrix.org will have its first coming.
>I hated skype
>the sound quality just plain sucks
>no popup notification
>Discord servers will get shut down if enough attention is brought to discord about them being against their TOS
Install Wire.
It really may have killed Skype, but I haven't used IRC any less since it came out, and I've even introduced a couple people to IRC since it came out. (I've also never used it myself, and maybe myself and my friend group are outliers anyway)
t. heavy IRC user waiting for matrix to get a bit better
> Chart doesn't include matrix
Why do I even bother with Sup Forums?
>encryption still not enabled by default
>shoddy interface
> Shoddy interface
What interface?
I'm talking about Riot.im, the de facto standard client.
IRC killed itself with its inability to adapt and improve its protocol and it was dead long before discord gained popularity.
Discord is still better than IRC in every possible way for normies aside from thought policing. It's not going away even after a buyout. Discord is the future, RIP IRC.
>Discord is the future, RIP IRC.
Pretty shortsighted.
> Standard client
> Not even written by the core team
everyone on here is heavy and everyone on here has at least used irc once.
>t. faggot with two friends
You realize normies are gamers, right?
>When they need money
90% of the people on the main server im on have nitro
> Using the legacy skype client
> comfy video chatting
> low memory usage
Do any good apps have WhatsApp's easy voice message/walkie talkie function?
Wire lets you record and send voice clips. No push-to-talk, though.
>kills skype
>kills irc
Nah. IRC users are too autistic to leave even if there was better alternative.
*sells your data*
Psssh… Everything's Personnel… Kid
I like it, just wished it has a GPL compatible license.
discord is something that only works through their website. Once they get sold or go under, it'll die. IRC can be set up by anyone on a web server; it'll always be around.
Discord won't kill IRC any more than Gmail kills IMAP or Facebook kills http servers.
Where does Vero go in this chart?
I think IRC will stay around simply because not everybody can put up with the shitposting on discord
almost everybody I've met on IRC is age 25+, on Discord I have a hard time finding anybody *over* 25
Is it encrypted? Is it multi-device?
I'm 32 and I've never used Discord. Everything I'm involved with uses IRC.
IRC's been a niche community ever since. Discord didn't kill shit.
But yeah, I can see it being the future given how shitty Skype is.
>Gen Z discovers chat rooms
fun desu
I too muted most of the servers. Otherwise i get notification every sec
I still use IRC, it can never die.
>Kills irc
that shit was dead for a half a decade now.
That's actually what I was hoping for though. Coolio.
>Not using Discord, Skype, and IRC through Pidgin
I've been using it everyday for more than a year. And yeah, everytime we try to have a voice chat sessions, it ends up in an incomprehensible mess of garbled audio, from which half of what someone is saying is lost.
And I have 1Gbps internet, a pro mic (Shure SM57) and a pro audio interface. And people still occasionally say they can't hear me properly. I'm 100% sure this happens because of Discord's crap backend for voice or because WebRTC plainly sucks for such intensive tasks.
Or their codec sucks. It's one of these. And yeah I also bumped the server bitrate to the maximum allowed, 96kpbs.
By contrast, when I talk to someone on Skype, we never have garbled audio or packet loss, over the SAME connections and SAME hardware.
So no point in coming up with bullshit arguments. The evidence is clear that Discord sucks for voice chat and it's pretty far from being a Skype replacement.
Yea sure it's cool for text shitposting, but that's it.
>leaving out every alternative protocol so it looks like wire is good
Fuck off
everything about Matrix is bloated and shit
Telegram is end to end encrypted though.
>kills skype
no not really
Does this look like shit internet to you? I also have a pro mic and pro interface.
If discord doesn't work decently when all the conditions are perfect, how could it work for casuals without pro hardware?
Who's gonna buy discord? They have their own investors. Big boys too like ((Tencent)).
*killed by riot.im and mumble*
There's nothing wrong with it's UI. Wire has a shittier one on desktop, discord also has a very similar UI to Riot so they're basically the same.
This. Discord's sound quality is inferior to Mumble from my experience, but Mumble sometimes has issues if the user doesn't go through the automatic setup. Discord also has occasional server issues.
>By contrast, when I talk to someone on Skype, we never have garbled audio or packet loss, over the SAME connections and SAME hardware.
Yeah, but Skype uses much more bandwidth. Last time I used it it used over a GB of bandwidth in half an hour, while Mumble/TeamSpeak with the same number of users used less than 100MB in over an hour.
>lacking a 2004 feature
>viable VOIP
no thx
people would rather have IRC die than have things like accounts and public chathistory which make their 31337 bouncers obsolete
>The evidence is clear
That your anecdote is not a sufficient sample size
I will use IRC until I die.
>disable game detection
>piece of shit still does infinite loops trough WMI
but why
Won't we all?
We don't know but discord having no ads and the very low nitro take up they must be data mining in order to pay back the venture capital
datamining maybe?
Is there a way to download multiple images from discord?
No-one takes discord seriously. Everyone I know and all the places I've worked use Slack instead.
Discord is a great red flag.
When a group or company unironically uses Discord as their main channel, I know to avoid any further contact with them.
This will literally never happen because normies can't understand the concept of only recieving messages while connected.
What's discord business model?
IRC was never alive.
>We support two layers of secure encryption. Server-client encryption is used in Cloud Chats (private and group chats), Secret Chats use an additional layer of client-client encryption. All data, regardless of type, is encrypted in the same way — be it text, media or files.
In other words, the server can always read groups chats and there is nothing you can do about it.
I hope this shit never dies so the normies and faggots don't move to other places
This. I got all my normie friends off Skype and onto Discord, and it's so much better.
>what is a bouncer
You don't get it at all. Discord is selling your data just like Microsoft, they won't need your micropenis money
DAE know my e-celeb GF? xD
She posts her tits on stream. OwO
Implying normies will spend the time setting one up and won't just drop IRC as soon as they find it doesn't JustWork™
>Joking about some one who has real friends not Internet ones
Irc isnt dead yet.
can IRC even die
Sell your info to their partner. It says so in their ToS
discord sucks so bad compared to irc
every server you check is scrolled back 2 hours by default. every server has 200 useless channels which are too annoying to check because the UI lags + scrollback
wish people would just use mumble and irc. not to mention discord is an obvious botnet. it scans all active window titles to check if you're running a game but that inadvertently collects your browsing history via tab names basically
with irc you need a faggy bouncer which most people aren't gonna bother to set up to get scrollback, if you're concerned about it collecting information on windows you could run it in a browser and get the same functionality or you could read the javascript source since it's an electron app
>Here, you just need to learn some Tcl...
>implying irc will ever die