Name a worse app

Name a worse app

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Facebook, Instagram


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Doesn't exist. Snapchat is the quintessential normie app.

Easy just go through fdroid and all of them are worse lol


facebook, instagram, linkedin are all probably worse. but I never even used snapchat before so idk.

Yik Yak and Facebook if we are talking about social apps.

Nah Snapchat is worse

your mom lol

I don't get the idea of use "apps" for normal websites
using facebook, twitter even instagram in the browser works better with a better perfomance too.
use phone apps have sense with sites that look awful in phones (like Sup Forums).

I really don't get it

These products are so addicting that people pull them out in order to fulfill the addiction. These days Facebook is like 80% phone or something because it feels so good to get a like or a comment.


Google Play Services

*Blocks your path because you're rooted*

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How many analytics libraries can you count?

Snapchat works fine, I guess stop owning a Poordroid?

does it count if its only use is for contact with drug dealers?
>just asking for friend


>Owns an Iphone
>Buys Apple products

Are you retarded son? Or you just like to let everyone know that you are a faggot?

n o r m i e s

telegram and signal

Please, stay where you are, sir.

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why is snapchat bad?

go fuck yourself buttblasted shitdoid never going back to that shitty device ever again.

Tinder, grinder


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Attached: biteapp.png (912x765, 178K)

(literally an app for a prison food menu for anyone who doesnt know)


Nothing worse than NormieChat, but NormieGram and Normiebook would be just behind

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>No mention of Windows

pro tip: install ad blocker in browser, go to
Same works for twitter and facebook.
They even let you make a shortcut app icon.

I don't know why anyone would install them as apps, there's literally no advantage and you can't block the sponsored content.

Pic related

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that was twitter then, whatever, if you go there with your phone you'll be on the mobile page.


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