I wish I was as lucky as Samberg to have a Banshee pierce my ears every night

I wish I was as lucky as Samberg to have a Banshee pierce my ears every night.

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>inb4 not as talented as Grimes

I haven't listened to her at all. Is this really a representative song? Shit is way more esoteric than I would have expected

that's one of her most accessible works

this is more representative (youtube compression makes this sound like shit but you'll get the point)

Thanks I hadn't seen that video. She is a goddess and yes, the best female musician around. Divers wasn't her best work which was disappointing because HooM is my favorite album of all time and I thought she might surpass it.

Shell be fine

She's p overrated.

Nothing on Peej

Good choice even though she's moved quite a ways away from the Ys style.






are good choices too.


what the fuck is wrong with the people commenting on this video? is there a single good female artist that isn't divisive?

They're right, she's shit.

>proving my point further

>That like/dislike ratio

>is she the GOAT female musician boys?

Maybe not musician but definitely songwriter. I mean she wrote Ys when she was like 21 years old, that blows my fucking mind. And she hardly has any bad tracks in her whole discog. She's a godess.

>having expectations

well there's your problem

her voice is a lot less weird on the actual album

how do i learn to never have expectations? i've been let down a lot but still get excited about things. it's a frustrating cycle

Are you seriously advocating for a more unanimous appreciation for her music? Half of her appeal is that there's a slight barrier to entry to her music, and that it literally is unable to be enjoyed by a large population. If everybody was on board, by definition her music would be pandering and bland. Universal appeal of an artist means you should turn around and walk away from them to find something more interesting.

>inb4 "contrarian logic" and "muh special club"


>Ys at 21
Friendly reminder that Orson Welles made Citizen Kane when he was 24

i'm always surprised people aren't into her, i don't think that enjoying her stuff is a feat of endurance or anything

have a terrible life and the expectations disappear

>that one girl saying her voice is shaky when it's just vibrato

It's her voice. The first time I heard Newsom back in like 2008 I legitimately thought she was a meme. Like I was being Rick rolled with this screechy ironic shit. Then I heard Ys.

every time i listen to ys i can't stop thinking 'fuck off van dyke parks' even though i love joanna. he just overdoes everything to the point where it's not even baroque it's just annoying

This is much more normal and accessible than OPs video, not sure wtf you are on about. It's normal singer-songwriter stuff as opposed to that weird baroque prog stuff.

you'll probably love this live, she plays the whole of Ys with her normal band. Monkey and Bear and Only Skin are so good

whoops, this one:

>tha souuuund of

Divers is better than HOOM lyrically

He did most of the arrangements for the live versions of Ys too. At least the tour they did following the album's release. I do enjoy them more though. I listen to Live at Bottletree as much as any of her studio stuff and more than Ys really.

>tfw I can't listen to patrician music filmed in front of an audience because I can't help but keep wondering what they're thinking and whether or not they hate it
anyone else get this feel?

>He did most of the arrangements for the live versions of Ys too

Source? I mean there's lots of lines that are the similar but I assumed it was Ryan Francesconi who transposed it





She says so in between one of the tracks on the Bottletree recording. May be between Only Skin and Cosmia? I'm at work or I'd let you know for sure.

Whoops I was mistaken. She says they are "derivative of the orchestral versions of the songs, written by Van Dyke Parks, in addition to parts they wrote themselves." so nvm

This is pretty sick.


such a beautiful melody man how does she do it

She is literally one of the greatest artists of our time
listen to this engulfing sweetness and interesting instrumentation how can anyone not like this wtf

Joanna Newsom is nothing but inauthentic garbage, please delete this post off of this image board.

>all those dislikes
Fucking kill me and spread my ashes already


What does this even mean in the context of her work? She's not attempting to latch onto any scene, or put on any sort of affectation.

How about you kill yourself for liking such shitty music

fuck you fagits she's a godess

Put your trip back on please. This makes us tripfriends look bad.

sorry. her voice is shit. This is a true Godess with musical talent.


>her voice is shit.
Come on son.

>Where you will not mark my leaving
>And you will not hear my parting song
>Nor is there cause for grieving
>Nor is there cause for carrying on

Damn that part always get me, i think it's where her voice sounds the best as well. Those deep breathy parts rather than the strained high ones. Kinda wish the song ended there




She's a low budget Kate Bush at best tbqh

>her voice is shit
Nice criticism bro. Which youtube comment is yours, i'll give you a thumbs up

jesus christ her music just meanders and drones on with no purpose. the melodies and ideas have no connection 95% of the time. they just play notes with no progression or any context.

it's like someone just smashing drums with no distinction for beat or rhythm.

Stop the meme. She's nothing like Mrs. Bush

How the hell is her music too patrician for you? She's not even that hard to get.

he says about one of the most thought out albums to come out in recent years, 5 years in the making. She even put effort so that the individual tracks in sequence are connected to each other musically.

none of them. I have never left a comment on youtube.

plebs will always pleb there's nothing you can do

Joanna is so fucking overrated. She sounds like a pig and makes bland baroque wow tier folk. Most of you only like her because of her bum. She will never reach the level of Bjork or even get close with that shitty voice

lol what?

Her melodic progressions are generally pretty long and varied but I've never considered them to be uncontrolled by any means. She even manages to make 17 minute seemingly meandering songs like Only Skin feel cohesive and calculated.


>She will never reach the level of Bjork
Has this board really fucking devolved into waifu competing?

She's a considerably better songwriter than Bjork IMO. If you don't like the kind of folk influenced material she works with then that's fine, but it seems like you've got a pretty shit opinion either way.

>bland baroque wow tier folk

i'm not saying it's not thought out, because i can't deny that. it clearly is. but that doesn't excuse...emotional absence. while it is a neat compositional trick that the arrangement is very ambiguous and not cut and clear happy or sad, it reaches grounds where it just doesn't really have any emotion at all. even something really rudimentary can still pull off ambiguity. look at some basic shit like Burn the Witch by RH. ambiguous but still retains emotions by manipulating dissonance. this lacks that manipulation of sounds and connotation. it's just ambiguous and makes it feel like masturbatory, disconnected melodies instead of UNIFIED complex composition.


being bad doesn't make you patrician, you fucking pleb. i'm saying there is poor composition and songwriting.

how are you THIS new to music?

>She's a considerably better songwriter than Bjork IMO.
Yes, "IMO", because objectively you are wrong

>emotional absence.
Have One On Me is literally one of the two or three albums to elicit tears from me. Qualify your opinions with "she doesn't make me emotional;" don't affect an air of objectivity.

t. Ricardo

t. Samburg

holy fucking shit that performance was stunning, she's so talented, i'm in love with her music, it's amazing. thank you OP.

>it's just ambiguous and makes it feel like masturbatory, disconnected melodies instead of UNIFIED complex composition.
Is this all you've heard from her? Have you actually listened to Ys? It's one of the most musically cohesive albums I've ever listened to.

i'll agree that Have One on Me is pretty solid

>emotional absence
mate i think that's just you, if you look at how passionate her 'fans' are about her then you realise how much most people connect with her music. She is one of the very few artists to bring me to tears

>but that doesn't excuse...emotional absence

That's absurd, Joanna is one of the most emotionally captivating musicians out there. If Anecdotes was the only thing you listened to it then perhaps I could understand that opinion as I think it's intended to sound a bit emotionally ambiguous as its dealing with some pretty abstract themes like the progression of time and whatnot, but either way I still think she instills more than enough sincere emotion into it. Are you sure this isn't just based around being too unfamiliar with her voice and not recognizing how she emotes things?

and drawing that conclusion from one song is especially ridiculous.


I dare you to try and say that those songs aren't emotionally evocative.

>while it is a neat compositional trick that the arrangement is very ambiguous and not cut and clear happy or sad, it reaches grounds where it just doesn't really have any emotion at all.

listen to the album version

Van Dyke Parks was a large part of that album, which is weird because Song Cycle was also guilty of "masturbatory, disconnected melodies".

All Parks did was handle the orchestral arrangements, with input from Joanna. All the songwriting structure and melody was done by her.

Zeena Parkins is a better harpist you just think jewsom is hot

Zeena Parkins is not a better songwriter

people like Joanna because of her songwriting, not just because she plays the harp you melon.

Eww I had no idea this is what she sounded like

Why the fuck does she sing like that? She sounds like Lisa Simpsons. What is the accent she's going for? Is it just made up?

I can't believe people listen to this person sing for enjoyment. That's not even getting into the meandering tuneless music and incomprehensible lyrics.

Dafuq did I just watch ? A weird acting and singing cat performing a unique style ? at least I hope so.

Can someone explain what is good about her songwriting? Can someone post examples of lyrics that aren't just nonsense?

And the signifieds butt heads
With the signifiers
And we all fall down slack-jawed
To marvel at words!
While across the sky sheet the
Impossible birds, in a steady
Illiterate movement homewards

it's just as pretentious are her msuic

Oh fuck off you moron, VDP is a legend and he did way better than the incompetent fuck on HOOM.


Her lyrics are pretty straightforward

>Illiterate movement homewards

The movement can't read?

Just saying she is not GOAT by any means

The birds are illiterate.

No one said she's a GOAT harp-player, we're saying she's a GOAT songwriter

Was there ever any argument to the contrary?

wow they bring outsider artists to kimmel?

The guy you replied to is also illiterate

Outsider artists don't try so hard to sound like outside artists

>outsider artists

>And the signifieds butt heads

lol she really used "butt heads" in a song?

She's contrasting the illiterate birds and nature in general with the writers who care about meaning and semiotics.

>the entire story

>i am here since 2008
>somehow never listened to newsome
>see the video picture of her with harp
>"hey lets just see what she will play on the harp"
>song start and she start to sing and the song start to play
>"wtf this is what is all about? An outsider artist?"

She can present usually cliched emotions in interesting ways using situations metaphors and even sort of esoteric words themselves in creative ways. She also pays a lot of attention to consonance and flow so that her lyrics themselves have a neat aesthetic aural quality without even considering their content, which itself is rife with meaning.