Is it better to learn coding from a book or a video lecture?

Is it better to learn coding from a book or a video lecture?

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Her nudes did not disappoint

>No girls on the internet meme
>Every girl on the internet is a trao/tranny meme

Fuck off already with your exhausted meme

Gotcha, bitch

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Books are way better because they are more similar to real world problem solving where you have to read documentation and stackoverflow threads to find an answer. I also find that videos take up way more time than a book does to cover the same information. Videos can be a decent resource at times but in my experience books are superior.

Much agreed

Someone has a case of hetero rage. Good thing heterosexuality will be extinct before the end of the decade. #resist

Claire Abbot. I don't even think she has social media now, but there's still hundreds of pics of her online

At this point you're not funny at all

Neither, just learn through practice and by reading other code.

For the theoretical part I prefer video because it's easier to understand. But for example and exercise part I prefer texts.

With videos you may have to sit through a bunch of garbage to get to what you want to know. Books have indices/TOCs so you can just dive in.
Videos may be self-posted, so there's no one editing them for quality; books go through and editorial/review process.
VIdeos may be ok at first if you know absolutely nothing about a subject, but after that, stick to the literature.

Claire Abbott. enjoy her nudes

Except homos can't even breed.

Both are worthless once a mistake pop up.

Even better lul

>go to video
>hello my name is Raj Prajeet

Yeah boi i learned everything through codebabes

In many countries they can adopt.

I always get some semi working scrap from stack overflow or somewhere else and tinker it with gradually learning how stuff works. Not sure its the most effective method.